

韩国的设计工作室Studio Unravel,设计了当地的一家女性服装品牌旗舰店Love You So Much。工作室沿用了他们一贯的设计风格对该商店进行设计。
Studio Unravel, a South Korean design Studio, designed Love You So Much, a flagship store for a local women's clothing brand. The studio used their usual design style for the store.
Because this is a small clothing store with an area of about 40 square meters, its space is smaller, too much decoration will appear messy and crowded, make the space appear more narrow in the vision, lack of space sense.
因此,在Love You So Much内部,设计工作室主要采用简洁的天然材料和金属搭配装饰,在这里几乎找不到过多的不必要的装饰,整体内部以简约、朴素为主。
Therefore, in Love You So Much, the design studio mainly uses simple natural materials and metal decoration, where there is hardly too Much unnecessary decoration, the overall interior is simple and simple.
The texture of natural materials and the metal support with strong sense of shape form a hotspot in the space and add layers. The studio also divided the space with metal materials, using the reflection of metal objects to visually enlarge the space.