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2022/06/06 16:54:11
HM 华墨国际 HM International 参加了复旦大学义乌研究院的项目投标,虽未中标,但这一项目的创作理念值得与大家分享。
HM International participated in the project bidding of Yiwu Research Institute of Fudan University. Although it did not win the bid, this project is worth sharing with you.
Large Scale
复旦大学义乌研究院项目用地被义乌江划分为东西两个地块,东西地块分别位于义乌双江湖新区与义乌双江湖科教园区内。该项目规模之宏大,规划面积达 1287 亩,建筑面积达 61.8 万平方米,其中,地上建筑面积 52.5 万平方米,容积率达 0.61。
The project site of Yiwu Research Institute of Fudan University is divided into east and west plots by Yiwu River. They are located in Yiwu Shuangjianghu New District and Yiwu Shuangjianghu Science and Education Park. The scale of the project is large, with a planned area of 1,287 mu and a construction area of 618,000 square meters, of which the above-ground construction area is 525,000 square meters and the plot ratio is 0.61.
总体鸟瞰图 General Aerial View 传统与创新 Traditional and Innovative 我们期许未来的复旦大学义乌研究院的文化特质,应该是基于复旦大学深厚的文化底蕴并与上海海纳百川的海派文化及江南“鱼米之乡”的柔美文化高度融合。我们希望通过整合传统校园功能分区模式,重塑一个更为高效的复合化校园,目的是为复旦大学师生打造一个高效、活力、创新的未来校园。为了实现这一设计愿景,我们提出了四大设计策略。
We hope that the cultural characteristics of the Yiwu Research Institute of Fudan University in the future should be based on the profound cultural heritage of Fudan University and highly integrated with the inclusive Shanghai culture and the soft and beautiful culture of Jiangnan area. We hope to design a more efficient compound campus by integrating the traditional campus functional zoning model, in order to create an efficient, dynamic and innovative future campus for the teachers and students of Fudan University. To achieve the design vision, we propose four main design strategies.
“环水绕城、九宫经纬”。方圆呼应的设计哲学,体现了东西方文化融合。九宫格形成方城,城外四面环水。城内 80 米见方的网格形成尺度宜人的人文步行街区,方城与东侧圆形构图和谐统一,方圆呼应。
Nine palaces form a square city, surrounded by water on all sides. Inner 80-meter-square grid forms a pleasant-scale cultural pedestrian block. The square city and the circular composition on the east side are harmonious and unified, echoing the square and the circle.
The central axis starts from the main gate of the west block, extends from south to north, and then turns at Guanghua Lake; from then on, the axis starts to extend eastward, passing through Wangdao Garden, Wangdao Pavilion, Wangdao Golden Bridge in turn, and finally ends at Crescent Lake in the east. The scenes are progressive, each scene is unique, and the overall campus environment is beautiful and full of vitality. This ingenious design perfectly presents the scenes of "rising, carrying, turning, and closing" in traditional Chinese architecture. Therefore, this streamline is the magnificent "Golden Axis of View" of the project.
Aerial View of First Phase
利用西侧一栋 80 米高的主楼、一栋 71 米高的智慧塔以及东侧两栋 80 米高的双子楼,为整体布局确立三足鼎立之势,并成为区域地标。
An 80-meter-high main building and a 71-meter-high wisdom tower on the west, and two 80-meter-high twin towers on the east, the overall layout has established a three-pronged relationship and become a local landmark.
智慧冠 Wisdom Crown
For a building to exist in the future, it must be rooted in history. Therefore, the overall architectural style draws on the inclusive Shanghai culture of the old Fudan campus in Shanghai, as well as the Jiangnan elements in Yiwu. The architectural groups are coordinated with each other, but each is unique.
智慧塔夜景 Night View of Wisdom Tower
Although the site of Yiwu Research Institute of Fudan University is divided into east and west by the Yiwu River, they are a whole. The east plot is smaller and is used as the first phase of the first phase start-up area; the west plot is larger as the first phase, the second phase of the first phase start-up area and the second and third phase planning land. The horizontal and vertical axes are used to establish the planning structure, and the space and groups are rationally divided, and finally the rationality of the skyline, functional layout, open space, traffic flow lines and overall structure is achieved.
智慧楼 Wisdom Buildings 复旦大学义乌研究院方案设计传承了历史文脉、响应了服务国家的时代要求,打造了“研、学、城”三融合的湖畔院区,为复旦大学创建一流学科,成为世界一流大学,和国家“一带一路”战略结构性增长贡献新动力。
The scheme design of Fudan University Yiwu Research Institute inherits the historical context, responds to the requirements of the times to serve the country, and creates a lakeside campus that integrates "research, study, and city", so as to make contribute to Fudan University builds first-class disciplines and becomes a world-class university, and China national “Belt and Road” strategic structural growth.
General Aerial View
Project Information
项目名称/Project Name:复旦大学义乌研究院 Yiwu Research Institute of Fudan University
项目类别/Project Type:大学校园 University Campus
项目位置/Location:中国义乌 Yiwu, China
用地面积/Land Area:858,000 平方米 Square metre
建筑面积/Construction Area:618,000 平方米 Square metre
合作单位/Cooperation:华东建筑设计研究院有限公司 East China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
HM 华墨国际/HM International :胡斌 Bin Hu,蒋宇文 Yuwen Jiang,吴昊 Hao Wu,周敏杰 Minjie Zhou,王贤侃 Xiankan Wang,徐晗 Han Xu,汪旭 Xu Wang,李灏雯 Haowen Li
设计时间 Design Time:2021 年 5 月 May 2021
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