

将珠宝与时装放置在时代背景下,讲述两者之间与潮流变迁的关系,是《Vogue服饰与美容》与Bulgari合作的“宝石▪梦”( GEM▪DREAM▪STYLE)展览的意图。这个由SODA设计的展览获得了2017意大利A’Design Award & Competition商业展示空间类别的Silver Award。
The purpose of the “GEM▪DREAM▪STYLE” exhibition is to put viewers into different spatial dimensions created by varying sizes of jewels gems, and different fashion currents as presented by Vogue, to get a real sense of Bulgari designs in their particular time and dimension. This exhibition designed by SODA architects received a Silver Award for Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category at the 2017 A’ Design Award & Competition in Italy.
▼绚丽的展览入口,florid entrance of the exhibition
Brilliant gems, colourful and glittering, stand for Bulgari, a combination of reality and illusion. Soda architects works on optics and illusion in an attempt to overcome the line between reality and mirage, putting viewers into this space of reality and illusion.
At the entrance, the installation of an eight-meter high picture wall featuring Vogue fashion through the ages, faces a shuttered mirror façade which reflects the exhibit venue, an old factory building in Beijing’s 798 Art District, with curves from floor to ceiling. To wrap up the whole space with reflections of these fashion images, each leaf of the mirrored shutters has a different mirroring angle of its own.
▼入口处的百叶镜面装置,the mirrored installation at the entrance
▼动态影像展示,the signature animation
Soda architects uses the self-created “light reflection simulation program” together with the supporting atmospheric designs throughout the process to produce a visual effect which traverses between the real and the imagined. The signature Bulgari Serpenti animation is formed with an array of LED lights, moving and flowing on the floor, reflected between the ceiling and the floor, flashing in mid-air. All the above elements are reflected in the mirrored surfaces on the ceiling and the floor, providing the viewer with a dreamlike experience of visiting an endless space with gems floating in the air.
Computer simulation is adopted to study natural gem configurations to obtain the most realistic jewel shapes. Filling up the exhibit hall are sparkling gems of different sizes. Some are reflections with glittering edges, some are light emitting frames shaped like jewels, with coloured film on one side to reflect diverse colours depending on where the viewer stands. Without affecting the light on the exhibits, the upper space is lit up with the colours of a jewel under sunlight.
▼边缘发光的宝石体分布于展览空间之中,sparkling gems with glittering edges spread in the exhibition space
Through the use of avant-garde design concepts and technology, Soda architects hopes to create multi-sensory environments to communicate feelings on a spiritual level regarding emotions, personality, history and culture.
PS:The intellectual property rights to all documents belong to CONDE NAST ADVERTISING (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD
设计方:SODA 建筑师事务所
面积: 600m2
Type: Exhibition
Architects: SODA architects
Project Team: JIANG Yuan, SONG Chen, CHEN Fei
Design scopes: Interior,showcase,lighting
Visual design: 2×4 studio
Construction: Activation group
Location: SOKA art center, Beijing
Area: 600m2
Yea: 2016
Main Materials: LED, Stainless steel,Glass, Acrylic
Photographs: CAO Xuefeng,JIANG Yuan
E-mail: office@soda.archi