整个项目追求更加质朴纯粹的调性,在空间中以装置隐秘地划分功能、串联空间,以变幻的层次引导动线,将原木质感发挥到极致。依据场地的空间尺度合理分配展示、洽谈、办公3大功能的位置以及空间配比,表达了梵品对细节的深究态度以及“环保 生态”的品牌理念。
The whole project pursues a more simple and pure tonality. In the space, the function and series space are divided secretly by the device, and the moving line is guided by the changing levels, giving full play to the log texture. According to the space scale of the site, the location and space ratio of the three functions of display.
The original apartment structure is divided into 1 floor, attic and 2 floors. The divided space is not limited by the load-bearing wall, and the plasticity is strong, giving visitors an open and comfortable space experience.
The space organization gives consideration to the openness of the public space and the experience of the display area. The design implies the functional change by adjusting the height of the ground, the size of the scale and the intensity of the light.
The low posture of the exhibition stand is the expression language ready to go, and it contains all kinds of materials with a smooth force, so that the possibility, interaction and exquisite sense of integration, forming the focus of the stopping area.
The ingenious use of artistic paint, wood veneer, soft smooth tile, acrylic, stone and other materials, through simple geometric forms, the open large-scale booth, the final form of an immersive experience that can mobilize all senses.
The regular space tone gives an ethereal visual impression. Geometric element joyfully jumps in, or become a face, or adult, fall in the help of the design gimmick of thin thick contrast, width and narrow collocation.
The spreading light color of the facade blocks the tight nerves and soothes everyone close to its heart. Deep attune wood ark, according to comfortable scale is settled, the warm light that kindling along contour line and gentle tonal are seamless join up, produced subtle light effect change.
The blank background, under the reflection of the skylight, a collection and a release, yun Sheng Jing Ya Enron poetry. The color of black and grey precipitates downward, forming a combination of space design highlights and brand flagship display.
The wood panel serves as a listener, listening to the stones climbing around it telling unique spatial stories, so that the spatial logic and soul inspiration of returning to nature can be vividly interpreted. Humanized platform prompts us to pick up the steps.
项目坐标:广东 · 普宁
设计参与:锦程 展翼 建翰 洁微 洁泰