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天津绿城·桃李春风样板间丨中国天津丨SWS Group

2022/08/19 19:59:31
天津绿城·桃李春风样板间丨中国天津丨SWS Group-0
Tianjin is a living modern history. Every street and every building seems to be telling the story of the last century. Tianjin culture that can be seen everywhere make Tianjin’s "Ten Mile Foreign Market" unique, and you can meet the fashionable night Tianjin. This case is located in Tuanbowa, which is famously known as the Lung of Tianjin. Located at the junction of Tianjin Dagang, Jinghai and Xiqing districts and counties, the scenic area is full of reeds and water plants, and there are many birds. It is also called "Qianlong Lake" because Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty once visited here.
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由 SWS Group 硬装团队打造的意境之作,西式典雅与江南水乡完美融合,代表着东方哲学的禅意点缀清丽婉约的高雅生活方式。在屋里烧一壶好茶,点一柱沉香,春雨绵绵,躺于小院摇椅上赏雨,空寂无闲思。波光烟霞、游鱼青石、三街四巷,颇有“春水碧于天,画船听雨眠”的意境。
The project of the SWS Group hardcover team, artistic conception created by elegant is perfectly integrated with the Jiangnan water town, representing the Zen embellishing the beautiful life style of elegance and graceful. Burn a pot of good tea in the house, Light a stick of agarwood, the spring rain is continuous, lie on the rocking chair in the small courtyard and enjoy the rain, empty and silent. Waves and haze, swimming fish and blue stones, three streets and four alleys, have the artistic conception of "spring water is blue in the sky, painting boats listening to the rain".
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Stepping into the living room leisurely, the collision of tones, the interlacing of lines, and the different materials form an eye-catching. The space is dominated by white with a touch of olive green. Light curtains, warm wood, cheerful metal, and calm stone, in the calm atmosphere of white paving, volatilize respective physical properties, combined with the appropriate size of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Bright and spacious modernist architecture.
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The second floor is designed as a private space, with master bedroom, children’s room, master bathroom and second bedroom. Rhythmic lines, graceful and agile, pure white and marble primary colors outline a broad perspective, people also be infected by this scene, carefully taste the space language, and integrate the sound of wind and birds into nature and harmony into the beauty of daily life. The way to live in harmony with life is the multi-dimensional intersection of nature, art and culture, which is integrated into space design and product value.
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When East Meets West 海派东方双意境 “在二三十年代,这里是十里洋场,所以我们用 Colonial 加入中式的 Art Deco 来诠译空间,着力体现出主人低调、隐贵的人生态度。”客餐厅使用传统大气的黑檀木填充了墙面分区,清晰的留白框架则为空间建立了秩序与韵律,用鲜亮色彩点缀的同时亦不会令固有气氛抽离,结合热情跳动的中国红装饰细节,让归家的舒适感增添了些许生命力。
In the 1920s and 1930s, this was a ten-mile foreign market, so we used Colonial to add Chinese-style Art Deco to interpret the space, and strive to reflect the owner’s low-key and hidden attitude towards life. The traditional and atmospheric ebony wood fills the wall partitions, and the clear blank frame establishes order and rhythm for the space. Embellishing with bright colors, it will not take away the inherent atmosphere.
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The second floor is a quiet and comfortable private area. The large-area wooden surface structure can relieve the visual fatigue very well. After a day of work, close to nature and breathe the unique rosin of wood, making people enter a state of self-relaxation. Enjoy the tranquility and warmth of home.
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The children’s room adopts the style of a small artist, and the multi-functional display lockers are placed with easels, books, and toys. When children’s interests come, they can be free and unrestrained here, and stimulate children’s endless creativity.
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天津绿城·桃李春风样板间丨中国天津丨SWS Group-56
设计总监:邬斌 李建国
硬装设计:SWS Group
设计团队:王磊 黄崇波 乔滢浩 成云
效果表现团队:陈宇栋 夏子诚 浦兆荣
Floor Plan
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C 户型
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C 户型
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A 户型
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A 户型
SWS Group 是一家致力于建筑设计、室内设计、软装设计和艺术品研发创新应用的科技型企业,秉持“空间改变生活”的企业使命,为客户提供建筑、室内、软装、艺术品设计的产品和服务的综合解决方案。成立至今,我们已为国内外领先开发商、运营商、酒店管理公司提供一站式设计服务,与国内外多家知名企业和品牌商建立了长期战略合作伙伴关系。先后为新鸿基、九龙仓、香港置地、绿城、万科、中信、华贸、华侨城、陆家嘴、上海实业、金桥集团等领先企业提供全案设计服务。
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#SWS Group 作品入选:英国 2022 SBID Design Awards
天津绿城·桃李春风样板间丨中国天津丨SWS Group-80
#SWS Group 作品入选:意大利 2022 THE PLANAwards
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