

Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl
新加坡滨海湾ParkRoyal Collection酒店,前身为新加坡滨海文华酒店。ParkRoyal Collection是泛太平洋酒店集团旗下品牌,以“生态时尚”闻名。本案同样具有品牌的鲜明特色,被称为“酒店中的花园”。
ParkRoyal Collection Hotel, marina bay, formerly known as Singapore Binhai Mandarin Hotel. ParkRoyal Collection, a brand of Pan Pacific Hotel Group, is famous for its "eco-fashion". This case also has the distinctive characteristics of the brand and is called "the garden in the hotel".
酒店的翻新保留了由新未来主义的美国建筑师约翰·波特曼 (John Portman) 的大部分设计,他独树一帜的风格相当具有辨识度,擅长将创新的手法和生态理念融入设计,造型独特的天窗、玻璃电梯和高耸的中庭而都是他的标志。
The renovation of the hotel retains most of the design by John Portman, an American architect of New Futurism. His unique style is quite recognizable, and he is good at integrating innovative techniques and ecological concepts into the design. The unique skylights, glass elevators and towering atrium are all his signs.
酒店高 21 层,中庭被设计为一片令人叹为观止的绿洲,郁郁葱葱的景观墙和人行道与海绵状中庭无缝交织,引人注目的天窗、弯曲的走廊和胶囊形状的电梯共同组成了如科幻电影一般的场景。
The hotel is 21 stories high, and the atrium is designed as a breathtaking oasis. The lush landscape walls and sidewalks are seamlessly intertwined with the spongy atrium. The striking skylights, curved corridors and capsule-shaped elevators together form a scene like a science fiction movie.
Overlooking, the hotel looks like a huge garden in the virgin forest.
Yingbin area has a whole vertical green landscape wall, the wall is made of plants in a cloud-like shape, and the ceiling above it is treated with landscape leakage, which makes this piece of green seem to pour down from the sky.
大堂位于 4 楼,作为酒店的中心,这里被设计为一个大花园,大堂内放置着一些木制“鸟笼”,作为供客人休息和交谈的凉亭。据说这里有5只真正的鸟,它们在大堂里栖息,悦耳的叫声环绕在整栋建筑中。
There are some wooden "birdcages" in the lobby as pavilions for guests to rest and talk. It is said that there are five real birds here. They live in the lobby, and their melodious calls surround the whole building.
酒店还有一个巨大的室外泳池,倒映着新加坡标志性的滨海湾天际线的壮丽景色。泳池受城市夜空的启发,配备了 1380 多盏夜间闪烁的光纤灯,随着天色变暗,室内的气氛变成了一个平静的避风港,雕塑般的凉亭像超大灯笼一样点亮,散发出柔和的光芒。灯光点点散落在水面上,置身水中,仿佛在星河中遨游。
Inspired by the night sky of the city, the swimming pool is equipped with more than 1,380 fiber-optic lamps that blink at night. As the sky darkens, the indoor atmosphere becomes a calm haven, and the sculptural pavilion lights up like an oversized lantern, giving off soft light. The lights are scattered on the water surface and immersed in the water, as if wandering in the Milky Way.
The hotel is also committed to various environmental protection and sustainable development initiatives, such as the creation of "Roof Farm", which has opened a series of planting pools on the roof for planting crops such as vegetables, fruits and herbs.
臻享 · 时光 | 招商会展湾·希尔顿酒店
花林秘境 庭院通幽丨昊翔源 ·壹城中心9期展示区
踏浪而来,静享诗意美学丨滨江 · 天懿
让场地重塑新生丨星河 · 吉酒店
时光游走,鱼之旅程丨鹏瑞 · 天玥