青岛天意华苑别墅 | 光影交错,自然与简约的和谐之家

2020/07/11 12:40:21
Inspiration is thefeeling of the beginning, like a threshold, where silence and light meet. Thesun never knows how wonderful it is until it hits the side of a building---Louis I Kahn
Home is a harbor for travelers. The owner of this villahas been traveling around the world for many years because of his businessrelationship. After enjoying numerous prosperity, he hopes to return to theinner peace. There will always be a place, far away from the gameof business, carving time with family slowly.
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In order to create beautiful light and shadow traces inthe building, the designer changed the interior of the original building. Thearea of the living room window was expanded, and more sunlight poured infreely. It collided with the background wall of the natural stone, forming alight and shadow relationship of alternating light and shade.
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Qingdao, where the project is located, is surrounded by the sea on three sides. The humid air in summer gives people a densefeeling, but it also makes the underground space very humid, so it is easy toproduce mildew and odor. The development unit has reserved the lighting well,but affected by the area and location, it is far from being able to solve thelighting and ventilation problems. The air lift, fresh air and other artificialmeans have a certain effect, but the comfort is not good And energy consumptionis very high, not environmental protection, so many villas underground space isoften reduced to underground storage. At the same time, the housekeeper'sliving space is also located underground, if it cannot provide a livable livingspace for it, the owner is not acceptable. The design team  reexamined the space from the architecturalpoint of view, and considered the whole courtyard into the overall space. Withthe expansion of the original lighting shaft, as un ken courtyard was excavatedunder the west side of the building, and alighting ventilation corridor was dugout under the south side of the building. In this way, the lighting andventilation of the underground space were realized on three sides, and thespecific problems were solved with the help of nature In addition, the skylightand cloud shadow are introduced into the interior, blurring the boundarybetween indoor and outdoor.
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German philosopher Schelling said that "architecture is solidified music". The spiral staircase extending from the first floor to the second floor is undoubtedly the best interpretation of this famous saying. Beautiful lines and symmetrical proportion are just like the gorgeous and rhythmic music. 
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Lao Tzu said, "less is more, more isconfused". The design team did not elaborate a lot of materials, no mainlamp design, attached with exquisite bedside lamp, through the opening and closing of curtains, the degree of natural light intervention can be freely determined. In addition, the light gray soft bag background creates a simpleand quiet atmosphere.
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青岛天意华苑别墅 | 光影交错,自然与简约的和谐之家-27
项目地点:山东 青岛
设计团队:边胜军 杨智勇 郭鑫阳
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