

蘑菇空间,庇护荒诞,供应神奇药水。蘑菇强调不循规蹈矩地吸收养分,我们推崇人与人敞开交流,开放自我意识。从与人对话中,获取灵感和启迪,从而充实自我,收获能量。将营养反作用于更多的交流。蘑菇精神的共生关系,也旨在分享更加美好的社群,让群体收获灵感,丰富多元生态。光与色的游戏 WARM CONCESSION 本次设计的出发点是改变既有的传统空间,并通过材料的使用来增强其与周围环境的联系。以开放性与封闭性之间的冲突关系为基础,建筑团队制定了一种能够模糊传统室内外界线的设计策略,整体使用不锈钢搭配多变的灯光营造一种赛博朋克般的超现实感。
The starting point of this design is to change the existing traditional space and enhance its connection with the surrounding environment through the use of materials. Based on the conflicting relationship between openness and closedness, the architectural team developed a design strategy that can blur the traditional interior and exterior lines. The overall use of stainless steel with variable lighting creates a cyberpunk-like surreal feeling.
▼项目内部,appearance of the project
▼项目主入口,main entrance
赛博朋克是科学技术与社会碰撞形成的产物,赛博朋克想探讨的就是高度发展的科技和人类自由意识之间的矛盾,其实每一部赛博朋克电影,永远都在问“我是谁?”MUSHROOM 酒吧整体统一延用了赛博朋克其多色灯光相撞的特点,希望表达整体空间的未来感,结合透光亚克力,形成强烈迷幻及摇滚氛围。
Cyberpunk is the product of the collision between science and technology and society. What cyberpunk wants to explore is the contradiction between highly developed technology and human freedom. In fact, every cyberpunk movie always asks "Who am I?" MUSHROOM bar as a whole unifies and extends the characteristics of cyberpunk and its multi-color light collision, hoping to express the futuristic sense of the overall space, combined with transparent acrylic, to form a strong psychedelic and rock atmosphere.
▼吧台一侧,Side of the bar
The main body of the space is in the form of a semi-enclosed circle, giving people a sense of experience of a short stay. Looking inward from the door, the scene can be fully presented visually, and a visually wrapped and immersive space scene experience is created. The "inside" and "outside" of the deck form a strong contrast between "natural" and "scientific and technological future."
▼找一找蘑菇在哪里?Where are the mushrooms?
▼座位区,seating area
▼地面处理,Ground handling
项目 | Project 蘑菇空间酒吧设计
面积 | Area 136 平方
设计机构 | Design agency 禾公社空间设计事务所
主案设计 | Main case design 胡秦玮
深化设计 | Deepen the design 周子安
文案 | Copywritingt 小卤
我的生命在你的时光中 | HOGOSO 珠宝店设计
海港花园极简私宅设计,宁波 | HOGOSO DESIGN
Q Q:247847973
办公地址:宁波市鄞州区下应街道创新 128 园区 13 幢 102 号