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2023/02/16 04:58:48
本项目位于西日本核心城市姫路市,用地被铁路线所包围,与世界遗产“姬路城”遥遥相望。郁郁葱葱的公园和建筑将最近的姬路站与相邻的医院连接起来,为行人提供了舒适连续的步行空间。本项目的特色是,会展中心具有展览中心、会议中心等 MICE 功能,不仅是文化艺术(礼堂),而且是包括产业在内的知识聚集地。
Surrounded by railroad lines, the Arcrea Himeji is located in Himeji City, a core city in West Japan overlooking Himeji Castle, an established World Heritage Site. A lush park and architecture connect the site to Himeji Station and an adjacent hospital. The facility’s MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions) functions distinguish it as a center for not only culture and art, but also for knowledge, including industrial knowledge.
▼西侧外观。圆弧状的绿化屋顶以包容开放的姿态欢迎着来访者,View from the west side: the rounded green roof welcomes visitors with an inclusive and open attitude
The building was designed to provide visitors with a casual experience of culture and industry as they pass through, allowing them to make new discoveries. At the same time, the symbolic interior and exterior design, which employs stacked bricks in the motif of the castle’s stone walls and high-performance halls, are aimed at conveying Himeji’s charm as an international tourist city.
▼展览厅与室外广场一体化利用的活动场景,An event scene with integrated use of the exhibition hall and outdoor square
Connecting via park and architecture
为了打造与广域圈核心城市相匹配的繁华生趣的交流基地,姫路市将姫路站周边划分为以北站前广场为中心的入口区、位于其东面的核心区和活动区三个区域,并在此基础上进行了升级改造。位于活动区的 Arcrea Himeji 是播磨地区文化艺术和产业的基地,作为展示地区魅力的场所,与其他区域合作,把地块西侧的公园进行了一体化开发。
In order to create a lush and vibrant center of interaction, the host municipality has divided the area around Himeji Station into three main areas: an entrance zone centered on the plaza before the north exit, a core zone located to the east of the entrance zone, and an event zone. Located in the event zone, Arcrea Himeji is a hub for culture, art and industry in the Harima area, developed in cooperation with the other zones and integrated with the site’s west-side park in order to enhance its attractiveness.
▼街道视角,View from the street level
▼Arcrea Himeji 用地内的休息广场,可以连着公园一起散步,The square within the Arcrea Himeji site, which can be linked to the park for pedestrians to walk
▼连接公园和本设施的带顶棚的公园道路,周边居民和来访者可以在散步和活动间隙到公园驻足休息,The covered parkway linking the park to the facility. Residents and visitors can stop by the park to rest between walks and activities.
公园内的道路都带有顶棚,可以避免从车站走到本设施时被雨淋湿。公园道路旁配置了与姫路颇有渊源的花草树木、水景以及长椅等滞留空间,人们可以在欣赏四季风景的同时,前往 2 层的公共大厅。大厅贯穿建筑的东西方向,不仅可以直接到达大、中、小 3 个礼堂,穿过大厅还可到达县立医院。大厅的大砖墙沐浴在自采光顶倾泻而下的光线中,演绎出多变的光影盛宴。此外,我们采用了可以吸引公众体验的设计,从大厅可以透过玻璃看到展览厅和演播室,行人在穿过大厅时可以感受到市民的活动。
The covered walkway along the park runs from the station to the Center, providing protection from rain. Flowers and trees associated with Himeji line the walkway, and benches and waterscapes allow visitors to enjoy seasonal scenery on their way to the Center’s second-floor lobby. The lobby, which runs east to west, offers direct access to the small, medium, and grand halls, as well as passage to the adjacent prefectural hospital. Skylights cast nuanced shadows over the lobby’s large brick wall. The lobby overlooks the exhibition hall and studios through windows that allow glimpses of the local activities underway below.
▼东西向的 2 层公共大厅长 100m,连接东侧的医院,从大厅可以前往所有的礼堂。The 2-storey lobby connects to the hospital on the east side, while providing access to all halls.
▼大厅既是滞留空间,也是在穿行时近距离感受市民活动的空间,The lobby is both a stagnant space and a space to experience the activities of the public
A synergy of culture, art, and industry
建筑以公共大厅为基点,由展览厅、会议室和礼堂三大功能构成。1 层的展览厅、演播室、化妆间、观众席中央通道、礼堂舞台和搬入口均为无高差连接。整个建筑极具灵活性,举办国际会议时,礼堂可作为演讲厅、化妆间可作为休息室使用,还可在展览厅举办商品展销会等活动。化妆间动线通常会被设置在建筑的背面,考虑到化妆间的使用者也是普通市民,希望他们也能“昂首挺胸”地走进会展中心,我们采用了从正面大厅可达的设计。由于没有在礼堂背面设置化妆间区域,从而避免了与搬入动线的交错,缩短了表演者的动线。
The building comprises an exhibition space, conference rooms, and three halls with the common lobby. On the first floor, a flat plane connects the exhibition hall, studios, dressing rooms, audience corridor, hall stage and loading bay. This allows for a degree of flexibility; halls may be used for lectures, dressing rooms may function as waiting rooms for international conferences, and exhibition spaces can be repurposed for trade fairs, etc. The dressing room area, which would normally be reachable from the rear, was designed to be accessible from the lobby at the front, based on the idea that performers are also fellow citizens and should be granted dignified access to the space. This shortens the line of movement for performers and avoids intersections with loading bay traffic.
