

In their eternal calm (from the sky and the woods), he finds himself. -Emerson
缘起 | Origin
The Changbai Mountains is the tallest mountain range in eastern Eurasia, consisting of multiple fault mountains, basins and valleys. It is well-known far and near for Changbai Mountain, the major peak and the Heaven Lake (a huge dormant volcano and a crater lake). For the past millions of years, this area has had drastic crustal movements. Climate change, volcanic eruption and glacial movement made it what it is today. Magnificent volcanic landform, typical mountain forest eco system, various wild animals and plants, and widely distributed mineral spring, falls and rivers compose the magical and unsophisticated natural scenes here.
▼林居鸟瞰,aerial view
Numerous rivers originate from the Changbai Mountain Range. Erdaobai River flows out of the Heaven Lake and it is the upper reach of Songhua River, one of China’s seven major river systems. The project is located in Erdaobai River Town, a town at the foot of Changbai Mountain, named after the river flowing through. Known as “the first town in the Changbai Mountain Range”, it is 35km away from central Changbai region. It is not only the gateway to the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, but also the frontier where urban development confronts nature.In the rapid urbanization of a small village, the original scenery is burdened with the demolition-construction model of contemporary urban development as well as reinforced concrete construction technologies. The aggressive city frontier is like a high wall. It oppresses the nature outwards, and stuffs stone squares and vast concrete buildings inside.
Erdaobai River Town is under rapid development due to tourism. However, their biggest advantage and attractionis the maintenanceof the beautiful natural environment.Here used to be thick forests and unique eco-resources. Are they really incompatible with the development of human society? Origin Architect seeks to explore the method to achieve symbiotic harmony between nature and human activities, and possibilities for border between nature and cities.
▼项目场地前后对比示意,the site condition before and after construction
生长的风景 | Growing landscape
项目用地位于二道白河镇的南端,业主希望利用这块用地建设一片度假屋,用作东侧现有7层度假酒店楼的扩展。 场地自身就是城镇扩张边缘的一个典型样本,一条城市与自然对抗产生的清晰界线,从用地中生硬切过。界线一侧是原生态的森林河谷,二道白河从山林中蜿蜒而下;另一侧则是城市发展留下的巨大伤疤—一个关闭的民俗游乐园的废弃场地,自然环境遭到肆意破坏,荒芜一片,堆满建筑垃圾。基于对大自然的尊重与敬畏之心,以及对二道白河镇上主流建设方式的逆反,原地建筑没有急于推动建设,而是以退为进确立了一个反向的目标-首先让森林生态恢复被城市发展破坏之前的完整状态,让城市建设用地回归自然森林属性。
The project is situated at the south of Erdaobai River Town. Proprietors hope to build holiday cottages here as a westward extension to the seven-floor hotel nearby. The site itself is revealing typicalcondition of borderline in urban expansion,that a clearline divides the site into two halves, reflecting the confrontation between nature and cities. One side is a virgin forest river valley. Erdaobai River winds its way through the forest. Onthe other side, there is a huge scar from urban development—abandoned folk amusement park that has already shut down. There, nature met reckless destruction. The land lies desolate, piled with construction waste. In awe of nature, after reflecting on the common practice in urban construction in Erdaobai River Town, instead of jumping to construction, Origin Architect proposed a reverse goal at first: to restore the forest eco system as it was destructed by urban development, i.e. to restore an urban construction land to natural forest.
▼项目首先让森林生态恢复到被城市发展破坏前的完整状态,the project was based on a goal to restore the forest eco system as it was destructed by urban development
▼建筑体量婉转地避开了每棵原生的树木, the building volumes carefully avoid every primeval tree
The design team probed into the site and did meticulous survey and investigation on the entire river valley forest eco system, differentiate each geological landform by form and cause, explore hydrogeologic regimes and different vegetation and colonies on flood lands and hillsides. We preserved primeval river valleys, forests and geological landforms. We also mapped and measured each primeval tree and exposed stone respectively. Moreover, we proceeded ecological restoration to areas where construction of the amusement park had damaged. We removed construction waste, restored landforms and rainwater channels according to the vein, dredged choked rivers and cultivated vegetation to encourage ecological redevelopment of this area, so that the separated waste land could be embraced by nature again, and the vast primeval river valley forest could break down the barriers caused by urban development and extend citywards.
▼建筑如同一组吸纳光与风景的采集器,the buildings are like collectors on the slopes, taking in light and view
在风景中生长 | Grow in the landscape
▼每个建筑体量都轻盈漂浮于地面或河流之上,将对大地的惊扰减到最少,the volumes softly float above the surface of earth or rivers, minimizing their interference with the land
Different original environments makethe buildings that follow the threads of which to be formed in great diversity. Buildings are different from each other, and the ways they get along with nature are unique. For instance, one of the buildings has a living room suspending above a creek. One can overlook the creek gurgling beneath the glass floor, or touch the water if go down the spiral staircase. As for another building, its entry has to be accessed through a lane between a tall old poplar and a group of birches. Buildings and the environment blend with each other and establish a continuous space sequence. With these two elements shifting, a new landscape is constructed.
▼建筑群与环境不断变换,互为风景,the volumes and natural environment are integrated as a whole
▼每个建筑与环境都有着独一无二的相处方式,buildings are different from each other, and the ways they get along with nature are unique
It is intended to be an urban development project with certain density and intensity, not an isolated house in vast nature by itself. Nature and architecture embrace and conceal each other, thanks to the forming strategy of interweaving and growing. People are connected yet they won’t bother each other. As the saying goes, “There’s no loneliness when you sequester yourself in the nature. There’s no chaos when you sequester yourself in the crowd.” “Architecture does not damage nature. Instead, they embrace each other. Architecture does not isolate man from nature; it is the window leading to nature.”
