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七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计

2021/03/18 18:00:00
WAY INTERIOR DESIGN Le design pour le plaisir
七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-1
It’s not enough for us to build functional products that can be understood and usable. We should also build products that can bring fun, excitement, joy and beauty to people’s lives.
项目地址 / 七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)
建筑面积 / 260m²
设计团队 / 未止设计
设计时间 / 2020.07
竣工时间 / 2020.10
这个项目坐落在正大 CPL 底商,共有四个出入口,东南两侧是落地窗,采光非常好,但也因为有四个出入口的原因,所以造成了一定会存在四个通道,所以我们在店铺中心位置设置了中心服务区,可以照顾到各个角落的客人,环绕吧台一周设置了各种属性的坐客区。
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七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-16
The color is different from the last store. This time, we used more warm orange and beige to match, and partially used blue for embellishment. I hope Wang can create a stylish, warm and relaxed atmosphere.
Door& Gateway
We ultimately designated the south and north sides as the main entrances, while also retaining the entrances on the east and west sides, allowing customers to conveniently enter the store from any direction.
We eventually used the south and north sides as the main entrance, and the east and west entrances were also reserved, so that customers can easily enter the store from any direction.
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The north entrance is in the office building, which is convenient for guests in and out of the building.
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七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-30
七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-31
The south entrance is next to the road, which is convenient for outdoor guests to enter and exit. It is also the entrance and exit for takeout.
We set the most important functional bar counter in the C position of the store, and use the space movement line to divide the afternoon tea area, the office island area, the casual seating area, the booth area and the operation area. The circular bar counter is also divided into the bar counter area, the coffee operation area, the cashier area and the takeout area for the convenience of takeout staff to pick up meals.
We set up the most important functional bar counter in the C position of the store, and use the space to divide the afternoon tea area, office island area, scattered area, deck area and operation area. The circular bar is also divided into Bar counter area, coffee operation area, cashier area, and meal collection area for takeaway staff.
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七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-39
七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-40
Multi-functional bar counter
Office island area
Set up a high bar, suitable for team gatherings
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Afernoon Tea Area
Next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, we set up an afternoon tea area, which is interactive with the surrounding natural space.
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七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-53
七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-54
∷Scatterea Area
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七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-57
∷ Deck Area 顶面与墙面相结合,从墙体以弧形分叉、延伸,像是一页被翻开的书。
The top surface is combined with the wall, bifurcating and extending from the wall in an arc, like a book that has been turned over.
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The deck area is partitioned for more privacy
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七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-64
七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-66
七日食 LIGHFOOD 轻食(正大 CPL 店)丨未止设计-67
The mirror set on the top surface projects an interesting space
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Continuing the menu wall of a store, an interesting way of ordering
Find a corner by the window, in the early morning, order a cup of coffee to enrich your taste buds, and prepare for the new day; in the afternoon, two or three friends are meeting, order a cup of juice and delicious desserts; at the beginning of the night, the combination of light food and good wine is also the same Harmony. Slow down, enjoy life, and enjoy the rare luxury time of modern urbanites.
丨编辑丨Ace/ Alex
WAY 未止空间设计
T:15136369042 / 15136368045
A:洛阳市涧西区世纪华阳 9-2-2001 室
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