杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计

2023/03/01 09:29:11
The Yungu Campus of Westlake University, situated in Hangzhou’s Xihu District, occupies a plot area of 900,000 square meters with a gross floor area of 913,000 square meters. The campus is organized in concentric circles, with the teaching and research areas at the core and a front square, a living area, and a sports area surrounding them. A circular water system is integrated into the design to connect the natural, academic, and living loops organically. The campus is master planned in a holistic manner and built in two phases.
▼一期校园整体夜景,Night view of Phase I construction
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-4
The first phase covers a land area of around 422,666 square meters and a total construction area of 456,000 square meters, including an academic research island, a front square cluster, a living area cluster for students and faculty, and apartments for temporary use by chair professors.
▼校园主轴线整体鸟瞰图,Aerial view of the main axis in the campus
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-8
Despite the large scale and complicated functions, the first phase of Westlake University’s Yungu Campus was designed and constructed in about four years, including two years amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Architectural Design and Research Institute of Zhejiang University (UAD) mainly managed the entire design process and achieved innovation in various aspects, such as high-standard design, high-quality construction, and high-efficiency operation and maintenance.
▼校园一期主轴线航拍,Aerial view of the main axis of the campus’ phase I construction
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-12
A romantic ecological “Water Loop”
The master planning incorporates the existing rich water resources on the site and, through boundary optimization, creates a Water Loop that divides the campus into two functional areas: the central academic research area on the island and the living facility area off the island.
The Water Loop serves as a versatile landscape belt that encompasses public platforms, communication areas, and landscape elements on both sides. It functions as a main axis to connect all functional structures such as the main research and teaching buildings, thereby serving as a dynamic unifying force for the campus. It represents the heart of the master plann, and its presence helps to mitigate the impact of vehicle-induced ground vibrations, which occur on the road surface outside the Loop, on the highly-sensitive laboratory equipment on the academic research island.
▼学术科研岛整体鸟瞰图,Aerial view of the academic research island
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-20
In the first phase, the buildings constructed on the academic research island are arranged in an anti-clockwise manner around the auditorium that serves as the central point. Those buildings include the Laboratory Animal Center, the Basic Medical Science Building, the Life Science Building, the Science Building, and the Engineering Building. The second phase will entail the construction of three individual buildings: a scientific research center, a teaching center, and a library center. Once completed, these structures will complete the academic research island.
▼核心科研岛模型,Model of the academic research island (gif.)
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-24
The design team preserved the natural flowing direction of the water system on the site while readjusting the shoreline to create a complete water loop from the previously irregular water system. They implemented water treatment measures based on a principle that combined the construction of a water circulation system and the restoration of the water ecological system, to increase biodiversity and maintain a high water transparency. The Water Loop also functions as a water detention facility similar to that of a Sponge City, contributing to the improvement of the campus’s ecology.
▼学术会堂与学术环,The auditorium and the Academic Loop
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▼亲水平台与学术环组团,A waterfront platform and the building cluster in the Academic Loop
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▼由水环望向核心区学术环组团,View of the buildings in the Academic Loop from the Water Loop
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▼浪漫的水环与学术环组团建筑,The romantic Water Loop and the Academic Loop cluster
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-34
A sophisticated Academic Loop
The Academic Loop in the campus’s core area is the largest single scientific research complex in domestic universities, which can accommodate 300 principal investigators of various disciplines and 4 public experimental platforms upon completion.During the design process, the design team had multiple face-to-face meetings with every principal investigator to ensure that the project is available for scientific research once completed.
▼核心区群体鸟瞰,Aerial view of the core area
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-40
The layout of the four colleges within the Academic Loop considers not only the personalized requirements of each principal investigator, but also possible future changes to the laboratories and the adaptability of the space. Therefore, the design adopts a standard 10.8 x 9.6 meters column grid, and sets the height of the ground floor and the second to fourth floors as 7.2m and 5.2m respectively, so as to accommodate varied laboratories and offices with different requirements for room size and ceiling height. Additionally, modular design is applied for equipment pipeline wells, traffic system, and bathrooms. The roofs are integrated with the architectural form to conceal and install rooftop equipment of varying sizes, thereby forming a holistic fifth facade.
