

Pingliang Palace Longyuan is the first stage of the Pingliang Palace residential site being developed by China Jinmao in the Hexi District of Nanjing. The landscape design delivered by Place Design Group, uses the large park-like space enclosed by the buildings to create a rare expansive landscape, providing a rare broad horizon into the interior of the residential community.
The key to creating this distinctive expansive landscape lies in two specifically designed W-shaped avenues, weaving together a story of a water lily pond. The avenue begins from the water lily pond courtyard at the ‘community living room’ to the central courtyard, and flows through the water lily pond themed children’s play area.
As a shortcut across the community, the avenues connect in the air and on ground, creating a unique vertical perspective of the space, merging different functional spaces along the way. The avenue is both a viewpoint and a view in itself, enriching resident’s walking experience along the way.
* 地面W步道的一部分运用两侧地形抬高的设计,结合镜面不锈钢壁面,使空间更具趣味性。
* Part of the ground avenue uses elevated topography design combining stainless steel feature walls to create an interesting tunnel effect in the space.
The main entrance courtyard is a relaxing ‘community living room’ facing the large central lawn. As a distinctive feature in the community, the structure complements the style of the W avenue, providing a comfortable green space for residents with multiple seating areas that can satisfy both quiet stays and group gatherings.
The water lily sculpture was custom designed with careful considerations to the choice of materials, colours, shape, lighting and placement. At night, the water lilies and the sculptures create a soft and quiet atmosphere on the flowing water surface.
W步道终点的儿童游戏场地延续了 “睡莲池塘”主题,结合具有故事性的儿童科普认知墙、科普知识互动装置等,创造了与睡莲池相关的多样化互动场景,调动儿童的兴趣和探索意识,让孩子们在游戏中认识自然,从而起到潜移默化的教育作用。
Also inspired by the theme of "water lily pond", the children's playground at the end of the avenue provides a variety of interactive and educational designs such as infographic storyboard for children to explore and learn about nature in play
A complete 800-meter running track is designed around the community with exercise spaces and facilities, providing spaces for different age groups.
The sunken garden adds another a green space for the community to stay and socialise. A highlight is the recycled railroad tiles incorporated in planting beds and seating benches. Due to the special nature of the railroad tiles which have been infiltrated with engine oil over time, another type of wood is layered on the seat bench to preserve the warm and rustic feel of the space whilst ensure adequacy for daily use.
项目极富特色的大尺度景观空间设计与变化丰富的社区开放空间设计使其得以在竞争激烈的行业盛事中脱颖而出,在近期获得了第六届REARD全球地产设计大奖 - 居住类景观铂金奖。同样由普利斯设计集团担纲景观设计的平良上府璟园目前正在有序落地中。
The project's distinctive landscape and varied community open space design was what made it stand out in the highly competitive industry event, awarded Platinum in the Residential Landscape Design category at the 6th REARD Global Design Award. Second stage of the development, Pingliang Palace Jingyuan which is also designed by Place Design Group, is currently under development.