

室内设计工作室Jouin Manku与巴黎装饰艺术博物馆合作,为Van Cleef & Arpels珠宝之家设计了一个新的展览——When Elegance Meets Art。
Interior design studio Jouin Manku has designed a new exhibition for High Jewellery Maison Van Cleef & Arpels, in collaboration with the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris. When Elegance Meets Art .
Patrick Jouin和Sanjit Manku这对组合有着共同的愿望,他们希望创造出与环境相结合的空间,从而产生情感和魔力。对于这个新的展览,JOUIN MANKU组合想象了一个梦幻般的场景。灵感来自中国的风景和园林,梦幻般的氛围给游客一种穿越梵克雅宝世界的冒险感。
The Patrick Jouin and Sanjit Manku tandem shares a desire to create spaces that are anchored in their context, giving rise to emotion and magic. For this new exhibition, the JOUIN MANKU duo has has imagined a dreamlike setting. Inspired by the landscapes and gardens of China, the dreamy atmosphere gives the visitor a sense of adventuring through the world of Van Cleef & Arpels.
小画廊展示Van Cleef & Arpels的早期作品,在一个安静的空间里,用柔和的灰色和青瓷色调展示20世纪10年代至30年代的珠宝和珍贵物品,以及短片和视频。
The Small Gallery looks at the beginnings of Van Cleef & Arpels, with jewellery and precious objects from the 1910s to the 1930s exhibited alongside short films and videos, within a quiet space in gentle tones of grey and celadon.
后来的作品,从1940年到2017年,在Medium画廊展出。层层叠叠的透明、半透明和不透明材料,抽象图案的面料,以及绿色、蓝色和紫色的色调,把珠宝的所有美丽都衬托出来。由Jouin Manku设计的透明发光的陈列柜,是专门为展览而制作的,它的低调让珠宝闪耀着所有的荣耀。
Later work, from 1940 to 2017, is displayed in the Medium Gallery. Superimposed layers of transparent, translucent and opaque materials, fabrics with abstract patterns, and tones of green, blue and violet, bring out all the beauty of the pieces of jewelry.Transparent, luminous display cases designed by Jouin Manku and specially made for the exhibition punctuate the visit, discreet so as to let the jewels sparkle in all their glory.
在色彩方案变化的引导下,游客在梵克雅宝的不同时期、风格和灵感中前进,最后来到最后一个房间,这个世界上最出彩的房间,大画廊。在这里,展示了Maison历史上每个关键时期最具代表性的作品。一条穿越历史的道路被沿途隐藏的宝藏所打断,最终成为展览的主要展品:Fée Ondine自动化。
Led by changing colour schemes, the visitor progresses through the different periods, styles and inspirations of Van Cleef & Arpels before finally coming to the last room, the most out of this world, the Large Gallery. Here, the most emblematic creations from each key period of the Maison’s history are displayed. A path through the ages is punctuated by hidden treasures along the way, culminating in the major piece of the exhibition: the Fée Ondine Automate.