

此次受委托在商业街进行一个宵夜餐饮空间的设计。除了食物本身,空间的记忆点与视觉同时作为本案的重点。委托方“碳烤先生” 一直把自己的厨房当作研究室,热爱研究能直接刺激味蕾的“午夜产品”,相比都在追求精致清晰的状态,尝试模糊的“简单粗暴”可能会有不同的空间体验。选用了通常用作厂房建设的压型瓦作为主材,通过结构变化与原有的老房子细节形成对比结合。入口内切,霓虹灯映衬老墙,在进门的过程中注入了主基调。
This time I was asked to design a dining space for night barbecue in a commercial zone. Apart from the food itself, I also put memory point and visual effect as my focuses. Mr. Barbecue, the space owner, always sees the kitchen as his food lab. He loves studying “Midnight food recipes” that create special sensations to our taste buds. Compared to those food which present delicacy and clarity, what he pursues is the ambiguity of “Simplicity and straightforwardness”. In a way his viewpoint gave me the inspiration to bring out a totally new space experience. I selected the compression tile as the main material for this building project. It is a material widely used to build factories. I used this material, as I surprisingly found, the changing structure of compression tiles contrasted and combined well with some small aspects of the old building. For example, I used the tiles to create the embedded entrance. If you enter the place passing by the entrance, you can easily notice the neon light forming a strong contrast with the old wall, which lays the main tone of the whole atmosphere.
▼店铺外观,project exterior
▼入口内切,霓虹灯映衬老墙,在进门的过程中注入了主基调,the designer used the tiles to create the embedded entrance; if you enter the place passing by the entrance, you can easily notice the neon light forming a strong contrast with the old wall, which lays the main tone of the whole atmosphere
▼室内入口区域,interior entrance ara
In this design, I also paid attention to the interaction of different spaces. The original “L” ladder cut the space into two sections. To maintain the visual extensibility, I wrapped the horizontal ladder with the tile structure, which formed a vertical structure against the wall. Meanwhile I wrapped the main functional components like store room, checkout counter, vegetable ladder, and refrigerator etc., into the wall-side structure. Considering the limited space, I put a large glass on the wall in front of the ladder to visually extend the pathway. In the catering area, I laid the light tubes in arrays on the ceiling to minimize its plain effect. As the lights shine on the tile structure, it creates such a visual illusion that the structure seems to extend upward. This kind of space interaction creates the sense of ambiguity and new possibilities.
▼一层室内空间概览,interior view of the first floor
▼内部原本“L”型楼梯把空间一分为二,为了保证视觉的延续,用结构包裹了横向的楼梯,与靠墙结构交错,the original “L” ladder cut the space into two sections; to maintain the visual extensibility, the designer wrapped the horizontal ladder with the tile structure, which formed a vertical structure against the wall
▼储物间、收银台、传菜梯、冰箱等零碎功能统一归纳到靠墙结构中,the designer wrapped the main functional components like store room, checkout counter, vegetable ladder, and refrigerator etc., into the wall-side structure
▼座位区,seating area
▼墙面装饰及点光源,wall decoration and point lamps
Different from the first floor, less wall decorations were used on the second floor. I relied on steel pipes and soft curtains as partition walls for separated rooms, trying to deliver the sensation of the whole atmosphere by the melting of light and different materials. Just like in a state of being softly drunk, the limit and condition of the space are not clearly presented on this floor. In a process of magnifying the roughness, the space presents itself mainly by its color, texture and light. And this explains part of my design concepts, leaving the decoration, the space speaks for itself with its atmosphere.
▼楼梯井,stairs well
▼二楼尽可能减少了墙面的装饰处理,用钢管和软帘作为包厢隔墙,用灯光与不同材质的融合来表达,different from the first floor, less wall decorations were used on the second floor; the designer relied on steel pipes and soft curtains as partition walls for separated rooms, trying to deliver the sensation of the whole atmosphere by the melting of light and different materials
▼空间细节,space details
▼一层平面图,first floor plan
▼二层平面图,second floor plan
Design Studio: Z.H.D.I
Completion year: 2019.07
Chief Designer: Zhou Heng
Project Location:ZheJiang
Project Area: 180㎡
Main Materials: Steel tile、Cement、Stainless steel