安缦诺怡(Aman OI)

2013/09/06 00:00:00
Aman OI在梵文中译为“安宁之地”,由此命名寓意着这片神奇的土地能够带给所有入住的宾客宁静与祥和。地处东海之边的白沙海滩,遥望Vinh Hy海湾,更有位于胡志明市东北部的主山国家公园环绕。
Aman OI is translated in Sanskrit as "the land of tranquility", named after the magical land that brings peace and serenity to all who stay. Located on the edge of the east China sea, baisha beach looks out over Vinh Hy bay and is surrounded by the main mountain national park northeast of ho chi minh city.
作为在越南的首次亮相,安缦将越南传统的建筑元素融入现代化的海滨度假村,落址宁顺省自然保护区主山国家公园内,距离芽庄金兰机场车程90分钟,即便在途中也是风景如画。Aman OI坐落在美丽的白沙滩上,俯瞰被誉为越南最美四海湾之一的荣海湾,由比利时建筑大师Jean-Michel Gathy设计。
For his debut in Vietnam, amanh has incorporated traditional Vietnamese architectural elements into a modern beachfront resort in nyeongthun province nature reserve main mountain national park, a picturesque 90-minute drive from nha trang Kim LAN airport. Aman OI is located on a beautiful white beach overlooking rong hai bay, one of the four most beautiful bays in Vietnam, designed by Jean-Michel Gathy, Belgian Architect.
Aman OI为世界各地旅客提供31间景观房,5座Aman Villa,有些住处甚至附带私人泳池。休闲娱乐设施包括Aman全套Spa服务与海滩俱乐部体验。客房包括客人的亭台别墅,面积覆盖了整个坡山。楼阁融合了越南传统建筑风格,散落在半山腰,隐匿在树叶中,保证你拥有足够的私人空间,提供了有游泳池的别墅和没有泳池的别墅类型。每间楼阁的设计和布局相同,客厅和卧室合二为一,你可以在露台躺椅上休闲放松,欣赏国家公园或东海美景,或是在泳池楼阁的私人泳池享受清凉。
Aman OI offers 31 landscaped rooms, five Aman villas and, in some cases, private pools for visitors from around the world. Recreational facilities include Aman's full Spa service and beach club experience. Guestrooms include guest pavilions and villas that cover the entire hillside. The pavilion is a blend of traditional Vietnamese architecture, scattered on the hillside and hidden in the leaves, ensuring you have plenty of private space, offering villas with and without pools. Each pavilion has the same design and layout, with the living room and bedroom combined into one, allowing you to relax on deck chairs, enjoy views of national parks or the east China sea, or cool off in the private pool of the pool pavilion.
The cliff pool is next to the central pavilion, while the other pool is at the beach club. The library contains all kinds of books, music and table games. You can pick up traditional Vietnamese lacquerware, handmade accessories and local bronzes, COINS, ceramics and clothing at boutiques. Oman's spa offers five therapeutic suites; Two spa suites; A hair salon and grooming; There are also a series of lounges for relaxation. Fitness options include a gym, a pilates studio, a lakeside yoga studio and outdoor tennis courts.
The pavilion offers a picturesque view of the surrounding mountains or lake. Each pavilion has the same layout and design, with the living room and bedroom combined into one, with a wooden deck with a tanning bed. It is equipped with king-size double bed, sofa, desk, LCD TV with international channel, ipod compatible sound system, wireless network, mini bar and espresso machine.
Located on the shores of the lotus lake, the aman spa occupies the main location of the resort, surrounded by the rolling mountains of the national park, a peaceful place to relax and rejuvenate. The five double therapy rooms all have chic double baths, private dressing areas and showers, as well as two spa suites, hand and foot therapy rooms and a hair salon with manicures. Before or after the therapy, you can relax in the lounge and enjoy the peaceful scenery. Amanat pampered your body, face and hair with all-natural, chemical-free products that include traditional Vietnamese ingredients, including aromatic herbs, rice and coffee.
Aman OI成为Aman集团东南亚团队最新成员。Aman在东南亚现有度假村遍布泰国、老挝、菲律宾、印尼以及柬埔寨。
Aman OI is the newest member of Aman's southeast Asia team. Aman has resorts in southeast Asia in Thailand, Laos, the Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia.
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