

Today, people have higher expectation than ever on in-store experience, For businesses, there’s more focus than ever on going beyond the expected product or service to deliver a customer experience that truly differentiates. It is viral for retail store design to identify a way by which the brands can establish a strong connection with consumers, deliver brand value, and build sticky customer relationships.
Considering the surrounding area, BEIJINGFUN, a historic and vibrant place, SODA imagines the VIVINEVO’s first store with the perspective of art gallery, integrates brand experience into retail space, and develops an innovative solution to meet and exceed customers’ expectations. The VIVINEVO Fragrance Art Gallery designed by SODA is becoming a popular destination in BEIJINGFUN.
▼项目入口,entrance of the project ©陈惜玉
SODA designs a flower façade to attract people from a distance, and invites them walk into the gallery through a perfume-bottle-shape entrance where customers are immersed in floral fragrance. A surging surface of a drop of perfume is enlarged and showed up following by. Customers are soaked in perfume and leave the gallery with a customized one for their own.
▼街景,花墙吸引行人注意,street view, flower facade attracting people from a distance ©陈惜玉
Perfume is liquid, intangible, and gaseous. It is always in changing along the atmosphere though the time. The space as imagined container for perfume came into being. The dynamic and multi-level feature of fragrance was interpreted and became tangible in the interior design. SODA applied the “media space” research and practical experience in the tangible design of smell, and integrated the virtual content with the physical space.
▼平面生成,plan generation ©SODA建筑师事务所
此次设计打破了传统的商业空间设计思路,通常空间设计要是以视觉呈现为主体,而香氛艺术馆要展现的主体是嗅觉,这让设计师在研究用户体验时更关注: 如何提供嗅觉体验? 如何结合嗅觉和视觉? 如何提供嗅觉和视觉之外的其他感官体验?
This project made a breakthrough in the design of tangible smell experience. Unlike the traditional commercial spaces, whose primacy were visual experience at scale, VIVINEVO fragrance art gallery focus on the customers’ smell experience, which brought up the following questions: How to provide an olfactory experience? How to combine smell and vision? How to provide sensory experiences other than smell and vision?
▼平面图,plan ©SODA建筑师事务所
为解决以上问题,设计师用大量的多媒体结合空间造型,设计了两个大型的动态展示区: 入口:是代表SODA设计语言的“实体像素”装置,设计师用将近5000个香水瓶组成了华丽的入口,不仅能更好的展示品牌,同时能有效的吸引过往的行人。
In order to answer the questions above, designer planed two dynamic digital combined exhibit modules. The entrance: SODA language—physical pixel installation. The designer collected. 5000 perfume bottles and made a media structure out of them. The entrance is turned out into a colors-changing media that keeps rendering the atmosphere day and night.
▼入口的像素装置,pixel installation at the entrance ©陈惜玉
▼组成装置的香水瓶细部,details of the perfume bottles making up the installation ©陈惜玉
▼入口接待台,reception at the entrance ©陈惜玉
The main hall: a 20m length irregular curved surface with digital projection. The projected changing perfume texture renders the atmosphere of the space. The projected information adds another layer on the texture and the exhibition, delivering the related knowledge of perfume to the customers, such as history and raw materials.
▼主展厅,the main hall ©陈惜玉
另一方面,为增强体验的生动性,SODA将交互设计的理念贯穿到整个空间设计中。 通感交互体验区:是一个结合影像,气味,及声音的三感体验空间。参观者拿起听筒,听到音乐的同时触发感应,画面便会切换到相应的主题。挤压香氛瓶,闻到与主题对应的气味。通过这样的方式,将气味与听觉、视觉连通,留下更深入的印象。
SODA applied interactive space design method in this project to strengthen the participation in creating memorable experience. Synesthesia interaction: a moving image, odor, sound combined multi-sensory space. By picking up the receiver, the customers will trigger the change of background sound and the video, immerse themselves in the situation of a specific perfume while squeeze and release the odor. The synesthesia experience connects with memory and impressive the customers.
▼流动的参观路线,fluid circulation ©陈惜玉
▼通感交互体验区,Synesthesia interactive area ©陈惜玉
Content interaction: an interactive process that makes people have a strong desire to explore. Customers touch the digital content and get immediate response while being amused by the interaction.
▼内容交互体验区,Content interactive area ©陈惜玉
The circulation route is flexible and free to explore. Customers will be entertained while they visit the gallery following their own paths.
▼不一样的空间体验,different spatial experiences ©陈惜玉
▼空间细部,space details
After Passing by, being attracted, experiencing a visual and olfactory feast, and playing with enjoyable interactions, customers finally arrive at the participatory perfume modulation and consumption area, where they are provided with rich fragrances to make their own unique perfumes according to personal preferences. An end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matter.
▼夜晚的橱窗,show window at night ©陈惜玉
▼室外立面图,external elevation ©SODA建筑师事务所
▼剖面图,section ©SODA建筑师事务所