▼建筑与自然相互拥抱又相互掩映,nature and architecture embrace and conceal each other
▼伸出的每个空间角落都是一处感受自然的寂静窗口, every stick-out window is a tranquil corner for man to feel nature by himself
原生与共生 | Protogenesis and symbiosis
n order to achieve the goal of symbiosis between architecture and the environment, Origin Architect employs a symbiotic construction method that combines modern technology and material advantage with local technology and primitive materials, and uses high-strength steel structure for the general frame, thus build a suspended structure relying on minimum pillars. The outer structure is made of local vesuvianite blocks in order to keep the cold out and enhance fireproof capacity of the entire structure. The inner layer is built up with pinewood, giving tender care to people in the harsh winter. As for the midst, we set up profiled steel sheet and a foaming thermal insulation filler layer to enhance waterproof and thermal insulation properties and firmly connect the outer and inner layers. Sections of this sandwich-like composition are exposed at every end of the building, showing the sophisticated layers against its simple exterior.
▼建筑外层以当地原生的火山块石垒砌砌体,the outer structure is made of local vesuvianite blocks
The steel products are recyclable and environmental friendly. All component parts have been pre-processed at factories, so as to minimize the harm to nature from onsite construction work. Multiple spots of steel cylinder pile foundation were piled into vacant places among the trees, and crane towers concentrated in the center of the site. All the follow-up works were done in the air. Workers stepped on suspending steel beams, shuttled among leaves and operated. Watching the steel structure gradually develop and interweave with the trees, they all felt these were completely different from their previous experiences. Native vesuvianite blocks were called “red earth blocks” by the local people. They were formed by geological effects through millions of years. It has long been crushed and then used as substitute additive for cheap concrete because of its unique property. Origin Architect uses unprocessed blocks for wall-laying, as to simulate the modesty and toughness of the vast earth, and blend in with the timeless geological forms in the remote future.
▼从建筑的端口可以看到三明治式的夹心复合墙体构造,sections of this sandwich-like composition are exposed at every end of the building
All the landscape designs are focusing on restoring the original forest eco-system. We did not take the normal practices of urban landscapes design. Instead, we restore local vegetation, encourage wild flowers and grasses to grow freely, allow fallen leaves to pile, and only lay stones on paths for man and vehicles. There is no fence or wall between the community and the forest or the river valley. People can walk into the forest, so can wildlife enter deep into the community. It is said that the stretch of forest around the upper reaches of the rapid river is a breeding ground for Chinese mergansers, a rare species survived the Tertiary Period ice age. Nowadays it is known as the Merganser river valley. Spaces under the buildings are free for passing through of light, wind and rainwater. Plants grow luxuriantly. Small wild animals move and migrate freely. Chinese mergansers also have an ideal place for reproduction as they have more shelter.
▼无阻隔的空间体验,an unobstructed space experience
▼巨大的天窗和落地窗连接了自然与生活空间,large glazed walls and skylight connect the nature and living space
▼餐厅,dining area
This is a town, but also an expanse of forest. It is a community of man, but also a paradise for wild plants, small animals and Chinese mergansers. We hope that here will be no more confrontation or barrier, and that borderless cities and boundless nature can grow together and share prosperity.
▼没有边界的城市与自然共同繁荣生长,borderless cities and boundless nature grow together and share prosperity
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼A1一层平面图,A1 ground floor plan
▼A1二层平面图,A1 first floor plan
▼A4一层平面图,A4 ground floor plan
▼A4二层平面图,A4 first floor plan
▼结构细部,structure detail
Project Name:Grow with the Forest – Valley Villas at the foot of Changbai Mountain
Architects:Origin Architect
Location:Changbai Mountain Chibei Erdaobai-river Town, Jilin Province,China
Architect in Charge:Li Ji
Architecture/ Li Ji, Zhang Hao, Liu Hongyan, Wang Shuyu, Wang Jing, Luo Qi, Bai Di, Shi Yan
建筑面积:2450.0 平方米
Built Area (m2 or sqft).:2450m2
Completion Year:2017
Photographs: Xia Zhi
Interior:Li Ji, Lian Hui
Landscape:Li Ji, Ye Qiang, Chen Sicong, Liang Xiaohu, Zhao Xue, Mei Kejia, Bai Di
Engineer: China Aerospace Construction Group Co., Ltd
Engineers in Charge: Wang Qingxia, Dong Xuelian
工程深化设计团队:结构/董雪莲 王军 洪财滨 赵培 邓立新 薛梅 李潞;水专业/谭彭燕 陈春 温艳芳 韩培 范洪营; 暖通/吴燕 李淑玉 孙斌辉 赵倩;电气/ 祝新成 李哲 王露晨 陈志中 暴二平
Engineer Team: Structure/Dong Xuelian, Wang Jun, Hong Caibin, Zhao Pei, Deng Lixi, Xue Mei, Li Lu; Water/Tan Pengyan, Chen Chun, Wen Yanfang, Han Pei, Fan Hongying; HVAC/Wu Yan, Li Shuyu, Sun Binhui, Zhao Qian; Electrical/Zhu Xincheng, Li Zhe, Wang Luchen, Chen Zhizhong,Bao Erping
Interior Design Development: Beijing JustMove Interior Design Co., Ltd
Interior Design in Charge: Wu Xin, Wu Jiangli
Client: Purple Jade Land
Client team: Jiang Lan, Huang Honghao, Qiu Shuang