

这是街头时尚品牌——“HI PANDA”办公楼的室内设计与外观设计。办公楼分为3层,位于上海市中心。场地形状竖长,建筑和前面停车场合计全长约80米。办公楼场地北侧有一个专有的中庭,(与市中心其他地方相比)拥有较为优越的外部环境条件。
The interior and exterior design of the office for HI PANDA, a street fashion brand. The three-story building with the new office is located in Central Shanghai. The building site has 80m depth, including the building and the front parking space. There is also an small court in the north of the site, which makes the exterior space enough as an office in the center of the city.
▼办公室外观,exterior view of the office
We designed the ground level, the main area of the building, as one space connecting inside and outside areas, to make use of its depth. Primarily we created “Inner Street”, multifunctional open space, by using half of the ground level.
the axon of the space with an “Inner Street”
There are a large table and a counter made of concrete set in this place, and white lines are marked on its mortar floor, same as in the front parking space. We intended that this “Inner Street” should be used as various places, such as an event space or a stage, as well as daily uses for the staff to have meeting or rest. It is open to all kinds of possibility, just same as a street in the town. “Inner Street” is lined with a design department, a sewing room, photo studio and meeting rooms. When visitors and the staff working upstairs pass through it, they can see the process of producing clothes, which would activate the communication in the company.
▼办公室首层概览,overview of the ground floor of the office
▼办公室内街,能够提供日常的碰头和休息场所,the “Inner Street” that can provide daily uses for the staff to have meeting or rest
▼办公室入口处的展示区,the display area at the entrance of the office
▼“内街”中的休息空间,the rest area of the “Inner Street”
▼“内街”尽头的设计室,the design studio at the end of the “Inner Street”
▼沿内街布置的摄影室,the photo studio lined with the “Inner Street”
▼室内空间局部,partial interior view of the office
The second floor is designed as the office space, with monochromatic color interior, contrasting with existing wooden desks. The third floor, in contrast, is furnished with monochromatic color, while the woodgrain tone ceiling, warm color carpets and curtains are combined.
▼二层空间局部,采用了单色调的室内设计,partial interior view of the second floor with monochromatic color
▼二层的办公空间,配合现存的木桌,the office space on the second floor with existing wooden desks
▼三楼的领导层办公空间,对调了二楼的设计手法,给单色调的家具搭配了木纹风格的天花板,the third floor, in contrast with the second floor, is furnished with monochromatic color and the woodgrain tone ceiling
▼三层空间局部,设有木纹风格的天花板和暖色系的地毯,partial interior view of the third floor with the woodgrain tone ceiling and warm color carpets
▼三层走廊空间,the interior corridor of the third floor
▼总平面图,site plan
▼平面图,floor plans
项目设计 & 完成年份:2019年8月-12月
摄影版权:Alessandro Wang
Project name: HIPANDA Shanghai Office
Design year & Completion Year: 2019.08.12
Leader designer & Team: MATSUSHITA Akihit, ZHOU benyang, Kexian Lu
Project location: Jing‘an district, Shanghai
Gross Built Area (square meters): 1655 sqm
Photo credits: Alessandro Wang