

Cortina餐厅由建筑事务所Heliotrope Architects设计,是一家现代的意大利餐厅,位于西雅图最著名的商业办公大楼之一——第二联合广场大厦(Two Union Square)的首层。
Cortina is a new modern Italian restaurant designed by Heliotrope Architects located at the base of Two Union Square, one of Seattle’s most prominent commercial office towers.
▼餐厅入口,entrance of the restaurant
▼L形空间一边的入口大厅、吧台和用餐空间,采用橡木天花板,the lobby, bar and dining area of the restaurant in one leg of L-shaped restaurant with the oak ceiling
▼L形空间一边的吧台、用餐空间和拐角处的休息区,沿街的北立面最大限度地将自然光线引入了室内空间,the bar, the dinging area and the dining lounge at the corner in one leg of L-shaped restaurant, the north facing storefront maximizes the amount of natural light entering the restaurant
▼L形空间另一边的卡座用餐区,the booth seating area in the other leg of the L-shaped restaurant
▼L形空间拐角处的休息区,玻璃吊灯创造出视觉焦点,the dining lounge at the corner of the L-shaped restaurant with a blown glass chandelier serving as a focal point
The restaurant occupies a long L-shaped space, with the lobby and bar in one leg, a dining lounge at the corner, and booth seating and private dining in the other leg. The design results in a space of relaxed elegance for the downtown set that establishes a strong connection to the street, the building lobby and the building courtyard, and maximizes the amount of natural light entering the restaurant along 100 feet of north facing storefront. The architectural lines are crisp and clean. The palette is a composition of white paneled walls, oak casework and ceilings, wide-plank oak floors, a granite-faced bar, and brown leather upholstered seating. A private dining room hidden behind a secret door and two-way glass window/mirror is built out of solid walnut slats. Light fixtures are modern minimalist objects, used to emphasize the scale of the space, with a blown glass chandelier serving as a focal point above the lounge.
▼餐厅入口大厅,the lobby of the restaurant
▼花岗岩饰面的吧台,the granite-faced bar
▼设有棕色真皮软垫座椅和白色墙面的卡座用餐区,the booth seating area with brown leather upholstered seating and white paneled walls
▼隐藏在暗门之后的私人用餐空间,the private dining room hidden behind a secret door
▼私人用餐空间,采用坚固的胡桃木板条作为墙体饰面,the private dining room is built out of solid walnut slats
Detailing is simple but executed at a very high standard, focusing on the inherent beauty of the natural materials and subtle shifts of light and shadow across the finishes. The architecture exploits the very long rooms by using a repetition of form and fixture to establish a rhythm to the design akin to a musical beat. This is a restaurant in which to seal the deal.
▼卡座用餐区细节(左),吧台细节(右),details of the booth seating area (left) and the bar (right)
▼餐厅细节,details of the restaurant
Interior Architect: Heliotrope Architects
Contractor: Dovetail General Contractors
Lighting: dePelecyn Studio
Furnishings: Valery Vargas
Photography: Haris Kenjar