

本疗养院以巴黎著名的医生与社会主义活动家 Sara Weill-Raynal 命名,2021 年 5 月 17 日,在经过 5 年的翻新与扩建后,位于第 20 区的前贝尔维尔疗养院终于迎来了新居民。媒体对于某些疗养院恶劣生活条件的披露,使“老年人护理”成为了当下热议且亟待解决的课题。在这种混乱的背景下,Avenier Cornejo 事务所对 Sara Weill-Raynal 疗养院的设施进行了全面的翻新,以舒适的环境与高品质的空间回应了养老这一话题,同时,极大地改善了疗养院居民以及护理人员的生活环境。
Rechristened Sara Weill-Raynal as a tribute to the Parisian doctor and Socialist activist of that name, the former Belleville nursing home in the 20th arrondissement welcomed its new residents on 17 May after a five-year refurbishment programme. Revelations about living conditions in certain nursing home have made elderly care into a burning issue. In this troubled context, the refurbishment of the Sara Weill-Raynal facility by Avenier Cornejo offers spatial responses that improve the lives of both residents and care staff.
▼项目与周边环境,project and surrounding environment
本项目改造是巴黎市政实施的建设和改造举措之一,该计划由巴黎社会行动中心(CASVP)发起,其目的是改善巴黎各地护理设施的建筑环境与服务质量。而本项目的主要目的则是在密集且高度受限的场地中加强建筑与城市的联系,使两者之间形成清晰连贯的空间关系,具体措施包括确保扩建后的新建筑能够与位于 Pelleport 街 178 号的老建筑从一层到四层和谐地联系在一起。
The renovation is one of the construction and restructuring initiatives carried out by the Centre d’Action Sociale de la Ville de Paris (CASVP), whose aim is to improve the quality of care facilities across Paris. The main aim of the project is to establish a sense of programmatic coherence and urban legibility in a dense and highly constrained site. This involves ensuring the new building relates harmoniously to its immediate neighbours by aligning it with the building at number 178 Rue Pelleport from ground to fourth floor.
▼项目概览,overall view of the project
设计敏感性 Sensitive design
从外观上看,建筑的第五层和第六层从街道上后退了一段距离,这种处理手法在当地规划法规的限制下最大程度地增加了建筑的体积,最终为原疗养院扩建出 460 平方米的建筑面积,进而将居住房间的数量从 89 个增加到 94 个。由于建筑的一侧有一块受保护的绿地,无法进行扩建,因此,花园一侧的建筑体量保持了原有的状态。对结构的翻新与扩建体现了对现有建筑的尊重,同时秉承了经济节约的原则,设计尽可能多地保留了现有的结构,并在现有结构的基础上进行扩展与延伸。
▼剖面分析图,section diagram
Increasing the volume of the building within the constraints of local planning regulations, with setbacks on the fifth and sixth floors, has made it possible to add 460 sq.m. of floor area and to increase the number of resident rooms from 89 to 94. The presence of a protected green space made increasing the built volume impossible on the garden side. The structural work that has been carried out reflects both respect for the existing building and economic frugality, retaining as much of the existing structure as possible and adding an extension with its own structural system and its own foundations.
▼疗养院面向绿植遮蔽的花园,thesensitively designed spaces opening onto a sheltered garden planted with tree
the transparent ground floor space forms a dialogue with the garden
巧妙的空间设计,使扩建后的 Sara Weill-Raynal 疗养院面向绿植遮蔽的花园,为居住者创造出更多户外散步的机会。蜿蜒的小径穿过花园,这些小径不仅迎合了使用者日常散步的习惯,同时也使建筑远离了街道喧嚣的干扰,花园中还有宽敞的长椅,为居住者创造出宜人的户外休息场所。
With its sensitively designed spaces opening onto a sheltered garden planted with trees, the Sara Weill-Raynal facility offers ample opportunities for gentle walks in the open air. Protected from the hustle and bustle of the street, the path that winds through the garden is adapted to residents’ mobility needs, providing regular resting spots furnished with wide benches.
▼俯瞰花园,overlooking the garden
Kolumba 砖
Kolumba brick
建筑与城市环境的对话也体现在立面上,所有立面都采用了统一的建筑材料——砖,这种材料将疗养院化作社区身份的一部分。建筑师选择了扁平且具有迷人纹理的 Kolumba 砖材(528 x 108 x 37 厘米),这种砖材是由 Peter Zumthor 和 Petersen Tegl 专门为科隆的 Kolumba 博物馆定制的。交错砌筑的砖材形成小范围的“Mashrabiya”镂空窗花,点缀在面向街道的主要立面上,将建筑内部的公共区域和街道底层微妙地联系在一起。
This dialogue with the urban surroundings is also embodied by the façade, which uses a material that forms part of the identity of the neighbourhood, namely brick. The architects have opted for the flat, attractively textured “Kolumba” bricks (528 x 108 x 37 cm) developed by Peter Zumthor and Petersen Tegl for the Kolumba Museum in Cologne. The brick mashrabiya screen punctuating the main façade creates a delicate connection between the common areas and the ground floor on the street.
