开源城市主义在普利斯提纳的实践·CRA城市创新设计丨CRACarlo Ratti Associati

2022/07/25 15:04:56
“目前,世界各地的城市正经历着非同寻常的时期,这个时期充满危机,但也具有复兴的潜力。在新冠疫情初次爆发期间,当地政府官员面对前所未有的局面,被迫进行大胆的城市实验,以更有效地回应人们的需求,”CRA创始合伙人兼省理工学院智慧城市实验室主任Carlo Ratti说道。“普利斯提纳的历史和社会构成使其成为欧洲最具发展潜力的‘生活实验室’之一。我们对Manifesta 14的城市畅想致力于引导集体力量,来加速城市发展。此外,我们还要感谢Manifesta 14的负责人Hedwig Fijen、普利斯提纳政府以及市长Përparim Rama促成这次硕果累累的合作。”
“Cities around the world are currently going through an extraordinary time marked by crises, but also potential for renaissance. Faced with an unprecedented situation during the first outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, local government officials were forced to make bold urban experiments to respond more efficiently to people’s needs,” says Carlo Ratti, founding partner of CRA and director of the MIT Senseable City Lab. “Due to its history and social makeup, Prishtina is one of Europe’s most promising ‘living labs’. Our Urban Vision for Manifesta 14 strives to channel the city’s collective energy into accelerating its evolution. We are grateful to Manifesta 14’s director Hedwig Fijen, the Municipality of Prishtina and mayor Përparim Rama for this fruitful collaboration.”
“Commons Sense主张将公众作为实现建筑环境积极转变的关键。我们与当地协会、学生和居民合作,一直在试验快速并且具有参与性的方式来回收公共空间。这是更加广泛的城市变革和包容过程的第一步,我们称之为普利斯提纳模式。”CRA负责策展项目的合伙人Daniele Belleri说道。
“Commons Sense advocates for the Commons as the key for any positive transformation of the built environment. Working with local associations, students, and citizens, we have been experimenting with a rapid, participatory approach to reclaim the public space. It is the first step of a wider process of urban change and inclusion that we call the Prishtina Model,” says Daniele Belleri, partner at CRA in charge of curatorial projects.
国际创意事务所CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati公布了他们为Manifesta 14(欧洲游牧双年展)设计的城市畅想和规划项目,本届欧洲游牧双年展于2022年7月22日至10月30日在科索沃的普利斯提纳举行。本项目始于一系列临时的、开放的干预措施,并通过人工智能对城市进行分析,提出了回收城市公共空间的新方式。CRA的城市畅想名为“Commons Sense”,它将公民视为建筑环境演变的主要驱动力,这样能够促进反馈循环,从而实现长期的城市创新。
International design and innovation office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati unveils the result of its Urban Vision and Urban Program for Manifesta 14, the European Nomadic Biennial taking place in Prishtina, Kosovo between July 22 and October 30, 2022. CRA’s project suggests a new methodology to reclaim public space in the city, starting with a series of temporary, open-ended design interventions and leveraging artificial intelligence for urban analysis. CRA’s Urban Vision, titled Commons Sense, casts citizens as key drivers of the evolution of the built environment, fostering feedback loops to effect long-term urban innovation.
▼项目概览,overall view
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20世纪,政权更迭和政治冲突给科索沃政局和城市带来了巨大的动荡。因此,普利斯提纳当前也面临着公共空间严重短缺的问题。当地居民渴望扭转这种局面,该市前市长Shpend Ahmeti称之为一场持续的“公共空间之战”。针对这种情况,CRA和Manifesta 14提出了包容性城市创新的新方式,其初步成果将在普利斯提纳双年展呈现。这种实验性的“开源城市主义”方式是基于一系列从暂时到永久的干预措施,由基于公众反馈的参与方式发展而来。
During the 20th century, regime changes and political clashes brought considerable turbulence to Kosovo and its cities. As a result, Prishtina currently suffers from a substantial shortage of public space. A large group of disenfranchised local residents are eager to reverse this situation, described by the city’s former mayor Shpend Ahmeti as an ongoing “battle for public space”. In response to this situation, CRA and Manifesta 14 put forward an innovative methodology for inclusive urban innovation, whose initial results will be visible in Prishtina during the biennial. This experimental “open-source urbanism” methodology is based on a series of temporary to permanent interventions developed with a participatory approach based on citizen feedback.
▼走廊与街道,corridor and street
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▼走廊内部,inside the corridor
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首先,CRA绘制出城市地图,并确定一系列具有社会和文化意的地点。尽管这些地点大都处于破败状态,但它们很有可能引领城市复兴。在这一阶段,CRA与麻省理工学院智慧城市实验室(MIT Senseable City Lab)合作,利用人工智能分析生成数字街景,随后与普利斯提纳大学建筑系的学生合作,将调研结果予以实施。本着开源城市主义的精神,研究人员可以根据要求访问相关数据。其次,这种临时性的改造,或者城市干预,都是为了展示同一个地点如何被普利斯提纳居民回收和利用。此类工作皆在短时间内以低成本进行,具有明确的目的性。而后,当地居民受邀参与“用脚投票(指不再支持某决定)”,来决定这些干预措施应该变成永久的,还是被修改或者放弃。最后,主办方将召开评估会议,以促进城市的快速发展。
First, CRA mapped the city and identified a wide range of socially and culturally significant sites. Despite many of them being in compromised conditions, these locations have the potential to trigger an urban renaissance. In this phase, the studio teamed up with MIT Senseable City Lab to use artificial intelligence analysis to form a digital streetscape of the city. The findings were subsequently realized in collaboration with students from the architecture faculty of the University of Prishtina. The related data can be accessed on request by researchers, in the spirit of open-source urbanism. Second, temporary renovations, or Urban Interventions, were set up to demonstrate how the same locations can be reclaimed by and for Prishtina’s citizens. Such work was conducted at a low cost in a short period of time, with a clear speculative orientation. Then, local residents were invited to “vote with their feet”, deciding whether these interventions should be made permanent, or be modified or discarded. Finally, evaluation sessions will be held to facilitate the accelerated evolution of the city.
