平行世界的美学主义 · 华发外滩首府舒适家居丨有观设计

2021/07/14 17:00:00
平行世界的美学主义 · 华发外滩首府舒适家居丨有观设计-0
关 于 作 品
The Work
/ 有 观 出 品 /
项目面积 | Area:187㎡
项目户型 | Type:四室两厅三卫
项目地址 | Address:华发外滩首府
硬装设计 | Hard outfit design:有观设计
软装设计 | Soft outfit design:有观设计
服务模式 | Service mode:全案设计
/ 设 计 背 景 /
原 始 结 构
平行世界的美学主义 · 华发外滩首府舒适家居丨有观设计-20
The limitations of the house types often stem from the chaotic circulation, structural limitations and poor functionality, and the original structure has been occupied. From the beginning of the entrance, the unclear functional zoning makes the space very unreasonable; the restaurant is too cramped to meet the western kitchen function proposed by the owner; the dark bathroom cannot be lighted and the frequency of use is not high; and the corners are scattered. The wall makes the space lack of smoothness.
平 面 布 置
平行世界的美学主义 · 华发外滩首府舒适家居丨有观设计-24
Stylist extended the metope of dining-room below the premise that does not affect spatial Redesign the plan after the plan. First of all, the line of sight is smooth and harmonious; the western kitchen + island design is integrated with the restaurant, and the dining experience of combining Chinese and Western kitchens is upgraded; after removing the excess wall, the new cloakroom is given to the master bedroom. The large space meets the needs of maximizing space storage, and the fully functional suite design gives full play to the creativity of the design; the dark guard is cancelled and expanded into storage space, which is convenient for storage and use.
( 视 频 版 )
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平行世界的美学主义 · 华发外滩首府舒适家居丨有观设计-32
/ 餐
厅 /餐厅延续客厅浅淡的画风,白与灰交融,二者不争不抢,在适宜的时机以一副抽象绘画表达精致的志趣,与居者发生情感共鸣。睿智低调的黑色餐椅配合一家三口饮食起居,一抹俏皮的绿意上,洒落阳光雨露。空间是有记忆的,这种记忆将以生活化场景留存下,有悠闲踱步的阳光,柔和的风,还有美食与欢笑,爱与真诚,让家蓄满能量。
The dining room continues the light painting style of the living room, blending white and gray, and not competing for it. At the right time, an abstract painting is used to express the exquisite interest and emotional resonance of the residents. The wise and low-key black dining chair complements the diet and daily life of a family of three, with a touch of playful greenery, shed sunlight and rain. Space has memories. This kind of memory will be preserved in life-like scenes. There are leisurely pacing sunshine, soft wind, delicious food and laughter, love and sincerity, so that the home can be filled with energy.
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The spacious bedroom is from the perspective of the owner. The two owners like texture and details, and pursue the ultimate comfort experience. The designer refines the warm and sedimentary temperament of wood, uses natural light, overflows with wooden shutters, flows into the room and exudes a warm and calm texture, providing a quiet and quiet private place for busy days. Here everything is hardened into soft, soft bedding balances the direct flow of decorative lines, and even the material is simple and simple. There is no extravagant embellishment, the soft halo of the bedside wall lamp makes people quiet, and the decoration and beauty at this moment are also part of the ideal life.
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/ 荣誉 Honor /
2020 年 40 under 40 中国(湖北)设计杰出青年
2020 年 “她设计”年度优秀软装设计
2020 年 金住奖(武汉)十大居住空间设计师
2019 金住奖中国百杰居住空间设计师
2019 中国(武汉)十大居住空间设计师
2019 40 under 40 中国(湖北)设计杰出青年
2018 IDF“建筑主义“设计先锋人物
2018 40 under 40 中国(湖北)设计杰出青年
2018 芒果奖 中国住宅优胜奖
2018 CCTV《空间榜样》入选作品
2018 国务院颁发光华龙腾奖 百人榜
2018 M+中国高端室内设计大赛 年度网络人气奖
2016 湖北室内设计总评榜 住宅类优秀奖
2016 Hi-Design 第四届室内设计大赛公寓租一等奖
2016 第七届筑巢奖住宅类优秀奖
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