Because of the luster of the aluminum floor, the natural light and the flow make the artificial lighting beautifully magnified. This results in the whiteness of interior wall portrays the different changes of light, also one’s lifestyle will support the various color-appearances. Therefore, the countenance of space will be abundantly produced along with the progress.
▼餐厅细部,通过立面上的孔洞从室内看向室外庭院,details of the restaurant, viewing from the inside to the outside courtyard through the aperture on the facade
▼住宅一层走廊细节,details of the corridor on the first floor
In the modern city of Japan, the digitizing of the function and projection within the plan are strongly needed. Thus, the new model of building has almost not been provided. Rather, it is revealed that the project of the private house plays an important role in Japan. Because it is possible to lose connection with the conventional consciousness, the essential matter is being put into consideration while the client with individuality is being confronted. “What is Architecture” must be pursued by architect.
▼住宅夜景,night view
▼概念模型,concept physical model
▼概念轴测图,concept axon
▼剖面轴测图,axon section
▼总平面图,site plan
▼一层平面图,1F plan
▼二层平面图,2F plan
▼南立面图,south elevation
▼北立面图,north elevation
Project name: Topological Folding House
Design: Takashi Yamaguchi & associates
Design year: 2013-2016
Completion Year: 2017
Leader designer & Team: Yusuke Nakamae, Yuma Matsubara, Noriyuki Hikida
Project location: Hyogo, Japan
Gross Built Area (square meters): 115㎡
Photo credits: Yusuke Nakamae