

As human beings, we are the main subjects of a space.
蘭曦美肤创始人 Renee 希望将一幢 4 层的独栋建筑打造成“为人而建”的空间,建筑坐落于山东德州市中心,包括 1300㎡的美肤服务空间,400㎡的连锁运营总部,还有 300㎡的户外花园。Renee 不止一次向设计师提及她的理念:空间因人而存在。
Renee, founder of Lanhesee Skin, figured to create a “built for people” space based on a four-story single building. Located in the city center of Dezhou, Shandong Province, China, the building includes a 1300㎡ beauty service center, a 400㎡ chain operation headquarters, and an 300㎡ outdoor garden.
设计师研究了“蘭曦 Lanhsee”的品牌文化之后,对“人是主角”的设计思想深以为然。
The designer shares Renee’s idea “Humans are the main characters” with a close study of the brand culture of “Lanhesee”.
The core of the design covers the user experience of each designed scene, the interspersed relationship between different structures, the touch points in moving lines, and most importantly, the interaction between human and space that is happening all the time.
Aswomen, whether guests or attendants, all need relaxation and healing for body, mind, audiovisual and thoughts in a special time and space as all are wrapped up in this stressful and complicated world.
“How can we call the style of this space? It all depends on the elements.”
All kinds of styles and doctrines are stereotypical ideologies that human beings artificially generalized at a certain stage of aesthetic and technology development. Not defining what kind of style it is, by exercising extreme restraint in stylistic expression, the designer turns to the combination, conflict and echo of different elements, aiming to create a space that cheers up human mind.
The premium and comfort sense of leather texture, The coarseness and heaviness of natural travertine, The breathing and naturalsense of American Mondalee pine, The elegance and detachment of brassmaking, And when it comes to the element of light ……
Lanhsee has always boasted itself as the light of the new beauty industry: because of the light, everything has a life and then this world. All these elements making up this space are created for people. Texture and ambience, like form and meaning, are intricately blended, like ghostly work of art, extremely cozy.
“The space is alive.”The space of Lanhsee consists of dozens of functional areas, hundreds of moving lines, and nearly a thousand visual touchpoints. All these can be compared to the organs, bloodlines, and joints of a human body. They are growing, with emotions, and with memories. When one appreciates the visual aesthetic they present together as a space, the space meanwhile embraces the beauty of man.
The entrance of both the corridor and the product showroom are concealed in the uncertain stone structure, with the asymmetrical curved structure unifying the different partitions, and with the center point of the travertine round table and the floral installation as the axis. The design creates a solemn sense of ritual meanwhile giving off some unexpected romantic sense.
Walking through the corridor, one can sense the scent of the forest well preserved by the the wood grille of Mondalee pine, originally from South America. The light of the meeting area penetrates the wood grille, until it suddenly stops and gets reflected on the walls of the corridor. The designer aims to make each scene not only independent and private, but also interactive with the other spaces through small details in a subtle way. As such the women being there can feel safe, meanwhile given the opportunity to explore the richness of the subtleties.
The attendants and the clients are equal. Entering the meeting area through the curved foyer, comfortable sofas are set up for the two consulting parties to sit opposite each other. Holding a meeting here, they are no attendants and clients, but a pair of intimate, laughing girlfriends.
A bar is set up at the end of the corridor, serving a variety of teas and refreshments. The colourful desserts and fruits in plates set against the busy waiters, adding a natural vibrancy and beautiful vitality to the cold and quiet corridor. The centre hall, where guests can dine, sip tea and read, is visually interacted with the flower room and product showroom on either side through the travertine windows on the wall, creating a visual channel that runs through the whole area, increasing the depth of the space while uniting several relatively independent spaces on the ground floor.
On the eastern side of the ground floor is the intricately designed Members’ salon. The salon features a long depth of space, a semi-circular dome and a podium in the front, which seems to be a space designed to honour certain beliefs, such as Lanhsee’s belief “enjoying a good life”. The two floor-to-ceiling windows on the eastern wall are designed to embrace the light from the eastern side. A variety of props and spaces, mainly flowers, are used to set up the salon, where a variety of parent-child activities and flower classes will be held here in the future.
To Have the Ultimate Comfort and Wonderful Experience.
The skincare service area, traditionally designed to be dark and private, is now designed to be bright and open with the designer’s attention to detail. The product blending room is designed in the shape of a medical laboratory, bright, clean and technologically advanced. Seating in the middle of the whole space, the room is like an island full of honour and promise, receiving numerous attentions. On its opposite side, a corridor divides the hair washing, dressing and make-up areas to the left and right. A mirror at the end of the corridor adds depth to the space through reflection, meanwhile allowing the attendants to check their make-up appearance.
The designer uses a large number of curves to portray the passageway and the entrance hall in the service scenes on the second and third floors. As women are ultimately sentimental and soft, the curves can lead them back to their truest and most expansive state.
走廊犹如一湾粉白色的河流,通向神秘美好、令人心动的前方。两侧的墙板包裹着白色人造皮质装饰膜,对婴儿与孕妇也能做到 100%安全无害。隐约可见的皮革纹理,让客人感觉虽尚未进入房间,一场舒适的享受就由此刻慢慢开始了。
The corridor is like a river of pink and white, leading to a mysterious and exciting vision. The wall panels on both sides of the corridor are wrapped by the white faux leather upholstery, making it 100% safe for babies and pregnant women. The faintly visible texture of the leather makes guests feel that once they are walking along this corridor, they are starting an enjoyable journey even before they enter the room.
The designer present the interior furnishings of the Lanhsee space through a modular design considering the need for the later branded production. The customization of props and furniture specific to the beauty industry subtly merges tactile comfort, ease of application and aesthetic harmony. Meanwhile the construction materials will be produced directly by the factory and assembled on site, which significantly improves the construction efficiency.
The beauty service room’s lighting and music are operated through smart home module, which allows for voice control and facilitates custom adjustments during service, enhancing the attendant efficiency and improving the client’s perception of service.
“As Lanhseealways say, there must be light…”
Lanhsee carries strong self-esteem and confidence of a new generation of women-supported service industry. Insisting on the true perception of beauty, serving clients with professionalism and creating spaces with sincerity, Lanhsee women believe that light will always shine in whether it is a room, a building or a city. It is light that makes life continue. It is light that makes the warmth and the colour. It is light that make the river clear, the sea calm and the world a better place.
建筑面积:1700 平方米