感知能量 (Feeling the Energy)

2022/06/08 10:46:04
由国际设计创意事务所CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati与建筑师Italo Rota合作完成的项目 —— “感知能量”,于2022年米兰设计周上亮相,该艺术装置将城市植物园变身为一座充满奇幻氛围的能源公园。设计利用500米数字弯曲铜管,创造了一条感知路径,在这里,人们可以探索不同形式的可持续能源生产和消耗过程。该项目是设计周INTERNI Re.Generation展览的一部分。项目中所使用的铜由世界上最大的铜材料生产商之一KME提供。“感知能量”装置将向公众开放至2022年6月13日。
At Milan Design Week 2022, international design and innovation office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati and architect Italo Rota unveil a project that turns the city’s Botanical Garden into an energy park. “Feeling the Energy” makes use of 500 meters of digitally bent copper pipe to create a sensorial path where people can explore different forms of sustainable energy production and consumption. The project is developed for Plenitude as part of the Design Week’s INTERNI Re.Generation exhibition. The copper is provided by KME, one of the world’s largest producers of this material. “Feeling the Energy” will be open to the public until 13th June 2022.
▼项目概览,overall of the project
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The installation invites people to wander through Milan’s historical Botanical Garden, in a sequence of six main stages: Energy Carousel, Garden Orchestra, The Leading Logo, Powering Vibrations, Blinds in the Sun, Solar Garden. These make it possible to directly experience how energy can be produced from the sun, wind, and people’s movements. Each step features a different object, all made of copper. The installation harvests and stores energy during the day, using it to illuminate the Botanical Garden in the evening. It also powers water vaporizers that will cool the garden pathways while at the same time nourishing the vegetation.
▼由铜管与有机光伏板构成的装置作品,art installation composed of copper pipes and organic photovoltaic panels
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a majestic carousel at the entrance of the park
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Visitors access the Botanical Garden and immediately discover a majestic carousel where they can experience the energy in motion. After that, people can walk under a series of portals that plays sequences from the renowned Four Seasons symphony by Italian baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi, performed by the Ensemble Strumentale la Barocca of the Symphony Orchestra of Milan. The exhibition path also includes a giant vibraphone which people are invited to play. Moreover, a tunnel with colored diaphragms laden with organic photovoltaic panels can be opened or closed by those wandering through it, while a canopy features sensors that can detect people’s presence and activate a cool mist.
▼花园管弦乐队,Garden Orchestra
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▼铜管塑形的“门廊”, “portal” of copper tubes
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▼有机光伏板投下的彩色光影,colored shadows cast by organic photovoltaic panels
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“装置的灵感来自植物的有机功能,”CRA创始合伙人、麻省理工学院感知城市实验室(MIT senable City Lab)主任Carlo Ratti说,“就像森林中的树木从不同来源吸取能量,并将能量传输到所需的位置,如某根树枝或叶子末端一样,装置的长铜管会吸收整体装置产生出的能量,然后在园区路径指定的位置上释放出来。”
“The installation is inspired by the functioning of plant organisms,” says Carlo Ratti, founding partner at CRA and director of the MIT Senseable City Lab: “As trees in a forest draw energy from different sources and then use it locally where they need it – in a certain branch or the end of a leaf – the long copper tube of ‘Feeling the Energy’ absorbs energy in its entire length and then uses it in specific points of the installation path.”
▼阳光下的百叶窗与太阳能花园,Blinds in the Sun and Solar Garden.
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paths formed by the installation guide people through the park
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the installation is inspired by the functioning of plant organisms
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“玩耍是人类的基本活动,该装置暗示了游戏和能源世界之间的新联系。它向我们展示出,每当我们消耗能量 —— 无论是在旋转木马上,还是在秋千上,甚至是在发声时 —— 我们都可以再从中回收一些能量。此外,该装置还引出了对能源效率的思考,一个简单的手势,比如调整光伏板的方向,就可以切实地节约到能源,实现能源的优化。”Italo Rota Building Office的创始人Italo Rota说道。
“Playing is a fundamental activity for every human being. This installation suggests new links between play and the world of energy. It shows us that every time we consume energy – whether it’s on a carousel or a swing, or even while producing sound waves – we can recover some of that energy. In addition, the installation hints closely at the theme of efficiency. A simple gesture such as orienting the photovoltaic panels allows us to think practically about saving and optimizing resources,” says Italo Rota, founder of Italo Rota Building Office.
▼树冠上的传感器则可以探测到人的存在,并激活薄雾装置,a canopy features sensors that can detect people’s presence and activate a cool mist
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▼水雾营造出童话般的环境氛围,the water mist creates a fairy-tale atmosphere
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▼由装置构成的林间小径,the path through the woods framed by the installation
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除本项目外,CRA事务所还在各种不同尺度的项目中探索了自然、人工,以及能源生产的课题,例如:能够利用运动跟踪与天花板上的喷雾元件来提供建筑局部冷却的Cloud Cast系统,以及意大利北部围绕一棵10米高的榕树建造的私人住宅The Greenary等。在此前的设计周展览中,CRA事务所还展出了一系列利用科技实现可持续未来的临时装置作品,例如,位于米兰大教堂广场的
CRA has explored the Natural and the Artificial as well as energy production at different scales, in a variety of projects. These include Cloud Cast, a system that uses motion tracking and ceiling-mounted misting elements to provide localized cooling, and The Greenary, a private house built around a 10-meter-tall ficus tree in northern Italy. At previous Design Week exhibitions, CRA developed temporary installations that use technology to devise alternative sustainable futures. For instance
Living Nature
, in Milan’s main square Piazza del Duomo, recreated a garden pavilion where all four seasons coexist with each other at the same time, thanks to an innovative energy management system for climate control.
▼夜景,night views
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▼夜间灯光与水雾效果,lighting and water mist effect at night
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Feeling the Energy
A project by CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati and Italo Rota
Client: Plenitude
Orto Botanico, Brera, Milan, Italy
Part of INTERNI Design Re-Generation exhibition within the Milan Design Week 2022
Opening dates: 6-13 June 2022
CRA Team: Carlo Ratti (founder), Antonio Atripaldi (Partner in Charge), Mario Daudo (Architect),
CRA Make Team: Mykola Murashko, Carlo Turati, Yasser Mohamed Harris, Lorenzo Capra
Italo Rota Team: Italo Rota, Francesca Grassi
Copper manufacturing: KME Italy S.p.A.
With the musical contribution of the Ensemble Strumentale laBarocca of the Symphony Orchestra of Milan, conducted by M. Ruben Jais.
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