

项目名称 | 合景泰富·臻颐府
Project Name | KWG Precious Mansion
业主单位 | 合景泰富集团
Owner Unit | KWG Group Holdings
项目地址 | 中国 广州
Project Location | Guangzhou, China
空间陈设 | 亦境空间设计
Space furnishings | EGD SPACE
Every city has its own calling card mansion.
The mid-mountain mansion of a city reflects the demand of the residence of the urban layer peak crowd and bears the regional culture. Guangzhou, from the earliest Chu Ting to the current Bay Area album cover, shows diversified historical features and cultural characteristics. This time, EGD SPACE has joined hands with three giant brands of luxury goods, namely ARMANI, FENDI and VERSACE, to integrate eastern and western culture and create a high-level life model.
Based on the subtle fusion of the East and the West, it is both compatible and inclusive and clearly distinct, conveying warm luxury and containing its inherent unique spiritual attributes; Through the precise line material of the East and the gorgeous texture of the West, they overlap harmoniously on the neutral tone, presenting the spirit and charm of the East and the West in simplicity.
Whole space laid out a lot of white, the brown of large area does bottom, the black of local ornament, broke the coolness of the space, added composed and thick look and feel for it, reflected unique elegant temperament.
The diversified collection of glass, ceramic, metal and other vessels and artworks adds personality to the whole room, which is arranged and combined in a way of symmetry, arrangement and rhythm. The order of eastern culture makes every object in the space an effective fusion of balance, harmony and creation, thus creating a sense of wholeness.
Soft, low-key but not stuffy neutral color as the overall tone, set off the natural texture of furniture and home decoration, the use of wood, textiles to show the texture, while considering the different effects of light and shadow above different fabrics, to show the character of this space.
The combination of multiple materials and design elements collision gives an orderly order and harmonious sense of space, highlighting elegance and delicacy, creating a different gorgeous sense and relaxing atmosphere.
The texture generated by the integration of materials, space and nature creates a noble and elegant, dramatic interior environment, so as to create a quiet and luxurious home space; In such a space, nobility is its appearance, the heart that can move a person more is its however comfortable, refined, quiet and concise, the matting of every detail is so delicate and exquisite.
Active colors are applied in soft assembly decoration to echo the space of hard decoration, and the appearance of decorative colors aims to integrate the open space with colors. At the same time, these focus colors also control the visual focus of people, so as to create a detailed and diversified visual experience.
Luxury is not a matter of appearance here. Do not make public dazzing, the luxury that shows mountain dew, instead much exquisite and temperature, let a person place oneself among them, imperceptible fuzzy the concept that drops time, feel the strength of a quiet and easy only is in quietly and unripe, the mood also cannot help relaxed rise.
EGD SPACE亦境空间设计品牌创办于2015年,致力于顶级地产示范区售楼处会所、高端样板房、酒店、商业展览展示、创意办公、顶级别墅豪宅等高级定制化设计服务,与众多知名上市地产公司合作,作品屡获国内外顶级设计奖项、迅速成为设计行业新锐力量。
亦境着眼于当下,为生活创造新的概念,融入亦诗亦境的美学体验 ,秉承心在何处,美在何处的设计初衷。