

2021 年 12 月,HM 华墨国际参加了武汉东西湖区金银湖学校规划概念方案设计项目投标,虽未中标,但这一项目的创作理念值得与大家分享。
In December, 2021, HM International participated in the bidding of the Jinyinhu School project scheme design in Dongxihu District, Wuhan. Although it did not win the bid, the creative concept of this project is worth sharing with you.
方案视频动画 Video
项目概况 Project Overview
项目区位 Site Location
东西湖区金银湖学校项目位于武汉东西湖区金银湖街道,北临府河,南临金银湖国家湿地公园。项目用地呈梯形,面积为 7.38 公顷,其中学校用地约为 7.22 公顷,总建筑面积达 7.9 万平方米。
设计概念 Design Concept
项目鸟瞰图 Project Aerial View
In the design of this scheme, we hope to link the high school campus and the elementary school campus by establishing spatial order and incorporating dynamic and diverse construction elements, so as to promote communication between students of different ages, and build a characteristic campus for learning and living for teachers and students. Therefore, we fully use of the benefits of the boundary of the site and transform it into a carrier of practicality to create a modern campus facing the future.
The scheme mainly takes "Double Dragons Locking Jade Green" as the design concept. The high school section on the west side of the site and the primary school section on the east side of the site respectively form two large architectural clusters, forming two reverse "C" shapes. They are like two golden dragons embracing the central green and open sports field and the ecological art corridor of the campus, and also well establish the boundaries of the east, south, and west sides of the site. The campus as a whole is open to the northern urban green space. As a transition node between natural landscapes and urban spaces, the campus appears as a stitched boundary from the urban dimension, echoing the urban characteristics of the surrounding site.
The design mainly focuses on the "Double Dragon Locking Green" concept. The high school on the west and the elementary school on the east form two building groups respectively, forming two reverse "C" shapes, which are like two golden dragons surrounded the central playground and the art ecological corridor. They also well establish the boundaries on the east, south and west of the site. Additionally, the campus is open to the urban green space on the north. As a transition node between natural landscape and urban space, the campus appears as a stitched boundary from the urban dimension, responding the urban characteristics around the site.
中央操场 Central Playground
A distinctive art ecological green corridor extends from the south entrance, and the green corridor passes through the entrance canopy, landscape art pavilion, leisure wooden chairs, and various characteristic vegetation landscapes in turn. It is not only a garden for teachers and students to display art works and daily communication, but also a green space for parents who pick up and drop off students to rest and wait. Parents can see their children running and playing through the balusters.
生态绿廊 Green Path
We use the "C"-shaped corridor to connect various functional spaces. The corridor runs through the campus like a river, providing a platform for public activities in the campus. Along the way, libraries, auditoriums, teaching buildings, sports fields, canteens, and dormitories, series of public spaces, are arranged.Individual buildings are enclosed to form courtyards of different sizes, some of which are also connected to underground courtyards. This design studies from the traditional "academy" design, and is also like a colorful open stage connected in series on the "C"-shaped corridor.The building group forms an open first-floor overhead space along the side of the urban road, the "academy" floats above, and various activity and auxiliary facility rooms form a flexible "box" here, where view and landscape are directed to city and street penetration.
空间功能爆炸图 Space Isometric Diagram
风雨连廊 Connecting Corridor
项目鸟瞰图 Project Aerial View
项目信息 Project Information
项目名称/Project Name:武汉东西湖区金银湖学校规划概念方案设计 Scheme planning and design of Jinyinhu School in Dongxihu District, Wuhan
项目类别/Project Type:中小学校园 Primary and secondary school campus
项目位置/Location:中国武汉 Wuhan, China
用地面积/Land Area:7.22 公顷 Hectare
建筑面积/Construction Area:79,000㎡
HM 华墨国际/HM International:胡斌 Bin Hu,蒋宇文 Yuwen Jiang,吴昊 Hao Wu,周敏杰 Minjie Zhou,王贤侃 Xiankan Wang,余煦怀 Xuhuai Yu,孙懿博 Yibo Su,李灏雯 Haowen Li
设计时间 Design Time:2021 年 12 月 December 2021