

“ 珍珠之美, 精美的珠宝。 ”
设计师手记 一颗珍珠要 经过巨大的努力 才能成为精美的珠宝 这个过程会留下痕迹 但这正是珍珠之美的定义 珍珠的形象被区分为形式、功能和颜色
啊。诊所是一家皮肤诊所,它的含义是 健康。这个空间象征着健康美丽的适当程序,以及作为感性品牌、好客和专业性的灵活品质。
Ah. Clinic is a skin clinic which implies the meaning . The space signifies suitable procedures of a healthy beauty and the flexibility in qualities as sensual brand, hospitality, and professionalism.
正如医生阿尔伯特-史怀哲(Albert Schweitzer)曾经说过当人们自己有了光,光就会从他们身上照耀出来。它预示着,相互理解,接受他们是谁,而不是试图改变他们,并体谅他人,当所有的人都团结起来时,就会有最好的光芒。
As physician Albert Schweitzer once said ‘When people have light in themselves, it will shine out from them’. It anticipates that understanding one another, accepting who they are, instead of trying to change them and being considerate of others shine at its finest when it all unites.
To metaphorically convey the meaning, was appointed as the motif. A pearl goes through immense measures to become the fine jewel it is, leaving traces of the process but is what defines the beauty of a pearl.The figuration of a pearl was distinguished into form, functions, and color in order to design the space.
First, we formed the space the pearl expresses of its modestness. With formation and the mood of the space provides a sense of stability. The orderly repetitive elegant curves summon the forms of a pearl.
Second, the space was put together in consideration of the functions of comfort. The layout and structure of the place needed to function as a place where patients could mentally feel calm and comfortable being in the area. We wanted to remove overly bold structures and tried to let lights have a smearing effect to give a comfortable mood.
Thirdly, we wanted to express the profound and mysterious color of the pearl. Opposed to an artificial gloss, to signify the elegant gloss and diffusion of a pearl, old forms of potteries that went through the process of high temperature and cooling down for long period of time was used to signify the uniqueness of Ah. Clinic.
means accomplishing a genuine healing through sympathetic relations. Through the space, we hope to send a message that the professional views by the doctors and connections from within help seek the hidden beauty and achieve a sincere treatment distinctively at Ah. Clinic.
Nokav Studio Rouyesh
Nokav Studio Rouyesh
The residential building is located in a residential area in the east of Tehran. The employer wants to transform the building into a medical use and wants to build a medical building, but it is completely different from the context of the area.
However, we all know that if we want to design a suitable building, we must regard it as a part of the whole, give it the opportunity to integrate into the surrounding environment and finally become a part of the city. Therefore, we decided not to destroy the existing building, but to retain its overall structure and some residential features, and give it new life through new design.
We believe that the preserved part of this building has withstood the impact of the changes of the city from the past to the present, and made every curious visitor think about their future. We retained the skeleton, main wall and stairs, and strengthened them with the same red brick material and several different methods.
Each room is placed in the center of the brick space in the form of a white box. The white box and its accessories have a modern appearance, with soft rounded corners inside and outside.
The functions of different spaces and boxes determine their smoothness. Non-medical functional spaces such as reception room and waiting room are the most smooth, while medical functional spaces such as operating room are the least smooth.
The space with curve form is used together with the ordinary sharp corner space, which not only attracts the audience visually, but also has a positive psychological impact on them. Relevant research results show that this form conveys more sense of balance and relaxation to people. When used in the space with therapeutic effect, it can effectively reduce the pressure of patients.