伊斯坦布尔"平民主义者 Bebek"餐厅丨土耳其伊斯坦布尔丨Lagranja Design

2022/07/15 09:00:53
业主委托 Lagranja Design 为其设计第二家“平民主义者”餐厅。项目坐落在 Bebek,是伊斯坦布尔市中一个复杂的街区。附带一提,第一家“平民主义者”是这座土耳其首都城市中客流量最大的休闲设施之一。
Lagranja Design was commissioned to design the second “The Populist” restaurant, located in Bebek, a sophisticated neighborhood of Istanbul. In the meantime, the first “The Populist” became one of the most frequented leisure facilities of the Turkish Capital.
▼空间概览,overall view of the space
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两年前,位于巴萨罗那的设计事务所 Lagranja Design 承接了一个富有野心的伊斯坦布尔项目。项目的挑战包括将土耳其第一家啤酒公司改造成一座拥有工业外观的现代酿酒厂。设计以禁酒时代的图形语言为灵感,最终的成果便是“平民主义者”。这家位于 Bomonti 地区的餐厅被“Time Out”评为伊斯坦布尔最棒的休闲场所。
现在,Lagranja Design 完成了同一个品牌下的第二家餐厅。这次的项目拥有一些独特的空间特征,需要采用新的理念和解决方式,从而使其不仅仅是在适应设计。新餐厅所在的基地原本是一栋带花园的别墅,地处 Bosphorus 大道边的富裕街区。
Two years ago, Lagranja Design studio in Barcelona undertook an ambitious project in Istanbul. The challenge consisted in the conversion of Turkey’s first beer company into a modern brewery with an industrial overall look, inspired by the graphic language of the Prohibition period. The result was “The Populist”, located in the Bomonti area, restaurant acclaimed by “Time Out” as the best place to be in Istanbul.
Lagranja Design now completed the second restaurant for the same brand. This time, the project of the second “The Populist” had some distinct spatial characteristics that demanded new ideas and solutions, therefore it could not just adapt to the design. The new “The Populist” is located in the former space of a garden villa, in Bebek, a wealthy neighborhood on the Bosphorus strait.
▼新的餐厅室内,interior of the new restaurant
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“梦幻啤酒机器”“The Beer Dream Machine”在第一家“平民主义者”餐厅中,设计师希望利用裸露的啤酒罐创造出一种工业氛围。而在“平民主义者 Bebek”项目里,为了适应所处街区的特征,空间被设计得更为精致和梦幻。
For the first Populist, the studio aimed for an industrial atmosphere with exposed beer tanks. For “The Populist Bebek”, in order to fit the neighborhood’s characteristics, a more refined and dreamy look has been created.
▼空间上方精致的装置,refined installation above the space
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Taking into consideration that the beer served in the restaurant is made in the first Populist, the design team was inspired to come up with a key element in the design: “The Beer Dream Machine”. The installation represents a ceiling mounted sculptural piece that serves as lighting and simulates the circuit of the beer fabrication.
▼装置设计草图,design sketch of the installation
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This piece also implied the architectural intervention over the two floors of the brewery, as the second one was transformed into a balcony overlooking the main level. This detail managed to direct the complete attention to the machine, as it can be easily noticed from every corner of the establishment. Therefore, the sculpture eventually becomes a complex machine and it almost feels alive, as the liquid is constantly flowing through the pipes and the lights are changing all through the day to create different atmospheres. At late hours they are dancing following the rhythm of the music playing in the brewery.
▼仰望装置和阳台,look up at the installation and the balcony
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整合挂钩的吧台 Bar counter with integrated hangers
吧台被视作一个单独的几何体块,其中整合了许多元素,包括台面、LED 灯、挂钩和搁脚。暗绿色的漆锌板均等划分了整个吧台,完成面材料让人想到啤酒桶的肌理,突显了整个空间的工业特征。锌板之间等距设置了光滑的铜制挂钩,每个座椅前挂钩圆球的颜色与座椅软套的色系相同。吧台下部弯曲的形状整合了搁脚架功能,不再需要设置搁脚用的金属管。几何体上部倾斜,扩大了再生木吧台的表面面积,LED 灯的使用则强调了吧台的体量。
The bar counter is thought as a single geometry that integrates many elements: the countertop, LED lights, hangers and the footrest. Equal dark green lacquered zinc strips divide the entire length of the bar. The chosen finish evokes the texture of the beer tanks and emphasize the overall industrial look of the space. An equal space is left between every zinc segment from where a polished copper hanger emerges. Each seat has an allocated hanger with a sphere following the same color scheme as the upholstery of the stools. The common additional tube used as footrest becomes unnecessary, as this function is fully integrated in the sinuous curvature created. The inclined upper part of the geometry allows the usage of a wider surface for the reclaimed wood counter, allowing in the same time the implementation of an LED light that underlines the volume of the bar.
