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2012/07/11 08:00:00
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River city, Baisha, Zhengzhou, P.R.China
Reformulating social genesis
Manuel Navarro, Beijing, January 2012
“The New River City” masterplan aims to blend an innovative urban design approach which links contemporany urban conceptions with traditional Chinese urban civilizations.
As part of the new district of Zhengbian -connecting the areas of Zhengzhou East and Kaifeng West- the Zhengzhou New District -Baisha- will be a key urban project for the future development of Henan province. Baisha Cluster will become an important urban center that, with an area of about 42 square kilometers, is intended primarily for scientific educational research, technology, and innovative industry, along with residential, administrative, leisure, cultural buildings and with the corresponding urban services.
The proposal expresses a commitment to make a completely penetration of the landscape into the urban structure that will define the feature of the urban identity; representing the spirit that guided so many cities in ancient China along the Yellow River.
Overall, the new public spaces, traffic infrastructures, integrated landscape, and buildings of high architectural quality will shape a living and sustainable city along the river. In this way, it is boosted the balance between memory and innovation that links contemporary Zhengzhou with the ancient traditions of its history. The proposal is conceived with the idea of giving a different model to the current urban development reality; which is usually based on the rejection of the local heritage and therefore the proliferation of sameness urban configuration, and thus identity absence.
Contemporary sciences describe identity whatever makes an entity definable and recognizable. Identity is always described in relation to something, often material: objects, places, assets, or no-material: memory… They define individual’s personality and make him/her be part of a recognizable entity, as well as a particular place able to define itself by their own qualities. On the other hand, “identity” is a term used to describe an individual’s comprehension of him/herself as a discrete, separate entity. Yet, such comprehension needs to be within a compressible frame.
It was already said by the Greece philosophers, and particularly by Aristotle, that man is a social animal. Essentially, because he/she has the capacity of talking, interact with his/her similar, and thereby be part of a society which composes his/her social frame.
The question remains of how to build that frame; what the elements that make it possible are; and how its proper configuration is. Indeed, when the proliferation of the so-call generic spaces is already everywhere, and identities are endangered. After Rem Koolhaas theorised the generic city as a city without qualities, not being unique in order to compete with other global city players, some problems, like the lost of territory identity, have appeared. This fact has disassociated individuals from the elements that they feel identify with.
Despite the existence of these dissociation processes and the multiplication of the generic patterns, the natural territory continues denying such urban actions. Despite generic patterns can be found trough every social performance, it is not possible to find generic territories, and therefore might not able to found generic cities.
In Baisha cluster, this urban and therefore social problem has been answered by creating the most connected hybrid space in relation with the most particular local characteristics; a counterpart of the already spread idea of unified space which no longer belongs to one particular society, and therefore foster the process of the urban banalization.
By keeping the importance of the pre-existence urban morphology, and the interrelation with the landscape, it is intended to foster the inhabitants’ identification with their place.
Urban structure
Understanding the urban morphology has meant to structure Baisha area base on nodal points, or in other words base on the acknowledgement of the pre- existence settlements; a new-polycentric city based on connectivity but capable of offering real urban qualities.
These nodal points are mixed-use areas which are the way of activating the city and producing a system in constant movement. “People need to belong to one identified unit, identified neighborhood”, Christopher Alexander’s statement is continuing being valid today. It is possible in mega-cities to create cities inside the city. It will be achieved by restructuring urban cells as a self- sufficient habitats connected with others; reconfiguring urban areas with dense, compact, and mixed-use neighbourhood units linked by public transport; appropriate scale, diversity, complexity and different local and general connectors.
It is not a question of looking back to the past at what urban configurations used to be, but at what might have been reinterpreted again. Not trying to find melancholic-nineteen-century-ideal neighborhoods, but combining lessons of the past with the exploration of those current fluxes, movements, connections. The combination of local characteristics; seas, canals, mountains, energy resources, and infrastructures, will enrich an urban diagram of extreme social and economical factors and generating a new combination of beauty, efficiency and social values.
museum cultural island
The idea of the community areas, wider conception than neighbourhood units, came from the Company Towns, the American industrial towns where companies used to provide all kind of services. Theorise by Clarence Arthur Perry in 1929, and in contrast with the normative spirit that persuades the Athens charter, they were sustainable mix pieces of city.
In contrast, the Hilberseimer´s repetitive and anonymous vertical city, crossed by wide motorways represents the extreme of the universal and global adaptable planning system.
Despite the gloomy idea the Hilberseimer brought to us, it is interesting what it was mentioned in the publication of The new town centre. It was explained the idea of a possible dissolution of major cities, bringing a complete penetration of the landscape into the urban context. Nowadays, the technological condition allows the combination of a dense urban fabric, the penetration of an urban landscape, and the sustainability of the whole system.
Paradoxically, technology and infrastructure have brought the surprisingly ideal of the primitive village where everything and everyone were interconnected, involve with, and dependent for.
It is thanks to memory that the sense of identity does not dissolve during sleep, as it is in the local pre-existing conditions where the urban space finds its proper configuration –genius loci-. As inhabitants finds their memory in the surrounding material elements, Baisha area encourage the penetration of the natural heritage into the new urban configuration.
