

加拿大魁北克市拉瓦尔地区一个位于商业楼中的儿科诊所被建筑事务所L. McComber ltée一扫原有的昏暗与平庸,变身成为明亮清新的皮肤科诊所。
Designing a dermatology clinic in a commercial building in Laval.
Despite the windows facing east onto Boulevard de l’Avenir and south onto the Montmorency metro parking lot in Laval, the existing building, which has housed a paediatric clinic since 2006, is dark and banal.
▼ before 改建前
▼ after 改建后
By exposing the ceiling and adding partitions, the entire space was treated as a free plan, to which the clinic’s various functions were added, in the form of translucent objects allowing the abundant natural peripheral light to filter into the space.
▼ before plan 改建前平面布局
▼ after plan 改建后平面布局
In the background, six examining rooms form a long white partition punctuated by six high wood doors opening onto spaces with six frosted glass ceilings. The large opalescent glass partition and lowered ceilings of the common room, bordering the entrance and the waiting room, create a luminous, almost radiant box. The phototherapy machines stand impressively at the heart of the composition, behind the reception, which when in operation, emanate an intriguing purple light from behind their curved glass enclosures. This luminescent centre is enveloped by a long U-shaped reception desk of solid ash, with two entrances situated on either side of the core: dermatology (main entrance) and phototherapy (secondary entrance). Graphically striking, the Atelier Chinotto signage integrates seamlessly with the architecture.
Architecture | L. McComber ltée
Team | David Grenier, Laurent McComber
Construction | Brago construction
Publications | Leibal – september 2015, Kollectif – september 2015
Photography | Raphaël Thibodeau
Location | Laval, Québec
Year | 2015
L. McComber ltée