▼吧台,设有与座椅同色系的挂钩,bar counter with hangers using the same color with the stool
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▼吧台近景,管道中流动的液体,closer view to the bar counter, liquid flowing through the pipes
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The ¨Bebek¨ Stool
“梦幻啤酒机器”不是“平民主义者”中唯一的定制家具。名为“Bebek”的座椅是另一个独特的设计元素,被 Lagranja Design 联合创始人和设计师 Gabriele Schiavon 形容为“极具表现力”。根据他的解释,设计“以被从后面看到为主要考量,因为座椅通常朝向吧台摆放,这便是靠背被强调的原因”。座椅将被收入 Lagranja Collection,这是一个由 Lagranja Design 设计制作的家具组成的品牌。不久的将来,另一家“平民主义者”将在伊兹密尔开业,设计依旧由 Lagranja Design 负责。
▼座椅设计草图,design sketch of the stool
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"The Beer Dream Machine" is not the only bespoke furniture created for the "The Populist". Therefore, another distinctive design is the stool called "Bebek", which is described as "very expressive" by Gabriele Schiavon, designer and co-founder of Lagranja Design. The design, as Gabriele Schiavon explains, "is thought to be seen from behind, as the stools are always placed facing the bar, so this is why the emphasis is on the backrest". The stool will be included in Lagranja Collection, a brand that brings together collections and pieces of furniture designed and edited by Lagranja Design. Very soon, another "The Populist" restaurant will open in Izmir, Turkey and Lagranja Design is again the one in charge with the design.
bar counter and the stools
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▼一层就餐区,first floor dining space
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▼较为私密的就餐空间,dining area with more privacy
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夹层带小餐桌的扶手 Mezzanine handrail with tray tables
Originally, the space consisted in two floors linked by a staircase. The decision of opening the middle part of the upper floor was made in order to obtain a homogeneous space and visually connect the two levels. Consequently, vertical intervention ensures the best scenario for the “Beer Dream Machine“ to be seen from every corner of the restaurant. The black mesh handrail is chosen due to its transparency, so the space can be observed without any visual noise. The strength and firmness of the handrail inspired the idea of converting round serving trays into tables. Therefore, the handrail supports the trays, which allows free space under the tables for people seating on the stools. By attaching the tables along the handrail, the customers can both see around and be seen. If the areas were segregated before, the creation of the mezzanine allowed the two floors to become part of the same action.
▼夹层,金属网扶手上设置餐桌,mezzanine, table supported by the mesh handrail
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霓虹文字 Neon Texts 霓虹文字旨在让人回想起禁酒时代反抗人群带来的那种不服从氛围。设计利用强有力的与食物和饮品相关的标语,以明确而又富有趣味的美学形式反映了抗议活动。大胆的信息将唤起义愤,迫使人们去满足自己的需求。不过,这些文字不能仅从字面上去理解,它们还包含了讽刺和幽默,如“举起我的酒杯”,“为你的薯条战斗”,“汉堡便是答案”等。霓虹选用白光,使得文字清晰可见且不会过于夸张,让重点依然停留在整体的空间上。这些标语如同画作,为设计增添活力,让使用者能够在一个友好的环境中感到舒适。这是唯一一个也在第一家 Populist 中出现过的元素,为品牌带来了一致性。
The neon texts aim to recall the disobedient atmosphere created by the crowds against political issues during the Prohibition times. Protest is reflected in a tangible yet fun aesthetic, using powerful slogans related to food and beverage. The bold messages evoke the indignation, force and determination of the people to satisfy their needs. Nevertheless, the text is not meant to be taken literally, so the twist consists in treating it with irony and humor, with messages such as “Hands of my glass”, “Fight for your fries”, “Burger is the answer”. The white light was chosen for the neon to make the text noticeable, without overwhelming, so the emphasis is kept on the overall space. Therefore, the slogans almost act like paintings that add dynamism to the design and make the user feel comfortable by stepping in a friendly environment.
This element, already present in the first premises Lagranja designed for Populist, is the only one repeated in order to give consistency to the brand.
▼入口和白色的霓虹文字,entrance and the white neon texts
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Bathroom Sink and Faucets
The bathroom might be seen as the synthesis of the entire project. Representative pieces of bespoke furniture used in the restaurant can be found in this space. For instance, the sink is made out of pieces of rehabilitated copper tanks used to store the beer.
White neon lights are used as direction signage and a fun neon message is included in each bathroom. By placing a tinted glass on top of the text, the light behind makes the surface become a mirror. The general illumination is assured by duct and luminaire segments used for the “Beer Dream Machine” too. The industrial look is completed by the sink faucets, which are made out of the same type of copper pipes composing the beer installation and the lighting fixtures. The aim was to create a unitary design that tells the story of beer’s true spirit and the prohibition, outlining in the same time the historical value of the location it occupies.
▼标识与灯光,signs and illumination
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The first “Polulist”:
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