


Firm: Atrium Studio
Type: Commercial › Exhibition Center
YEAR: 2015
SIZE: 100,000 sqft - 300,000 sqft
Krasnodar region is one of the strong brands in XXI century Russia that shows its technological progress, richness and a warm south character. The construction of a big new district with the new expo instead of the old one in the historical center, places Krasnodar alongside Shanghai, Milano, Cologne and other important world trade venues.
That’s why the architecture of this complex was so important, it needed a recognizable face. So Atrium was invited to create a masterplan for the whole fair and design the multifunctional entrance block with a welcome zone, conference halls, cafes, restaurants, VIP-area and administration. An asymmetrical form was suggested in reaction to the transport scheme of the site with an east automobile entrance. The crooked lines of the building’s envelope create a dynamic image supported by the contrast of black/white tiling. At the same time, the transparency of the lower floor and the turn to the side of guest arrival show openness and hospitality. The open space of the interior continues this accent. The design provides a variety of scaled spaces for chatting, resting, business-meetings, etc. Another important part of the block are the wide stairs that lead to the inner court of the expo. They can be used as a stage or tribune for spectators during ceremonies, and presentations.