疯狂巨人啤酒厂 | 工业风空间中的创意与叛逆

2016/07/30 05:00:00
© Micky Hoyle
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架构师提供的文本描述。霍尔丹马丁标志性设计公司为“疯狂巨人啤酒”设计了一个酿酒厂和餐厅内部,它可以参照超大的金属玩具建筑套件来玩。其结果是创造了一个充满创意和欢迎的工业空间,使叛逆的南非手工艺啤酒的 DIY 精神生机勃勃,同时也为约翰内斯堡市中心的城市复兴做出了贡献。
Text description provided by the architects. Haldane Martin Iconic Design has designed a brewery and restaurant interior for Mad Giant beer that plays with scale referencing oversized metal toy construction kits. The result is a creative and welcoming industrial space that brings to life the DIY ethos of the renegade South African craft beer, while contributing to the urban regeneration of inner-city Johannesburg.
"疯狂巨人手工艺啤酒"是一种南非啤酒,由化学工程师艾本·尤斯 (Eben Uys) 制作,他 30 岁出头,热衷于尝试科学和风味,不惧怕大创意。"疯狂巨人"用创始人的话说,它代表了"敢于梦想并做疯狂事情的小个子"。它的心态是叛逆,螺旋桨和有点疯狂。
Mad Giant craft beer is a South African beer made by chemical engineer Eben Uys, still in his early thirties, a man with a passion for experimenting with science and flavour who is not afraid of big ideas. Mad Giant represents “the small guy brave enough to dream big and do something crazy,” in the words of its founder. Its mindset is renegade, propellerhead and somewhat madcap.
© Micky Hoyle
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The brewery and restaurant in downtown Johannesburg was designed to embody the Mad Giant ideology and to create a space where beer drinkers can experience the free-spirited, adventurous philosophy of the brand, while experiencing a celebration of flavour and uninhibited creativity in a vibrant environment.
在啤酒厂内的餐厅,乌尔班洛蒂,给亚洲街头食品一个前卫的加把劲。主厨 AngeloScirocco(测试厨房,厨师仓库) 称他的菜单为“城市车库”,而 umami 口味和工艺啤酒的意外组合使其与众不同。新鲜的天然原料,注重烹饪和电镀的细节,以及不断变化的实验菜单,加强了城市美食和疯狂巨人啤酒之间的联系。
The restaurant inside the brewery, Urbanologi, gives an avant garde twist to Asian street food. Chef Angelo Scirocco (Test Kitchen, Chef’s Warehouse) calls his menu ‘urban garde’, and the unexpected combination of umami flavours and craft beer set it apart. Fresh natural ingredients, attention to detail in cooking and plating, and an experimental and constantly evolving menu reinforce the connection between Urbanologi’s cuisine and Mad Giant’s beer. © Micky Hoyle
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内部概念借鉴疯狂,DIY 思维的疯狂巨人和发挥规模,以强调巨人背后的品牌。作为完美的品牌吉祥物,一个巨大的雪人形成了一个中心装置。这也转化为新的品牌标识的啤酒瓶标签和其他图形设计元素。
The interior concept draws on the mad, DIY mindset of Mad Giant and plays with scale to emphasise the giant behind the brand. Emerging as the perfect brand mascot, a giant yeti forms a centrepiece installation. This also translates onto the new brand identity of the beer bottle labels and other graphic design elements.
从地板到天花板,面对啤酒厂入口处的前酒吧后,7 米高的图标是由激光切割的黄色镀锌钝化钢制成,铆接在一个软钢框架上。它是从天花板上点亮的,使它从空间的每一个角度发出辐射。在它的底部是酒吧显示器,有一个巨大的圆形酒吧计数器和品牌狂人啤酒水龙头在它的前面。
Standing from floor to ceiling behind the front bar facing the entrance of the brewery, the 7-metre-tall icon is made from laser-cut yellow zinc-passivated steel, riveted to a mild steel framework. It is spot lit from the ceiling, making it radiate from every angle of the space. At its base is the bar display with a large circular bar counter and branded Mad Giant beer taps in front of it.
Floor Plan
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直径 6 米的浇铸混凝土棒柜采用巨型雪人下面的巨型瓶盖的形式。
The 6-metre-diameter cast concrete bar counters take the form of a giant bottle cap beneath the giant yeti. There are another three simpler concrete bars at the back of the brewery in the tasting pods.
酿酒厂的所有家具都是定制的,包括霍尔丹·马丁 (Haldane Martin) 用定制的 Meccano 定制的一系列原创家具,就像巨大的玩具变成家具,让品牌形象焕发生机。巨大的壁画,带有顽皮的,童趣的美学装饰墙壁,增强了一个孩子的伟大梦想的效果带来的生命。
All the furniture in the brewery is bespoke and includes a range of original pieces by Haldane Martin made from custom-made scaled up Meccano, like giant toys turned into furnishings, to bring the brand vision to life. Giant murals with a playful, childlike aesthetic adorn the walls, enhancing the effect of a child’s big dreams brought to life. © Micky Hoyle
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The restaurant and brewery’s seating formations are diverse and varied, allowing for versatile social engagement. Outdoor tables and benches in the sun are suited for casual groups of friends or families sitting together. Inside, long beer-hall tables with sandblasted, black-stained table tops and swivel bar stools facilitate social interaction among large groups and strangers, encouraging flexible and spontaneous movement and conversation. Beyond that, four-seater tables are perfect for couples or small groups coming for a meal. At the back of the restaurant banquet seating areas and two-seater tables alongside beer tasting pods look onto the beer tanks for a more intimate seating formation and personalized beer-tasting experience.