▼从外部望向展览厅,Exterior view of the exhibition hall
展览厅的天花板高约 10m,面积达 4,000㎡,通过移动隔断可将其分为三个部分。我们采用通透且具有进深的设计,可通过玻璃门窗与西面公园一侧的室外展览区连接起来进行整体利用。
Movable partitions allow the 4,000-square-meter exhibition hall, with its 10-meter-high ceiling, to be divided into three separate areas. Clear glass doors allow the hall to be used jointly with the expansive outdoor exhibition space on the park’s west side.
▼与公园和外部相连的展览厅。文化艺术与产业共存的协同效应。通过积极承接国际会议,姫路市有望进一步发展成为全球城市。The exhibition hall connected to the park and outdoor space
4 层的会议室区透过玻璃可以看到南侧的屋顶绿化和北侧的中庭,是一个无论身在何处都能感受到盈盈绿意的空间。我们测量了经过南面的新干线的高度,使会议室楼层的视线高度与新干线乘客的视线高度一致,创造了与经过的新干线在空间上的连接感。
The fourth-floor conference room overlooks the south side rooftop greenery and the north side courtyard, allowing for a ubiquitous feel for the greenery. The south side conference-room floor is aligned at human eye level with Shinkansen (bullet train) passengers visible across the roof, creating a sense of connection with the passing trains.
▼4 层会议室区,从新干线上可以看到这里,即使飞驰而过,也让人过目难忘,The fourth-floor conference room, which can be seen from the railway ofShinkansen
Three high-performance multipurpose halls with all-brick interiors
大礼堂共 3 层,有 2,010 个座位,包括音响反射板在内采用全砖内饰。墙面设有反声板,以增加投射向观众席和舞台的早期反射声。为实现高静音性,地板、墙壁和天花板六个面均采用脱离建筑框架的防振隔音结构,在兼顾多功能的同时,充分确保了音乐会所需的性能。天花板的设计灵感来自于闪耀的星空,镶嵌着包含九种不同色温和大小灯珠的球形灯,再现了 1609 年 10 月世界文化遗产姫路城建成时的星空布局。
The all-brick interior of the three-tier, 2,010-seat grand hall features acoustic wall paneling and blocks that increase early sound reflection. Its anti-vibration and sound-insulating structure isolates the floor, ceiling, and walls from the structural frame, and enables a high degree of quietness that makes the hall suitable for music concerts and other events. Nine types of spherical, beaded, ceiling-mounted downlights of different color temperatures and sizes recreate the star-filled night sky of October 1609, when Himeji Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was completed.
Overlook to the foyer of the grand hall
▼大礼堂的门厅,星空般的天花板和圆弧状层板堆叠出的动感空间,Foyer of the grand hall. A dynamic space with a starry ceiling and circular laminates
▼大礼堂的门厅,照亮砖墙的采光顶。Foyer of the grand hall,with brick walls illuminated by skylight
▼大礼堂是以音乐会为主的多功能礼堂,The Grand Hall is a multi-purpose auditorium with a concert focus
▼包括音响反射板在内,全部采用砌砖内饰,The Grand Hall has all brickwork interiors, including the acoustic reflectors
The medium hall is a multipurpose theater venue with a fan-shaped seating arrangement for easy, immersive viewing of the stage performances. The interior brick walls are three-dimensionally curved to better mix the reflected sounds, creating a uniform acoustic environment across the seating area.
▼中礼堂(693 个座位),以戏剧为主的多功能礼堂,The medium hall is a multipurpose theater venue。
▼红砖砌成的三次曲面对声音进行混合(以使声场分布均匀),有垂吊式的音响反射板。The red brick surface mixes the sound and has draped acoustic reflector panels
采用相同防振隔音结构的小礼堂是市民们最常使用的礼堂,多用来举行小型音乐会等活动,通过将四面墙向外侧倾斜 5 度以实现对反射声的混合。
The small hall, frequently used by the public for small concerts and events, also features anti-vibration and soundproofing structures. Each of its four walls leans outward by five degrees for better acoustic mixing.
▼小礼堂(164 个座位),市民最常利用的紧凑型礼堂,The small hall, frequently used by the public for small concerts and events
We hope that local citizens will come to embrace this building and its warm, all-brick interior for many years to come, and that its distinctive small, medium, and grand halls will help it to fulfill its role as a hub for cultural events from all over the world.
▼大礼堂公共区域,Public space
▼建筑夜景,Exterior view by night
▼1F 平面图,1F plan
▼2F 平面图,2F plan
▼4F 平面图,4F plan
▼大礼堂剖面图,Grand hall section
项目名称:姫路市文化会展中心 Arcrea Himeji
建筑层数:地上 5 层、地下 1 层
竣工日期:2021 年
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