

The world of wildlife
This is the world of grass, animal and god. The imagination and curiosity of human beings towards grasslands is always fresh. The aboriginal people have their inner mind towards respecting nature, which is very important value towards contempory society. The mixture of different culture creates great lands for all kinds of art.
▼建筑外貌,exterior view
Architecture: the vector of culture
▼传统蒙古包的演变,the evolution
The yurt is the one of the earliest architecture prototype in the human history. The round shape of yurt creates incredible harmony relationship between nature and people. Meanwhile , the double circle stands for luckiness. The combination of different culture creates such a unique architecture. Meanwhile, the shape of the roof has the same design language with tranditional chinese architecture. The mixture of culture also represents the mixture situation in Weichang- the only Man-Meng self governor town in China.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
Symbolism: Trandition and modern
The relationship between architecture and symbolism is so overwhelmed along the human history. The most difficult part of the project is to create eternal relationship between grassland and the building. Many elements are taken from the traditional yurt building, for example: the pattern and the facade.
Two big circles create the main living room, extending the traditional yurt layout. While the extended boxes become the semi-public space. This kind of layout makes the yurt fit the modern life style.
In terms of facade designing, by creating wooden frames in different thickness, the flower shaped roof could be made. The interior space is derived from the traditional yurt interior by using framing in different direction.
Genius Loci
天地有大美而不言。场所必然与一个特定的地点相关。现象学认为真理存在于事物自身之中,而艺术作品的本质就是揭示或开启在者的真理。海德格尔的哲学理念引申为任何场所都有其潜在的精神,这是地域的神灵,罗马人称之为genius loci。在如此这样一个场地精神占据主导地位的建设地点,场地的属性远远大于建筑本身。建筑如何谦虚而有姿态的介入场地是最为重要的问题。
The architecture always has great relationship with its location. The old Roman people call it Genius Loci. In this particular project, the genius loci could easily overcome any living appearance.
Mulan weichang is located in the north east of Hebei province, connect to inner Mongolia grassland, which is one of the most beautiful landscape on the earth. The ancient chinese emperors used to hold autumn hunting festival through the history. All beings on the grassland have equal rights according the people here. Our main goal is to blend the building into this vast nature seamlessly. 3 different ways are create in order to achieve the goal. The first is to be inspired by local architecuture. The second is to use local material including old stone, used wooden beam and ratten. Together with surrounding micro landscape, the building could fit into the vast nature.
▼融于当地生活环境,blend the building into this vast nature
From outside to inside
建筑的主要由中间的双环大厅为核心,放射式连接周边的几个方体空间共同组成。中间的蒙古大帐主要是建筑的公共客厅,同时也提供了社区公共图书馆的作用。二层为孩子提供了活动的空间。向外突出的几个方体形成了观景窗口,提供了次要的休息空间与场所。主厅是整个建筑中最为重要的空间,其设计灵感来源于传统的蒙古大帐,通过内部书架结构的纵横交错,形成了具有符号意义的经纬线,重塑了现代意义的蒙古大帐空间。同时这也将成为未来的社区图书中心,当地的孩子可以到这里来看书和活动。通过客厅中心的下沉式座位,一起做活动,向心式的设计很好的契合了这个功能。 海德格尔多次提到“伫立于此”,这四个字有重要的意义,他说明了建筑在特定地点的特殊要求。而在本项目中,场地自身得天独厚的自然优势就是确定我们建筑功能的出发点。从双环蒙古包主体中探出的各个景观视口指向了大场地中各个风景和小场景中的各种重要节点,比如山谷,森林,河流,羊圈和篝火坑等。依据视线方向决定室内的功能这种手法,有别于传统建筑的手法,这是一种有外到内的设计手法,使得每一个室内空间都可以充分享受到场地的优势。厨房设计为开放式的空间,通过一圈环状的灶台组织空间。其正上方为一个圆形的拉膜发光吊顶。这个开放的厨房空间强调共享协作的概念,通过开放的姿态邀请使用者共同参与厨艺活动。餐厅则占据了一个外凸的方体空间,正对着场地中的土豆田。内置一张可供8人共同使用的大餐桌。
▼内部空间分析,functions and spaces
The main core of the building is the double circled lobby, also served as an local library. The second floor provides the area for kids. The design concept of the main loby is based on the yurt interior. In the future, it will also be the central library for the region. Local children could come here to read and play. By using the sunken living space, the lobby creates an intimitive space for people. The extended windows become the main framing towards vast landscape. People could have different views towards mountain, river, grassland and sheep. The open kitchen area creates a shared space for inviting all guests to cook together.
▼中间的蒙古大帐主要是建筑的公共客厅,the main core of the building is the double circled lobby
▼开放的厨房空间强调共享协作的概念,the shared space of kitchen
▼餐厅占据了一个外凸的方体空间,dining space locates in one of the square spaces
The main structure of the building is steel framing, combining with triple layered low-e glass pannel. The outside wooden frames become the shading system for the building. The connection of the wooden frame follow the tectonic principle. All the stone and wood come from the local area for the sustainable development. The construction method with prefabricated pieces could make sustainable development on the grassland.
▼取材当地,the local materials
Micro Landscape
Surround the building is the area of micro landscape, creating dynamic experience for vistors. The glass roof of Stargazing hut floats on the top of the grass. This particular small pavilion provide great experience for astronomy enthusiast.
▼户外配景,landscape design
▼建筑与环境,architecture and environment
This building become The Catcher in the Rye for this region. We hope different people with different faith could come here to play together, sharing different ideas to forge into a strong group.
▼夜色中的建筑,architecture in the night
▼一层平面图,the first floor plan
▼二层平面图,the second floor plan
Client: Brain Media
TV Show: Zhejiang Satellite Television “DREAM HOUSE”
Client: Weichang Kangyang Tourism development co.,ltd.
Location: Mulan Weichang, Hebei
Design Team: Shanghai Huadu architecture & Urban planning co., ltd.
Leading Architect: Zhang Hai’ao, Daniel Wu
Design Team: Yao Qiwei, Hang Xu, Wu Hao, Li Di, Li Hongxi, Wang Tingting, Zhao Shuang, Cheng Zijun, Liu Jiawei, Yuan Yinxuan, Li Meina
Artist Team: Tang Yixin, Stephen Fung,Pan Youcheng, Yi Yi, Huang Rende
Structure Team: Wang Guoxun, Zhang Yi, Pu Yiweng
Construction : Chengde Jiacheng construction co., ltd.
Management: Ying Hongwei
Special Thanks: Li Qing, Li Guang, Wang Xianfeng, Wang Xiaojun, Bai Long
Area: 275sqm
Structure: Steel
Photo: Su Shengliang