© Micky Hoyle
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The floors are spectacular, combining different materials in ways that reiterate the trope of blown-up toy building blocks. The dining area floor is made from recycled Rhodesian teak parquet, laid in a herringbone formation. At the front of the brewery, the herringbone fragments into pixelated pieces, merging into stained concrete with floating pieces of wood creating playful patterns. In the bottle store, the wooden flooring pixelates into honeycomb-shaped black and white tiles.
沿啤酒厂长度的墙壁以涂鸦艺术家 Nomad 的灰色壁画为特色。有四张肖像,一张是戴着头巾的女人,另一张是穿着熊裙 (他的“疯狂巨人”套装) 的孩子,还有两个戴着护目镜的孩子的第三张脸。六角瓷砖的特点是浴室和厨房的墙壁。
The walls along the length of the brewery feature grey-scale murals by graffiti artist Nomad. There are four portraits, one of a hooded woman, another a child in a bear onesie (his ‘mad giant’ suit) and the third of two children’s faces wearing goggles. Hexagon tiles feature on the walls of the bathrooms and kitchen. © Micky Hoyle
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这座有 80 年历史的棚屋已经被翻新过,屋顶在翻修中被替换,剩下的是暴露在外面的钢桁架,上面涂着烧焦的红色底漆。这座建筑本身曾经是约翰内斯堡工业大厦的一家老电梯工厂,在疯狂的巨人改造之前,它一直空着好几年。这一转变表明,随着人们对这个市中心地区的创新复兴的兴趣,这场运动正在向南非金融城的中心城市回归。
An 80-year-old shed that has been refurbished, the building’s roof was replaced in renovations and left with exposed steel trusses painted with burnt red undercoat. The building itself used to be an old elevator factory in Johannesburg’s industrial hey-day and stood empty for years before the Mad Giant renovation. The transformation speaks to the upsurgence in movement back into South Africa’s financial capital’s inner city, with a revival of interest in the downtown area’s creative regeneration.
定制照明是由霍尔丹马丁为该空间设计的,包括大的黑色特色吊灯和挂在厨房通道上方的高档红色 Meccano 上的金色内饰,以及啤酒大厅的吊灯,这些吊灯在餐厅区域具有现代感,由圆形的 Meccano 灯和 LED 爱迪生灯泡组成。
Bespoke lighting was designed for the space by Haldane Martin including large black feature pendant lights with gold interiors hanging from upscale red Meccano above the kitchen pass, and beer hall chandeliers with a contemporary twist in the dining area, made from circular wheel-shaped Meccano with LED Edison lightbulbs. © Micky Hoyle
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户外桌子和长椅是根据著名的建筑玩具公司的模块化设计,使用定制的放大 Meccano 部件来创建的。这种建造技术也出现在特色吊灯,照亮厨房通行证,LED 爱迪生啤酒大厅吊灯在餐厅和餐桌底部。
The outdoor tables and benches are created using custom-made scaled up Meccano pieces, inspired by the modular designs from the famous construction toy company. This construction technique also appears in the feature pendant lights that light up the kitchen pass, the LED Edison beer hall chandeliers in the dining area and in the table bases.
The banquet seating made from distressed leather is completely unique to Mad Giant. The formation is inspired by traditional diner seats, with a ribbed back that references the iconic Haldane Martin Songololo Sofa. The standout feature of the seats are their draped unfinished back and sides, creating a beautiful effect of hanging leather.
© Micky Hoyle
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The dining chairs have rebar arms and legs, metal back and legs sprayed bright red with a Mad Giant emblem laser-cut into the back, with seats and seatbacks upholstered in distressed leather with red stitching.
浴室有巨大的 I-光束,漆成明亮的红色,转换成面盆。瓶装地砖的六角形图案在浴室缩小的蜂窝墙瓷砖中继续存在,在厨房里,更大的黑色六角形瓷砖被强调用鲜红的瓷砖浆。这些元素继续以积木为主题,同时也暗指周期表,以强化品牌背后的疯狂科学家性格。
The bathroom has massive I-beams painted bright red converted into basins. The hexagonal pattern of the bottle store floor tiles is continued in the bathroom’s scaled-down honeycomb wall tiles, as well as in the kitchen where larger black hexagonal tiles are emphasised with bright red tile grout. These elements continue the theme of building blocks while also alluding to the periodic table, to reinforce the mad scientist character behind the brand. © Micky Hoyle
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The interior was worked on from concept to installation between the Johannesburg venue and Cape Town, where the Haldane Martin design team is based. The process went smoothly and the client and designer are both incredibly happy with the final product. As the doors open to the public so interest is piquing in this completely unique, innovative space that caters to a wide audience of beer, food and design lovers alike.
Pioneering new flavours and iconic design, Mad Giant celebrates a brave creative spirit that speaks to the urban regeneration burgeoning in Johannesburg’s inner-city. It is a space that highlights the transformation of an area once lost to detriment, which is once again being revived to its former glory. © Micky Hoyle
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Architects Haldane Martin
Location Ferreiras Dorp, Johannesburg, 2001, South Africa
Category RestaurantArea 1100.0 sqmProject Year 2016
Photographs Micky Hoyle
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