来自日本”8b DOLCE”通过甜品将微笑和欢乐传达给世人。如今,他们正式登陆佛山-一座位于广东南部,东临广州,南接香港澳门的小城。项目位于传统文化保护区佛山新天地之内,建筑师在凝结了古人智慧的传统建筑之内打造了一个充满现代文明气息的商业空间,砖、瓦、木材和玻璃、钢、混凝土的碰撞带来了强烈的新旧对比,却又奇妙的融合在一起。室内空间将跟随时代的变迁不断变化,一点点累积出丰富的时间和空间层次。
“8b DOLCE” has been making sweets to deliver smiles and happy throbs to the world. This time, it locates in Foshan – a city in the central south of Guangdong Province in China. The city neighbors Guanzhou City in the east, also Hong Kong and Macao in the south.
Since this project uses the building registered as a cultural property of “Lingnan Tiandi Foshan”, the space concept is “Old-New” where the past materials of ancient wisdom meet the incoming ones of modern creation and their tastes co-exist. The goal is to create a space that repeats updating toward next generations, accepting the present as well as inheriting the past.
Project Name / 8b DOLCE Foshan
Use / Pastry
Location / Foshan, China
Area / 61.97 square meters
Date / January. 9, 2016
Client / Tak Ming LEUN
Photographer / Yoshiro Masuda
Drawings: estudio ALA
English Text: estudio ALA