

The clouds and the moon are different, Light and shadow cannot be separated.
光,很难用具象的方式去表达给个体,什么样的光是高级的?我们认为没有绝对的高级照明. 光在表达的过程中 更多的在扮演一种情绪和角色,我们需要将这种角色感通过场景化的方式去输出给消费者.
Light and shadow experience store.
This design is based on "home".
Light, it is difficult to express to individuals in a concrete way, what kind of light is higher? In our opinion, there is no absolute high-level lighting. In the process of expression, light plays an emotion and role, and we need to export this sense of role to consumers by means of scenes.
我们希望将这家店打造成第一家灯光生活方式集合店,通过灯光,设计 ,智能化 影音 行成产品与生活方式联觉.
we need to reshape our daily life with the unit of "home", reconstruct the control frame through the intelligent system, and rely on the intelligent pulling of people’s five senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste) to generate the sixth sense -- emotion to break the invisible magnetic field and explore a more suitable lifestyle for ourselves.
We hope to build this store into the first lighting lifestyle collection store, and make synesthesia between products and lifestyle through lighting, design and intelligent video and audio.
This design takes’ home ’as the unit and hopes to have both the past and the future in the expression of space. The more important part of’ past ’lies in memory and the traditional’ future ’emphasizes the progressive and redefined way of life.Through this store, we hope to express a living state to the urban population, which is synesthetic with lights, music, home video and smart home in the living space: receiving visitors, reading, Patty...
In terms of design, we will keep the traditional framework, and look for the future concept in the framework. Simple sofa tea table forms a comfortable space, pass light this kind of silent language, express peculiar emotional appeal in indoor artistic conception, achieved at the same time initial setting "home" concept. The moment the customer steps into the space, he can feel the atmosphere we create.
We use "ball" as an art installation, trying to express light and shade, Yin and Yang by carrying and changing light. Nonphysical products are expressed by spheres and diffracted Spaces. Light and shadow futurist.
conceptual design
Plane Scheme
Project Name|项目名称
Project location|项目区位山西省太原市居然之家1F
Project area|项目面积60m²
Design company|设计公司HOOOLD空间设计
Designer | 设计师韩磊
Lighting design|灯光设计LST
Plants display|植物陈设nack 黑猫
韩磊HOOOLDSTUDIO创始人设计总监从 HOOOLD 设计成立以来,一直专注空间设计本质,致力于探索研究人与空间的关系,挖掘设计跨界可能性、人与建筑与外部空间的关系,我们提倡空间要有故事性,材料要有生命力. 讲究设计的角色性,任何时候建筑设计本身都比不过人的生活更根本.
获得奖项:2019年 荣获“法国双面神 GPDP AWARD”商展类空间金奖
2019年 山西省青年设计专家
2019年 荣获“金外滩”最具商业价值金奖
2018年 荣获“natuzzi全国TOP10 ”设计师
2018年 荣获“居然设计家杯”最具商业价值金奖
2018年 荣获“山西省设计年度人物精英设计师”称号
2018年 荣获“亚太空间设计最具影响力设计师”称号
2018年 荣获“中国(山西)年度精英设计师”称号
2018年 荣获“第八届意大利米兰筑巢奖”商业空间专业组银奖
2017年 荣获“居然顶层杯”最具商业空间价值奖金奖
2016年 荣获 “居然顶层杯”山西室内设计大赛 住宅空间设计一等奖
2015年 荣获 山西祁县昭馀古院落文物、文化保护开发先行者荣誉称号