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阿姆斯特丹阿尔梅勒馆 · 城市自然之声丨荷兰阿尔梅勒

2022/04/25 09:01:04
阿姆斯特丹和阿尔梅勒的都市区居住着数万亿的居民,包括人、动物、花草、树木和微生物。而我们应该如何组织城市来容纳人类及非人类居民呢?2022花卉博览会的阿姆斯特丹-阿尔梅勒馆通过汇聚不同物种的花园,放大了每类居民的声音。Overtreders W、Onkruidenier、Joost Emmerik和Kossmanndejong事务所共同为阿姆斯特丹和阿尔梅勒设计了“城市自然之声”,他们将展馆、花园和展览作为整合的多层次空间叙事,使建筑、自然与空间叙事融为一体。
The metropolitan area of Amsterdam and Almere houses trillions of inhabitants: people, animals, plants, trees and microbes. How can we organise these cities to support all human and non-human residents? The Amsterdam-Almere Pavilion at the Floriade Expo 2022 amplifies every inhabitant’s voice in gardens full of encounters between different species. Overtreders W, the Onkruidenier, Joost Emmerik and Kossmanndejong designed The Voice of Urban Nature for the Amsterdam and Almere municipalities. They designed the pavilion, gardens and exhibition as an integrated spatial and layered narrative. The pavilion’s building, nature and narrative become one.
▼展馆外观,External view of the pavilion ©Jorn van Eck
阿姆斯特丹阿尔梅勒馆 · 城市自然之声丨荷兰阿尔梅勒-3
▼入口,Entrance ©Jorn van Eck
阿姆斯特丹阿尔梅勒馆 · 城市自然之声丨荷兰阿尔梅勒-5
城市行动主义Urban activism
建筑、人口密度增长以及气候变化给城市的各类居民带来压力,城市自然倡议作为回应,旨在让城市更适合所有居民居住。为了呈现多样的“声音”,展馆邀请插画师保罗·法森(Paul Faassen)为阿姆斯特丹和阿尔梅勒的居民创作幽默肖像,并将这一视觉及空间宣言画在展馆的木展板上,它们与城市中的无数信息一样直接而有活力。例如,一只苍鹭描述它是在哪里获得午餐的,一棵枯树讲述它是如何迸发生命力的。
Construction, increasing human population density and climate change put pressure on cities’ various residents. As a response, urban nature initiatives are aiming to make cities more liveable for all their inhabitants. To bring the diverse “voices” to the foreground, illustrator Paul Faassen created humorous portraits of Amsterdam and Almere’s occupants. This visual and spatial manifesto is painted directly on the pavilion’s wooden walls and employs the same directness and energy as the countless messages that fly by as you move through the city. For example, a heron describes where he gets his lunch and a dead tree expresses how it is, in fact, bursting with life.
▼内部花园-木展板上画有动物肖像,Inner garden – animal portraits painted on wooden walls ©Jorn van Eck
阿姆斯特丹阿尔梅勒馆 · 城市自然之声丨荷兰阿尔梅勒-10
令人惊喜的观点Surprising perspectives
If we want to get an understanding of nature, we must listen to it. While wandering through six themed gardens, visitors can listen to urban inhabitants’ stimulating and surprising perspectives. Audio encounters with inspiring humans and non-humans from Amsterdam and Almere showcase how you, too, can contribute to a nature-inclusive future. Visitors discover how urban tree planters, material choreographers, nature optimists and a boy searching for herbs in the pavement make their cities greener. Their enthusiasm is contagious and entices you to join them.
▼容纳多种生物的展览空间,Exhibit space for a variety of creatures ©Jorn van Eck
阿姆斯特丹阿尔梅勒馆 · 城市自然之声丨荷兰阿尔梅勒-15
▼展板细部,Detail ©Jorn van Eck
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阿姆斯特丹和阿尔梅勒政府、Pakhuis de Zwijger文化中心、Avanti Almere社会组织、建筑师、动画师、音频制作人、插画师和建筑商相互合作,形成独特的交叉合作关系,融合了设计、专业知识和多元视角。从服装设计和音频旁白到绘画和种植,均创造出层次分明的多方叙事,所有部分完美融合、相辅相成。
The collaboration between the Amsterdam and Almere municipalities, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Avanti Almere, architects, animators, audio makers, illustrators, and builders creates a special cross-pollination of design, expertise and perspective. From costume design and audio narration to painting and planting, everyone’s contribution creates a layered and multi-voiced narrative where all the parts seamlessly integrate and build on each other.
▼展览实景-多层次叙事,Exhibition- multi-layered narrative ©Jorn van Eck
阿姆斯特丹阿尔梅勒馆 · 城市自然之声丨荷兰阿尔梅勒-22
The building is completely bio-based. The pavilion’s walls are made of lime hemp and wood sourced from a VOC ship and old Rijksmuseum exhibitions. After the Floriade Expo closes, Amsterdam and Almere will relocate and reuse the pavilion for ten years. Considering the pavilion’s short lifespan, we decided to only use biodegradable materials. By building the pavilion with nature, the exhibition invites visitors to search for a new relationship with humans as part of nature.
▼展馆墙壁由石灰麻和木材制成,The pavilion’s walls are made of lime hemp and wood ©Jorn van Eck
阿姆斯特丹阿尔梅勒馆 · 城市自然之声丨荷兰阿尔梅勒-27
Floriade Expo 2022
2022年4月14日至10月9日期间,阿尔梅勒会作为2022年世界园艺展Floriade Expo的舞台。荷兰园艺部门将与国内外合作伙伴一起展示可持续和宜居城市的创新解决方案。展览共占地60公顷,主题是“成长中的绿色城市”。
From April 14 to 9 October 2022, Almere will be the stage for the world horticultural exhibition Floriade Expo 2022. Together with national and international partners, the Dutch horticulture sector will present innovations and solutions for sustainable and liveable cities. The theme of the 60-hectare site is “Growing Green Cities”.
Municipalities of Amsterdam and Almere – Client
Overtreders W – Architect
Kossmanndejong – Design and art direction
De Onkruidenier – Landscape design
Joost Emmerik – Landscape design
Paul Casteleijn – Gardener
Fiction Factory – Construction and urban mining
Paul Faassen – Illustrator
Bas Mooij – Animator
Jesper Buursink and Dija Kabba – Audio guide
Jonas Leopold – Audio engineer
Pakhuis de Zwijger and Avanti Almere – Programming ‘We Make the City Green’
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