▼公众参与,public participation
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▼座位组成,seat composition
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▼树木种植,tree planting
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这种模式被应用于建设绿色走廊。这条全长1.3公里铁轨曾经满是废弃汽车和垃圾,现在已经变成了设有座位和绿植的人行道。此外,它还连接了Manifesta 14的两个主要地点:青年体育宫和砖厂。该人行道解决了普利斯提纳行人交通不便的问题,为居民和展览参观者提供了休闲空间。循环利用的方式确保走廊所有元素可以轻松拆卸和重复使用。参观者可以直接到达绿色走廊,也可以通过双年展组织的观光路线进行参观。
Such methodology was applied to build the Green Corridor. This 1.3-kilometer former railway track, which used to be filled with abandoned cars and trash, has now been transformed into a pedestrian path with seating and plants. In addition, it links up two main locations of Manifesta 14: the Palace of Youth and Sports and the Brick Factory. The walkway addresses the debate about how to remedy Prishtina’s problem of low pedestrian accessibility, and provides a leisure space for residents and exhibition-goers. A circular approach ensures that all the elements of the corridor are easily removable and reusable in other locations. Visitors can reach the Green Corridor independently, or through the mediated tours organized by the biennial.
▼更加适宜步行的休闲空间,the leisure space more suitable for walking
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其他城市干预措施早在2021年就实现了,并以不同方式融入普利斯提纳的社会结构。例如,希伏齐·舒莱曼尼图书馆通过Manifesta 14变成了永久性的文化机构,即叙事实践中心。同时,德国建筑事务所raumlabor将前砖厂改造成临时生态城市学习中心。这些项目展示了“开源城市主义”如何在不同的时间范围内产生变化。CRA还与科索沃文化、青年和体育部合作,使2 Korriku街区更加适宜步行,这条充满活力的小巷也被当地人称为“Kafet e Rakis”。
Other Urban Interventions were realized back in 2021, and have been integrated into Prishtina’s social fabric in different ways. For instance, the former Hivzi Sulejmani Library was turned into a permanent cultural institution, the Centre for Narrative Practice, by Manifesta 14 Prishtina. Meanwhile, the German architectural practice raumlabor transformed the former brick factory into a temporary Eco Urban Learning Center. These projects show how “open-source urbanism” can enact change within different time frames. Working with Kosovo’s Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, CRA also helped pedestrianize 2 Korriku street, a vibrant alley that is known to locals as Kafet e Rakis (Rakia’s cafes).
▼2021年城市干预项目鸟瞰,aerial view of 2021 Urban Intervention
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▼使用场景,overall of the project
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2021年3月,CRA首次受Manifesta 14委托实施城市畅想。整个过程被详细记录在Manifesta 14两年前的出版物《Public After All》一书中。该项目由CRA与麻省理工学院智慧城市实验室以及科索沃建筑基金会合作开发,在城市项目的创意调解者Carlo Ratti和艺术项目的创意调解者Catherine Nichols的参与下,它最终成为贯彻双年展的总体方式。在过去十年中,CRA参与了重大艺术和设计活动的策展工作,倡导更加公平的城市进程。工作室在2012年的伊斯坦布尔设计双年展上发表了《开源建筑宣言》,又在2019年深圳城市/建筑双城双年展上担任“城市之眼”展览的首席策展人。此外,Ratti还独立策划了2012年柏林宝马古根海姆馆、2015年米兰世博会的未来美食区,并联合策划了2021年波尔图设计双年展。
CRA was first commissioned by Manifesta 14 to conduct the Urban Vision in March 2021. The entire working process is detailed in the publication of the Manifesta 14 pre-biennial process titled Public After All. The project was developed in collaboration with the MIT Senseable City Lab and the Kosovo Architecture Foundation. It ultimately shaped the biennial’s overall approach, with Carlo Ratti named as Creative Mediator of the Urban Program, alongside Catherine Nichols, the Creative Mediator of the Artistic Program. In the last decade, CRA has been involved in the curatorship of major art and design events to advocate for more equitable urban processes. In 2012, the studio published an “Open Source Architecture Manifesto” at the Istanbul Design Biennale, and was chief curator of the “Eyes of the City” exhibition at the 2019 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture in Shenzhen. Ratti also curated the BMW Guggenheim Pavilion in Berlin in 2012, the Future Food District at Milan’s 2015 World Expo, and co-curated the 2021 Porto Design Biennale.
▼施工现场,construction site
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▼出版物《Public After All》,publication-
Public After All
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