Aedas 与电建成都院联合体赢得成都国际铁路港进出口商品展示交易中心项目
从中欧班列“蓉欧快铁”首次发车,到四川自由贸易试验区的成立,成都青白江片区已成为一带一路战略的关键支点,轨道四通八达,货物川流不息。Aedas 与电建成都院联合体在此打造了全新城市名片——成都国际铁路港进出口商品展示交易中心,形成一带一路沿线与枢纽经济相配套,与综合保税区相结合的前店后仓、贸易展销、文化交流的综合交易平台。
The Qingbaijiang District of Chengdu, a key node on the Sino-Euro Freight Train route, has become a key part of the One Belt One Road initiative and the economic collaboration between China and European countries. The Aedas and POWERCHINA Chengdu consortium has created a new city landmark here—the Chengdu International Railway Port Exhibition and Trading Center.
地标性建筑轮廓 Building outline
庄严大气的建筑设计 The elegant architectural design
项目位于成都青白江铁路港区核心地段,是承接港口、产业与城市生活配套的重要节点。我们希望突破传统会展中心,基于融合会议、办公、商业多元业态的未来展馆 4.0 模式,构建互动式文娱体验,让会展中心成为城市生活方式的一部分,同时基于轨道交通及都市圈一体化优势,形成联动辐射,创建一个连接亚洲、成都和欧洲的贸易中心典范。”Aedas 执行董事王冬维如是说。
The project is located in the heart of Chengdu Qingbaijiang Railway Port Area. Comprising an exhibition center, a media center, two office and hotel towers and retail and community elements, it will serve as an important node for the city’s trading and logistics industries, culture exchange and urban living. "We hope to subvert the traditional exhibition center framework and provide an interactive cultural and entertainment experience from integrating diverse functions including conferential, office, and commercial elements. The project will be part of the urban fabric, and a trade center model connecting Asia and Europe.” said Dong Wei Wang, Executive Director of Aedas.
The site
The eclectic functions are separately allocated in the site’s east and west zones. A three-dimensional connective structure is established through the ground bridge, the sky garden and the underground corridor. The Trading and Exhibition Centers are situated on the east side while the OBOR Media Center, offices, hotels and other amenities are distributed in two high-rise towers on the west. They face each other diagonally and are connected to each other by a podium.
设计概念 Design concept
犹如扬帆起航的建筑轮廓 The elegant outline
Facade lines are akin to railroad tracks
The design is inspired by the district’s thriving port industry to arrive at the concept of “setting sail to Europe”. The streamlined building canopy seamlessly connects the various functional programs, and forms the sailing outline of the building, to herald the area’s future prospects. The canopy emulates the meandering flow of river water and streamers made of ancient silk, while signifying Silk Road renaissance as well as the area’s infinite growth. Its facade lines are akin to extended railroad tracks, gesturing to the development of the China-Europe Railway Express.
分区布局 Partition layout
项目布局 The layout
业态分布 Program 为提升空间体验,设计将一带一路商品展示中心置于地面一层,以提升公共可达性,一带一路商品交易中心置于上层,中间部分设有包含剧场、会议室等空间。室内空间可自由隔断,灵活高效,满足不同量级展会需求,并将科技赋能引入其中,构建出智慧场馆。
The Exhibition Center is intentionally placed on the ground floor to for public accessibility, while the Trading Center sits on the upper floor, with a multi-use hall including theater and conference rooms in the middle section. The indoor space is designed for flexible alteration to meet the needs of exhibitions of different scale; endowed with various technological capabilities it is established as a smart venue.
体量生成 Massing generation 为构建以人为本的互动文化空间,设计将展览及展销区的一层屋顶打造成为市民活动中心,连接不同业态,开放式中庭以及屋顶的户外空间,搭配飘逸的雨棚,营造出可遮风挡雨的城市公共花园,结合裙楼及塔楼的屋顶花园,一同形成横贯地块的绿轴,无缝连接城市中央绿环,构建城市绿色轴线。
To create an interactive cultural space for citizens, the first-level roof of the center is transformed into a leisure experience city garden platform. It accommodates a host of retail and recreational functions and outdoor space and is sheltered with an elegant canopy. Together with the podium roof garden in the west, a green axis is formed across the plot.
无缝连接城市中央绿环 A green axis
丰富的公共空间 Public space 同时,生态公共空间也是展览区域的室外延伸,最大化满足观展便利性和舒适度,将传统贸易展销平台,转化成为生态与智慧兼备的青白江文化长廊,并融入体验展销以及商业空间,以多元的场景吸引人群在此互动,实现全天候、全时段的展销体验,让文化和生活融汇于立体的城市公园之中。
“The public platform is also an outdoor extension of the exhibition area, which ensures visitors’ ease and comfort when navigating the space as a whole. With the diverse offerings and the pleasant exhibition and trading experience, culture and commerce are in effect integrated in this three-dimensional urban park,” explained Aedas Executive Director Dong Wei Wang.
室内公共空间 Indoor public space
二层融入体验展销 Integrated in pleasant exhibition and trading experience
“我们希望以独特的建筑轮廓呼应‘一带一路’国家战略及青白江地域特点,基于立体垂直的绿色空间,将成都国际铁路港进出口商品展示交易中心,打造成为集一站式交易、展示目的地以及协作共享社区于一体的全新城市名片。”Aedas 主席及全球设计董事纪达夫(Keith Griffiths)说道。
Aedas Chairman & Global Design Principal Keith Griffiths concludes, “Our expectation for the project is to create a one-stop destination for trading and exhibition, and foster an interactive community. Through integrating regional characteristics into the architectural outline, and cultivating a porous, connected space, the Chengdu International Railway Port Exhibition and Trading Center is poised to become the new city landmark.”
建筑面积:地上 320,000 平方米;地下 100,000 平方米
竣工年份:2024 年
Aedas 主要设计人:王冬维,执行董事;纪达夫(Keith Griffiths),主席及全球设计董事
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