建筑体唯一的艺术性,并不是设计师类似于画家的随机创作,而是反应在未来的城市空间中,参与城市活动的人群所形成带有集体记忆的自发性公共活动。——阿尔多·罗西 The only expression of "ART" in architecture field, is not the spontaneous creation From designer during processing of design, but it will be reflection on the future urban Space which they created, on the spontaneous activities with collective memory at the Public domain. - Aldo Rossi.
1/2 桥的本质希望既能满足市民自我参与城市公共空间活动,不需要太多的预期规划,又能同时满足某种上层规划的需求。
The essence of 1/2 bridge will render diversification from spontaneous open activities,Without "setup" or "total planning",but it will still achieve the requirement From total planning.
We set up two programs, Wenxing citizen plaza and Wenxing museum, the bridge is chopped into two parts, but it still connected as the whole. One part will continue to represent the red culture of revolution, another part will be free for participation from citizen and tourist. It will organize diverse activities reflecting on the folk culture, such as market, night market, folk culture performance, children playground and etc.
1. 尺度
总桥体的尺度位 30 米宽,180 米长,成为古镇记忆、民俗文化以及红色革命三个轴线的整合,整体桥体形成一个巨大未来永兴县市民活动的平台,可以组织和发生的活动包括城市市集、城市夜市、城市菜市场以及红色革命文化的展览活动、节假日的庆典活动等等,不定性的形成未来自发性的活动平台,自发由当地市民组织和使用。
1. Dimension
The entire length of the bridge is defined into 30meters width and 180meters length. It will combine three trips from future urban planning, which will be the strip representing red culture, folk culture and ancient town memory. It will generate a big platform for citizen participation.
2. 功能
30x180 米长方形板被从对角线切开划分成文星历史博物馆和文星市民活动广场两个部分。博物馆的部分由一个巨大的屋顶遮盖,而城市广场是露天的,两者之间相通,并且联系,并不阻碍人流。
1. 文星革命博物馆:由两片巨大的展板组成,一边是木质浮雕,纪念人民英雄的革命场景,另一边是木质展板,可承载不同的临时展品。
2. 文星市民活动广场:市民广场未来承载不同的市民活动,包括永兴集市、夜市以及永兴民俗展览等等。桥体成为一个承载未来市民活动自发性的平台。
2. Program
30 by 180 meters rectangular bridge is diagonally cut into two parts - Wenxing historical revolution museum, and Wenxing citizen platform. The museum is covered with big roof, transition from open to close. Two parts are fully connected at the ground floor.
1. Historical revolution museum: it composed by two big roofs, one of it exhibited a wooden Relief, describing the scene during the War of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. the others is for temporally exhibition.
2. Citizen Plaza: it will accommodate diverse city activities, such as market, night market, folk exhibition, and etc. Bridge has become a platform for citizens’ spontaneous activities.
3. 纪念碑
1. 南端的望江楼:作为功能需要,设置临江楼在端头,并可以通过内部旋转楼梯通达屋顶,看向江面,在望江楼内部俯瞰整个城市。
2. 北端的纪念碑:在北部端头形成标志性雕塑感,并配有红色五角星代表红色革命。
3. Monument
At the head of north and south part of the bridge has two different iconic objects, representing monumentality.
1. At the head of the North part, it is the program of building aside river from the brief, it contains a tea house and viewing deck at roof top, the place could both enjoying both side of the river and the yongxing town.
2. At the head of south part, it is the iconic monument with star at the top.
4. 活动
整个 30 米宽的桥体在平面上是相通的,由于永兴革命博物馆的上面屋顶的遮盖限制,产生了不同的空间感官尺度,于此同时我们将不同的尺度给予划分不同的类型的公共活动。
4. Activities
The entire 30 meters of width is connecting from west to east. A half of the bridge is covering by the entire roof, according to the transition of the shape, it defines different size of the activities on both side of the plaza and museum.
One side is defined as museum. It will contain big conference at the "L" section; historical revolution exhibition at the "M" section; a monument tour at the "s" section.
On the other side, it is citizen plaza. It will contain market, show performance, and folk culture exhibition according to different section of size.
△Floor Plan 平面
△Exploding diagram
1/2 桥既是一种空间上的融合,也是表达两种思想意向代表政府与人民需求的融合。提高了人民参与城市活动的积极性。
△Birdview 鸟瞰图
△Perspective view from North entrance 北侧入口人视角
△Perspective view from inside of museum
△Perspective view from riverside
设计单位:JOA 开间建筑
设计时间:2020 年
总长度:180 米
总宽度:30 米
总占地面积:5400 平方米
总建筑面积:2900 平方米
红军革命博物馆面积:2700 平方米
二层茶楼面积:200 平方米
GoBorderless _ECoC 边界规划
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