▼沿街立面,facade along the street
Mashrabiya on the facade of the ground floor
疗养院的六个楼层均采用了 Kolumba 砖材,受这种材料的真实性和耐久性的启发,建筑师 Christelle Avenier 和 Miguel Cornejo 希望利用它重塑该建筑的尊严,让宁静平和的氛围从室内空间流动到室外花园。同样地,Kolumba 砖材也为 Pelleport 街道营造出独特的当代特色,继由 Soler 设计街道 99 号、Borel 设计的街道 131 号,以及由 Bruther 设计的街道 135 号之后,位于街道 180 号的 Sara Weill-Raynal 疗养院也加入了统一立面材质的行列。现在谁还会说这是一个贫穷的社区?在本项目中,Kolumba 砖的选择再次反映出建筑师想要为该设施及其使用者赋予高贵和尊严的诉求,并希望以此消除人们对养老院的负面偏见。
Kolumba brick was developed in 2000 by Peter Zumthor and Petersen Tegl for the Kolumba Museum in Cologne. Avenier Cornejo has used this iconic flat brick (528 x 108 x 37 cms) for the façades of a 6-storey nursing home on the Rue Pelleport in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. Inspired by the authenticity and durability of this material, Christelle Avenier and Miguel Cornejo offer residents and carers an atmosphere of dignity and calm from the interior spaces to the garden. By the same token, they have provided the Rue Pelleport with yet another contemporary architectural feature: after Soler at number 99, Borel at number 131 and Bruther at number 135, we now have Avenier Cornejo at number 180. Who would now say that this is a deprived neighbourhood? Once again, this choice reflects their eagerness to give the facility and its users a sense of nobility and dignity, doing away with negative preconceptions about care homes.
▼立面以 Kolumba 砖为特色,the facade features Kolumba bricks
▼立面细部,detail of the facade
视觉联系 Views that connect
The interior has been redesigned to adapt to the new requirements of the programme, placing the human dimension at the heart of the project. As in a family home, the dining rooms are places to meet and mingle. Central and open to the horizontal circulation areas, they are friendly and bright, encouraging residents to use them for group activities. Wellbeing is a central concern, with ergonomically designed rooms and facilities bringing residents and carers all the comfort they need.
▼入口走廊,entrance porch
▼室内外的视觉联系,visual connection between indoor and outdoor
As well as providing carefully thought-out responses to functional requirements, the project makes strong commitments to its future residents. The rooms are designed as fully-fledged living spaces with subtle finishings: wood panelling, bright floor coverings, attractive colour schemes… every effort has been made to create a calm, well-adapted and fulfilling environment. The generously proportioned windows, equipped with sunshades, bring in natural light and maintain a connection with the city while protecting residents’ privacy. Both respectful of user privacy and open to the outside, the building establishes a subtle rapport between interior and exterior.
▼宁静的居住氛围,peaceful living atmosphere
为了使该设施符合医疗护理类建筑标准,建筑师对疗养院住宅区域进行了重组,94 个房间都设有独立的配套浴室。当代设计和现代化的管理,旨在积极应对当前的环境挑战。在能源方面,该建筑展现出极佳的能源效率,并获得了高环境质量(HQE)以及低建筑能耗(BBC)的认证。
As a result of making the facility standards-compliant and restructuring the residential areas, all 94 rooms have their own en-suite bathrooms. This modernisation goes hand in hand with a highly focused response to current environmental challenges in the design and management of the facility. Certified haute qualité environnementale (HQE) and bâtiment basse consommation (BBC), the building offers optimised energy performance.
▼总平面图,master plan
▼底层平面图,ground floor plan
▼标准层平面图,standard floor plan
▼居住单元平面图,residential unit plant
▼细部详图,construction details
Project name: Restructuring and extension for Sara Weill-Raynal nursing home
Architects: Avenier Cornejo Architectes
Project managers: Christelle Avenier, Miguel Cornejo, Pierre-Nicolas Georgeton, Olivier Saramito, Pierre Szmul, Jean-Remy Turot.
Project team: EVP Ingénierie [structural eng.], B52 [HVAC], Bureau Michel Forgue [quantity surveying], BASE [landscaping], IDDEA [asbestos removal], ETAMINE [green credentials]
Client: Centre d’Action Social de la Ville de Paris (CASVP)
Consultant: SemPariSeine
Programme: Restructuring and extending a 94-bed nursing home.
Location: 180, rue Pelleport Paris, France
Green credentials: NF Habitat HQE – renovation of care facility, City of Paris Climate Plan
competition: September 2014, commission: 2015, build: 2018, handover: April 2021
Surface area: site: 2,230 sq.m., total floor area: 4,320 sq.m., existing floor area: 3,500 sq.m., floor area created: 820 sq.m., usable floor space: 3,260 sq.m., garden: 620 sq.m.
Budget: 10,400,000 € + tax
Construction: First fixing: COLAS, Second fixing: SOGEFI – MOREAU, Electricity: LGE, HVAC: TIV, Exterior fit-out: TERIDEAL
Photographers: Simone Bossi, Charly Broyez
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