

Curves dance, and maneuver with free spirit, until they settle perfectly within space, with female grace. CAA has worked together with Chilitina’s high-end spinoff brand Uplider, and recently completed the design and construction of its new flagship cosmetic center in Beijing.
▼空间内部,interior view
Gentle curves and sweeping lines create a free flowing sense of space, whilst taking references from the elegance of the female form. CAA Founder Liu Haowei added, “Our concept was to make the space and environment clean, and hygienic, whilst creating a more comfortable, and relaxing experience for all visitors.”
▼空间中柔中带力的曲线,让原本固态的空间变的灵动,gentle curves and sweeping lines create a free flowing sense of space, whilst taking references from the elegance of the female form
A “curtain of tranquil water” breaks visitors away from the city outside, and provides a sense of privacy. The entrance space plays to the idea of compress and release, with visitors then flowing into the enlarged waiting room. The waiting room introduces warm lighting, and soft lines that create a cozy, cocoon-like space that works to put patients at ease.
▼通畅明亮的等候区,the bright waiting room
▼如母体般的茧状空间配合柔和的光源,the waiting room introduces warm lighting
The sites long and narrow footprint and project function area requirements meant finding solutions to in tackling the need for a long corridor. Glass brick walls designed at varying angles in order to break up the corridor space into a more flowing, playful experience.
▼狭长的通道设计出不同角度的线性转折,glass brick walls designed at varying angles in order to break up the corridor
From the entrance to see, light spots on the floor then reflects on the walls through transparent glass brick. Different types of glass bricks wave the wall’s texture and from opaque gradually become to transparent. This shifting helps create crystal-like light reflections at different intensities and directions, creating a spacious and light space.
▼用不同透明度的玻璃砖制造肌理实现墙体与玻璃的过度关系,different types of glass bricks wave the wall’s texture and from opaque gradually become to transparent
▼诊疗室内部,consulting room
The corridor guides visitors around the corner, leading to the main staircase. Visitors are enveloped by double-height sculpture as they process towards the 2nd floor – a representation of manmade form that reflects natural beauty. The sculptures splits the space into two. Its timber louvers progressively rotates, changing the special rhythm along with them.Sequences of small spaces, large spaces, and experiences runs through project as a whole. From its intimate entrance, large waiting area, narrow winding corridor, and double height sculptural staircase, the design reflects that of the graceful morphing of a butterfly.
▼楼梯在曲折的廊道转角处不经意出现,the corridor guides visitors around the corner, leading to the main staircase.
▼如同巨大的艺术雕塑,a sculpture-like stair case
▼木栅格状的结构让楼梯的虚与整个空间的实形成对照,the sculptures splits the space into two
This is CAA’s latest healthcare project, and takes inspiration from the female body, as well as natural forms. Applying this design language to architecture and interior design, provides Uplider not only aesthetic, and further brand value, but also a unique experience for its patients and visitors.
▼一层平面,the first floor plan
▼二层平面,the second floor plan
▼玻璃砖排列,the arrangement of glass brick
设计团队:Edward Ednilao、邓越、任卓颖
Architects: CAA (Core of Architecture & Art)
Lead Architect: Liu Haowei
Project Manager: Zhang Pan
Design Team:Edward Ednilao, Deng Yue, Ren Zhuoying
Design Date: 06/2017
Location: Vanke park, Beijing
Manufacture: Bei Jing Shun Hang Yong Li architecture coorpration
Photographs: Gao Feng, Ren Zhuoying