图书信息综合楼总建筑面积 31266 平方米,是含图书馆、行政楼、风雨操场、网络教学楼、餐厅等多功能的校园综合体。基地位于校园核心区域,处在校园中心景观轴线之上,南侧为校园中心景观湖,北侧为山体公园。
▼建筑外观,external view of the building
Library and Information Complex building, with a total construction area of 31,266 square meters, is a multi-functional campus complex including library, administration building, wind and rain playground, network classroom, restaurant and other functions. This building is located in the core area of the campus, above the central landscape axis, with the central landscape lake in the south and the mountain park in the north.
▼鸟瞰,aerial view
挑战 Challenge 用地十分紧张且不规则,建筑需容纳图书馆、办公、风雨操场等多种功能,人员流线复杂,这是本项目最大的挑战。如何弱化大体量的建筑对于南侧中心湖与北侧山体公园的空间阻断和隔离,来保持校园南北景观的延续和视线的贯通,也是亟需解决的问题。
Planning land is very shortage and irregular, the building needs to include a variety of functions such as library, office, wind and rain playground, etc., complex design streamline, which is the biggest challenge of the project. How to weaken the spatial blocking and isolation between the central lake in the south and the mountain park in the north by the massive building, so as to maintain the continuation of the north-south landscape of the campus and the connection of sight is also an urgent problem to be solved.
▼顶视图,建筑与校园的关系,top view, relationship between the building and its surroundings
策略 Strategy 借鉴传统“冷巷”的智慧,引入五个南北向的夹缝天井,将建筑体量化整为零,划分为六个条状建筑,不同的条块对应不同的功能。纵向院落也将南北向景观和视线联系起来,使建筑成为南北校园空间对话的重要媒介。同时不同功能块通过相互之间的天井院落促进自然通风采光,摒弃空调,实现低造价下的被动式环保理念。
Five north-south crevices are introduced, the form of which comes from the traditional “cold alley”. So the building is divided into six strips, with different strips corresponding to different functions. The vertical courtyard also connects the north-south landscape and sight lines, making the building an important medium for the north and south campus. At the same time, different functional blocks promote natural ventilation and lighting through the courtyard between each other, so as to achieve no use of air conditioning and low cost of passive environmental protection.
▼近景鸟瞰,夹缝天井划分建筑体量,closer aerial view, building volumes defined by vertical courtyards
▼从校园人行道看向建筑,view to the building from the pedestrian of the campus
▼从停车场看向建筑,view to the building from the parking lot
▼沿湖外观,external view of the building along the lake
▼连桥和滨水景观,bridge and waterside landscape
▼体量和天井近景 closer view to the volumes and vertical courtyards
In order to solve the traffic and activity zoning problems of the library, administration building, and wind and rain playground, a center area is set up between them. The problem of complex circulation is solved by diversion through this open integrated area. At the same time, the “moving” wind and rain stadium and the “quiet” library are strictly separated to avoid noise interference between each other.
look back at the plaza and the lake from the entrance
▼仰望天井,look up at the vertical courtyard
▼仰望交通空间,look up at the circulation core
▼图书馆室内,interior of the library
▼阶梯状的空间,stepped space
▼夹层阅览室,reading room in the mezzanine
The facade
The longitudinal volumes of the building remain aligned on the south side, while the north side cuts and turns according to the form of the road. And the roof combines several large functional blocks into a whole through the roof of ups and downs. The north and south facades are then covered with concrete vertical louvers of varying spacing and depth to emphasize the integrity and landmark of the building.
▼起伏的立面,facade with ups and downs
▼立面近景,纵向混凝土百页,closer view to the facade composed of vertical concrete louvers
▼夜景,night view
▼灯光从立面透出,light permeating through the facade
▼总平面图,site plan
▼一层平面图,first floor plan
▼二层平面图,second floor plan
▼三层平面图,third floor plan
设计方:华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 陶郅工作室
设计年份:2014.01 – 2018.12
建筑面积:31266 m2
摄影版权:榫卯建筑摄影 SFAP