复古绿意之家 · 洛阳名优雅筑丨中国洛阳丨未止设计

2021/10/18 15:17:45
——— 罗曼. 罗兰
There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is and to love it.
—— RomainRolland
复古绿意之家 · 洛阳名优雅筑丨中国洛阳丨未止设计-4
People always have unlimited longing for beautiful things, especially for the house they live in.
The house carries people’s purest things. When family affection, love and other emotions produce subtle and happy chemical reactions here.
The house is not just a space, but a "home".
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It is very rare to meet owners who like retro. The owners are two people who love life and have a life style; I like collecting beautiful enamel pots, making coffee, baking and raising flowers.
We have made the retro atmosphere we understand, and look forward to landing slowly with the owner. We hope that the owner can get rid of the fatigue of the day when he comes home, release his love for life and wantonly enjoy the beauty of life.
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1. 西厨、岛台、餐厅、客厅竖向排开,空间的互动性更好,也更通透。
2. 公区洗手台做成两面都能使用的,方便进门后洗手消毒。
3. 主卧调整卫生间大小,放进了屋主心心念念的浴缸。
Door& Living Room
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用 Ton 椅代替了换鞋凳,唯一的墙面线条用在了入户换鞋区,从进门开始就优雅起来。
Ton chair is used to replace the shoe changing stool. The only wall line is used in the shoe changing area. It is elegant from the beginning of entering the door.
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We only use green, black and milk coffee in color.
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A closet was designed to store and display pots and pans for the hostess.
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When the sunset shines into the house through the veil, you can sit in the rocking chair, listen to music, drink a glass of red wine, not be disturbed by the outside world, and enjoy your own lazy time.
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The double-sided washing table is more convenient to use and makes the space more transparent.
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∷Master Room
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The folding door is equipped with wick glass, which is simple and retro. The translucent glass allows more light to shine in, warms the whole space, has a hazy beauty, and the color of the bathroom is looming.
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After the wash basin is placed outside, we extend the retro brick on the toilet floor to the entrance of the master bedroom and add a locker.
Master Bathroom
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The bathroom is matched with yellow and green, elegant and retro.
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The acceptance of the owner is very high, but we still made half looming and half pure transparent glass partition, and added a layer of gauze curtain outside to increase a trace of tenderness.
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∷ Cloth& Reading Room
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In fact, "retro" is a fashion that will never go out of style. Like the old movies in medieval Europe, it is low-key and tasteful.
A good case is not only the decoration and softloading, but also a process for later residents to slowly feel the space and enrich the space, add more life elements of their own, and make the whole space truly become their own home.
项目地址 / 洛阳.名优雅筑
Location / Luanchuan LUOYANG
户型面积 / 116m²
设计团队 / 未止设计
DesignTeam/WAY Designstudio
主案设计/ 王梓宁、杨丹旭
DesignDirector/ Alex Wang 、Ace Yang
Assistant Designer/Thunder Zhao、Yunxiao Nie
设计时间 / 2021.09
WAY 未止空间设计
T:15136369042 / 15136368045
A:洛阳市涧西区世纪华阳 9-2-2001 室
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