A small house in a Basel courtyard needed to be easily transformed into rehearsal spaces for musicians. With the particularity that the clients would be the ones that would build it and then manage the space. Therefore, the stair for instance was planned in a way that they could build it themselves with simple technic.
▼外观,exterior view
After some versions (and locations) the project appears as a very straightforward public ground floor multi-use space and an upper floor for rehearsal spaces: three large rooms and a smaller room that can be converted into a recording studio.
首层公共空间,ground floor multi-use space
Within this frame, the project was to properly insert the rehearsal spaces (rooms in rooms, with its own floor and ceiling) and solve the new stair: an elegant and carefully inserted black piece able to fulfill regulations, fit in the very tight space and be simple to build so people without prior experience could assemble it.
▼易于搭建的楼梯,stairs easy to assemble
▼楼梯细部,details of stairs
The materiality of the final piece reveals certain parts of the construction (as the existing walls) and adds simple detailing and on-wall pipes in the new elements. Both combine to give a playful and easy appearance to the project, running now at full capacity.
▼音乐室,music room
▼楼梯轴测,axonometric of stairs
▼场地平面,site plan
▼首层平面,ground floor plan
▼二层平面,second floor plan