法明顿城市景观规划 | 智能城市农业与环保设计的融合

2014/05/29 08:00:00
Townscaping an Automobile-Oriented Fabric: Farmington, Arkansas By University of Arkansas Community Design Center, Fayetteville, AR
"This project references the vibrant farming community of the 1940s and 50s. It is an intervention that is edible. There is a remediation for each approach to town. This is an unromantic problem that is solved in a dignified way. The right of way is public space and this is the beginning of rethinking how to use public space for public good."
—2013 Professional Awards Jury
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▲走廊重建成舒缓交通和种植食物的城市空间系列 The Corridor is Restructured as a Series of Urban Rooms that Calm Traffic and Bear Food
The planning area captures the town’s commercial base located south of the highway, opposite public school facilities, a senior citizen community center, city hall, and safety service facilities.
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▲法明顿曾是世界果园Farmington was once the World’s Orchard
Farmington was once a substantial downtown agricultural processing center in one of the country’s largest apple-growing regions. It is estimated that 40 percent of the apples and pears grown at the turn of the 20th century were grown in Northwest Arkansas.
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▲法明顿的演变The Evolution of Farmington
Mapping analyses chronicle Farmington’s changing urban morphology, where it was once a center of agricultural processing. Now, Farmington is a bedroom community to surrounding communities, which have retained their downtown cores.
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▲重建当地食物景观Re-establishing a Local Foodscape
The project proposes a “productive” landscape, which functions as a continuous public network integrating urban and ecological systems. Akin to a public utility, the network defines new public spaces, blocks, neighborhood edges, and transitions between the town fabric and its riparian corridor, recalling Farmington’s lost agricultural heritage.
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▲智能城市农业接口重拾丢失的农业遗产 Smart Urban Agricultural Interfaces Reclaim a Lost Agricultural Literacy
Urban landscapes are designed as laminated ecosystems since some plants are optimal remediators of air and water pollution, while others favornutrient cycling and soil husbandry or integrated pest management.
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▲第三期:地标 Phase 3: Accentuate with Landmarks
Triangulate school and commercial zones with traffic roundabouts that replace traffic signals, accompanied by public art with novel urbanized agricultural structures.
第二期: 景观框架和新街道几何结构Phase 2: Frame with Landscape and New Street Geometries
Connect gateways with new street geometries, incorporating a multiway boulevard, a green access alley, bike and pedestrian trails, and urban agricultural systems.
第一期: 连接门户通道Phase 1: Bound with Gateways
Demarcate entries into city services complex and commercial strip with town gateways.
现有环境Existing Context
The town’s nondescript commercial and institutional hub is a low-density, single-use zoned fabric serviced by a five-lane arterial highway.
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▲第一期 在走廊端点发展城市门户通道,划定城镇中心
Phase 1 Develop urban gateways at corridor endpoints, delimiting the town core.
The town green gateway proposes a green space around which a new year-round regional farmers’ market, existing city hall and fire station, and future private development are to be located.
The riparian gateway marks transition to the riparian corridor trail and foraging landscapes below.
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城镇绿色门户通道Town Green Gateway
Establish a town green with orchards and a new farmers’ market pavilion at the west gateway that organizes scattered assets (i.e., buildings and parking lots) into a coherent, identifiable, urban realm.
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▲农贸市场和绿色城镇Farmers’ Market Pavilion and Town Green
Develop a year-round farmers’ market to process regional food products, and to host multiple community events – Farmington’s best porch.
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▲大桥Riparian Bridge Gateway
Develop the intersection between highway and riparian greenway with agricultural urban components and new bridging elements. The eastern gateway serves as neighborhood threshold organizing scattered assets (i.e., buildings, bridges, Parking lots, and streams) into a coherent, identifiable, urban realm.
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▲法明顿门户通道Farmington Gateways
Designed for food production and processing, the combined landscape and street system, serves as public armature ordering future infill development between the gateway.
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▲第二期Phase 2
Focused on infill, phase two introduces new right-of-way geometries between gateways, including a food-bearing multiway boulevard that accommodates regional and local traffic with bicycle and pedestrian facilities. New pedestrian crossings and nodes connect the commercial sector with public school facilities across the corridor, creating a safer multi-modal realm.
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▲种植食物的新复合型林荫大道和人行道规划New Food-Bearing Multiway Boulevard and Pedestrian Interface Plan
The multiway boulevard can accommodate existing land uses while developing a “food utility” that provides access to local food production and can be foraged. Retrofits also accommodate multiple modes of transit, including pedestrian, bicycle, and local as well as regional automobile traffic.
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第三期 用空间划分和城市艺术代替工程设备,实现交通稳静化(不减少交通量)(Phase 3 Traffic calming (without diminishing throughput) is achieved through spatial definition and civic art in lieu of engineering devices.)
Phase three substitutes roundabouts for traffic signaling at two key intersections within the corridor segment. roundabouts extend the gateway features and are accentuated with public art structures featuring signage and urban agricultural living walls.
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▲公共艺术—环路Roundabouts as Public Art
Besides maintaining continuous traffic flow, roundabouts rationalize awkward and dangerous street intersections while enhancing street aesthetics with wayfinding landmarks that combine public art and urban agricultural espaliers. The roundabout with an accompanying plaza at the public school facilities connects sports facilities with academic buildings severed by the road.
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▲种植食物的新复合型林荫大道和人行道Food-Bearing Multiway Boulevard and Pedestrian Interface
Coupled with a new “food utility”, ordinary street accessories related to lighting, signage, paving, shelter, and furniture civilize the corridor, creating a pedestrian-oriented frontage system that incents better use of the land.
Project Statement
The Farmington townscape plan retrofits a suburban five-lane commercial arterial into a food-bearing multiway boulevard, revitalizing this once vibrant 5,000-person farming community. Townscaping employs a serial organization of nodes to create a walkable urban environment within an automobile-oriented context. Townscaping proposes an incremental urbanism without reliance on capital-intensive architectural investments. The goal is to evolve a memorable town fabric through three place-making strategies: 1) agricultural urbanism, 2) context-sensitive highway design, and 3) public art planning.
Project Narrative
Farmington was once a substantial agricultural community in one of the country’s largest apple-growing regions. It is estimated that 40 percent of the apples and pears grown at the turn of the 20th century were grown in Northwest Arkansas. The townscape plan proposes to re-establish a local foodscape, recalling Farmington’s agricultural heritage. The convenience provided by proximity to growing systems demystifies farming and positions it to be a tool for local economic development and jobs creation.
1. Develop an urban agricultural landscape network of civic food-bearing landscapes – edible landscapes – in public right-of-ways, recalling Farmington’s lost agricultural heritage. This provides local food supply resiliency and security, while democratizing access to improved nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Landscapes include fruit-bearing arboretums, foraging landscapes, herbaceous container gardens, trellised vines, and espaliers (
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