
2020/07/20 15:52:21
天鹅咖啡馆是一家由南非著名设计师Haldane Martin设计的法式小餐厅。这家颇受欢迎的咖啡馆位于开普敦的东城区,这里是一个新兴的创意区,咖啡馆的氛围优雅且柔和,唤起了巴黎式的魅力。
Swan Café is Cape Town’s first traditional French creperie designed by iconic South African designer Haldane Martin. Elegant, feminine and atmospheric, this popular new café evokes the charm of Paris in the city’s burgeoning creative district – the East City Precinct.
餐厅标识中心的蓝色天鹅图案由图形设计师Heidi Chisolm设计,也是Haldane室内设计理念的核心。天鹅是一种充满神话色彩的、优雅与美丽的生物,这些特点贯穿于整个品牌形象和室内设计之中,包括天鹅图案、女性化的卵形装饰,展现出诱人的魅力。
The blue swan logo at the core of the graphic identity (created by graphic designer Heidi Chisolm) is central to Haldane’s interior design concept. The gorgeous creperie embodies its’ namesake – a graceful, majestic creature with mythological significance, these attributes inform the brand identity and interior design throughout – the swan emblem, feminine oval shapes and alluring charm.
▼天鹅标识,the swan logo
Blue feather-like ceramic tiles detail the main bar and back bar wall. The romantic blue tiled open-plan kitchen celebrates traditional crêpe-making on view at the front of the café. A rounded chalkboard for quotes or menu specials is flanked by a wire and plywood adjustable shelving system on each side displaying the beautiful crockery.On the floors, custom-created blue and white hexagon tiles with the swan logo decorate the entrance set into simple concrete screed flooring.
▼入口空间,entrance space
▼画有天鹅图案的蓝白六角瓷砖,blue and white hexagon tiles with the swan logo
▼开放式厨房,蓝色羽毛瓷砖与展示台,open kitchen,blue feather-like ceramic tiles and showcase
Furniture, lighting and finishes pick up the brand’s signature colours. Furnishings pay homage to traditional French cafés, with marble bistro tables and bespoke chairs, original ceramic tiles, and vintage lighting along with bird cage lights and “Swan egg” light bulbs.Linear seating layouts draw people into the space, with a generous lounge area at the back formed by comfortable sofas upholstered in denim and pinstripes. Light pinkish toned timbers are used in the table tops and shelving.
▼形似天鹅蛋的灯泡置于鸟笼中,呈现出老式照明风格,vintage lighting along with bird cage lights and “Swan egg” light bulbs
Leonardo da Vinci’s “Leda and the Swan” in monochromatic dark blue forms an iconic centrepiece (recently labelled one of Cape Town’s most instagram-worthy hot spots). The trending Wallpaper features a Renaissance painting telling the controversial Greek myth of Zeus disguising himself as a swan to seduce his love, Leda. On the back wall, Jean-Léon Gérôme’s Romantic version shows the curvaceous nude bathing in the lake with the swan and their half-mortal, half-divine offspring, reiterating the mythology and symbolism associated with love, music and poetry.
▼中心区域的背景墙,达芬奇的《丽达与天鹅》,the background wall in the centrepiece,Leonardo da Vinci’s “Leda and the Swan”
▼餐厅后部的背景墙,让·莱昂·热罗姆的《浪漫》,the back wall, Jean-Léon Gérôme’s “Romantic”
餐厅主人Jessica Rushmere性格开朗,其空间也传达这种典型的巴黎风格,洋溢着自由、时尚的法国风情。法国国旗颜色中的蓝白红被巧妙地运用在餐厅中:以深蓝色为主导颜色;以灰色、粉红色为木饰面的颜色;以红色为点缀颜色。餐厅的颜色设计甚至延伸到了服务员的工作服、餐具和陈列的商品上。Haldane Martin表示,为天鹅咖啡馆设计的椅子以小酒馆椅子为原型,由钢木制造,形似香槟的软木塞,颇具现代感。
Much like it’s owner, the delightful Jessica Rushmere, The space conveys typical Parisian attitude: cheeky, stylish and oozing French flair. Blue, red and white of the French flag is artfully interpreted into dominant dark blue, grey, pinkish timber finishes and dashes of red accents. The colour palette even extends to the waiters’ uniforms, crockery and the merchandise on display.Haldane Martin’s bespoke chairs and red stools for Swan café resemble champagne corks – a rather contemporary steel and wood take on a bistro chair typology.
▼香槟椅,champagne chairs
The final result is sophisticated and inviting from the interior design to the menu and ambience. Swan Café is a must-visit destination in Cape Town’s rapidly burgeoning creative district, a favourite for locals to get tea, coffee or a quick, delicious bite.
▼洗手间与标识,toilet and sign
Swan Café Owner: Jessica Rushmere
Interior design: Haldane Martin
Furniture Design: Haldane Martin
Instagram handle:  @haldanemartin
Graphic Design: Heidi Chisholm
Photography: Micky Hoyle
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