Baisha area is a 500,000 inhabitants’ urban development where the various centres of activity are linked up by an efficient rapid transport system, and the gradual dissolution of the built mass helps to keep the connection with the natural and man-made heritage.
Every successful large system was once a successful small system. Therefore, instead of planning Baisha area as a whole, it has been thought by the creation of different and independent linked units. On the grounds that it is not possible to install complexity, this urban or nodal cells will grown to eventually create a urban complex, rather than been installed.
The Nodal City, where material and non-material things flow through two coincident scales -the mass transportation network and the penetration of the landscape- is a city of articulated parts, and transitional spaces.
The new urban Baisha development, as a complex intelligent development, will need the existing built substance, existing communities, and existing cultures in order to enrich the physical implication of the citizen with the place. Furthering, it will result in a contestation of cultures and identities that are currently being lost.
sports area
On the one hand, the first-twenty century infrastructure connecting Baisha with Beijing and HK will generate the ideal platform as representation of the world operation. The preservation of the existence conditions will encourage the possibility of building a no artificial identity, but together with the local and global connectivity, to establish the base for the possibility of developing a new one.
One may have to accept the fact that the urbanity as is known has been transformed. The current experience as a contiguous stenography of realms; public and private, void and solid, nature and artificial, which became problematic in the past, nowadays, such contradistinctions seem to be an opportunity. Hopefully, all these oppositions will be managed not in order to build an ersatz stenography, but a reconfigured urbanity. Hopefully, this new direction will take urbanity away from the machine principle to principle of life.
Some examples in China –for instance the water towns cities- show how the preservation of the natural resources has been the strongest factor to give to the urban place its own identity. In this circumstance, seemingly contrary rural and urban qualities have been able to be combined, and also to have the opportunity to explore the connection of all the hidden pre-existing qualities in the original territory.
In the new environment where city is a marketing concept, the new rules to produce urban habitat need to be modified. The understanding of networks, communications, connectivity, and flows need to prioritise the urban agenda. A flexible, absorbing, functional, surprising system might be developed. Yet, it will need to be integrated with the existing urban territory intelligence, and with the global system at large.
It will be necessary to resist the normal compulsion to make a sweeping gesture that defines the identity of a site and separates it from the rest of the system. By not creating a monolithic entity imposed on the territory but a regime that stimulates cultural activities and spaces throughout the system. The system needs to be porous like a sponge, but not hermetic like a bubble.
theater in cultural island
曼纽尔 纳瓦罗, 2012年1月写于北京
古希腊哲学家,尤其亚里士多德曾提出:人类无非社会类动物。本质上讲,人类具有一定的言语能力,具备利用言语与族内的共同点进行有效互动,因此,人类的这一社会行为无形地为他们圈画出了一副社会“框架”;然而,问题在于怎样制定这一“框架”、以哪些潜力元素拼凑以及如何适当配置其框架?其实,当所谓的“广普空间”横扫大地之时,“身份”一词早已身处险情之地了。继Rem Koolhaas推出“广普城市”理论(毫无质量、城市大众化,以便竞争其他城市规划对手)之后,领土身份丢失等诸类问题相继浮出水面。
就“社会领域”一词,笼统意义上,仅为“社区单位”之意,语出源自Company Towns (以企业或公司为中心的工业城镇),美国的工业城就是这样一处公司间相互置换服务的城市系统。就此说法之上,克拉伦斯•亚瑟•博瑞于1929年提出旧范理念,试图说服Athen Charter理念,其实谈论的都是由混合功能区域所组之城。
看似合理,却又相悖;现代科技的应用与基础设施的贯彻使得这一令人震惊的理念带到这片原始的村庄,使得这片村落中人文得以互动、关联、相互依存。幸运的是,人类的“身份感”并没有伴随睡梦而消失,当地那先存的物质条件早已摸索到它适度的都市结构配置–genius loci-。在当地居民试图从周围的物质元素中追溯往日回忆之时,白沙新区正鼓舞着人们走进自然的怀抱,并走向新城市纪元。白沙新区城市规划项目皆为开发一处50万常住人口的新区,新区内含多个相互关联的活动中心,各个活动中心由发达、便捷的公共交通系统连接,降级后的次级中心由辅助了自然遗产与人造遗产间的联系。
创作年代: 2012至今
类型: 参赛
状态: 方案
项目: 总面积4900公顷; 其中包括:当地行政区、商业及办公、居住、健身、学校及公共
参赛团队: Nieto Sobejano与 LATITUDE
合作伙伴: LAUR Studio (景观设计); Juan de Dios Hernández y Jesús Rey (模型设计)
YEAR: 2012-
TYPE: First Prize Competition
STATUS: Ongoing
CLIENT: Zhengzhou Zhongmu Industrial district administrative Committee
PROGRAM: 4900hectares of total area; 34,900,000m2 including Local
Administration, Commercial and Office Space, Residential, Sport facilities,
Education and Public Facilities, and industry.
TEAM: Nieto Sobejano & LATITUDE
COLLABORATORS: LAUR Studio (Landscape); Juan de Dios Hernández y Jesús Rey
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