▼核心区学术环组团航拍,Aerial view of the Academic Loop in the core area
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-44
The circular public platform, which has a diameter of approximately 500 meters, contains a quadruple-height space, providing an open area that is seamlessly connected to the four colleges. The authority has granted approval for adopting special firefighting measures in this area, thus allowing for an informal and uninterrupted space for study and communication without the need for fire-resistant shutters, and preserving the integrity of the space.
▼中央花园与学术环,The central garden and the Academic Loop
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▼学术环与会堂夜景,The Academic Loop and the night view of the auditorium
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▼学术环入口大厅,The entrance hall of the Academic Loop
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▼学术环共享空间,A shared space at the Academic Loop
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Visually appealing campus environment
The campus utilizes a color palette of grey and white, inspired by the local features of Hangzhou in the Jiangnan Region. Different buildings in various areas are decorated with colors that correspond to their functions and locations to distinguish them visually. The architectural volumes and functions are tailored to align with the university’s positioning as a small yet unconventional and sophisticated world-class research-oriented institution. The Academic Loop cluster, located at the campus’s core area, features the combination of zigzag UHPC claddings, glass and aluminum plates, creating a modern, open and grand image unique to university research buildings.
▼校园主轴线望向学术环组图,The Academic Loop viewed from the campus’ main axis
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-60
▼学术环内广场夜景,The night view of the inner square of the Academic Loop
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▼基础医学楼与生命科学楼,The Basic Medical Science Building and the Life Science Building
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▼生命科学楼局部造,Part of the Life Science Building
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▼UHPC高强度混凝土挂板,UHPC claddings
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The auditorium has a colonnade formed by 60 evenly divided drop-shaped enameled steel columns, with each column rotating at the same angle in one direction, thus creating a hall characterized by both modern dynamism and classical rhythm. With a capacity of 1,200 seats, the auditorium is available for a variety of activities.
▼庄重典雅的学术会堂,The refined and grand auditorium
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-72
▼富有韵律的水滴形柱廊,The rhythmic water drop-shaped colonnade
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▼学术会堂门厅与柱廊,The lobby and colonnade of the auditorium
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The building cluster around the front square, including the main campus entrance, the academic exchange center, the administration center, and the service center for students and faculty, utilizes a polished white granite finish, which matches the UHPC claddings used in the campus’s core area. The building cluster at the living area, on the other hand, features grey-white finishes made of inorganic mortar. By using different materials, the cost is effectively managed while also creating a campus image that is both uniform and diverse.
▼校园主入口南门,The South Gate, which is also the main entrance of the campus
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-80
▼水环两岸的建筑,Buildings on either sides of the Water Loop
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The utilization of BIM throughout the project’s lifecycle
The design team employed Building Information Modeling (BIM) throughout the entire project lifecycle to effectively manage its vast volumes and complex spaces, which has provided essential technical support to ensure the completion of a high-quality project. During the design process, the team established a multidisciplinary collaborative platform to develop a detailed and comprehensive pipeline design and optimize special spatial nodes. In addition, digital rehearsals during the construction phase enhanced construction efficiency while minimizing errors. During the operation and maintenance stage, the BIM information system supports electromechanical equipment maintenance and facilitates spatial management.
▼一体化设计分析,Holistic design diagram
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-88
A sustainable campus with 3-star green buildings
Westlake University is a campus that not only thrives from but also blends harmoniously with water. As the first university in Zhejiang Province to be awarded the 3-Star Green Building certification by China’s Green Building Evaluation Label program, the project highlights sustainability in every aspect of its architectural design. The comprehensive building exterior system, which serves various functions such as maintenance, shading, and energy conservation, is designed in a way that reduces energy consumption. Moreover, the ventilation and air conditioning systems meet the specific requirements of each laboratory, including indoor temperature, humidity, air cleanliness, and air flow speed, through a precise control system that ensures laboratory safety and improves the laboratory environment. Upon its completion, the campus was certified as a 3-Star Green Building.
▼水平连续的学术环遮阳挑板,The shading roof of the Academic Loop spreads out in a level and continuous way
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▼学术环夜景局部,The night view of part of the Academic Loop
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▼水环创造出独特的科研岛,The Water Loop contributes to a unique academic research island
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▼食堂与水环绿坡,The canteen and a slope near the Water Loop
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-100
A friendly campus with high accessibility
The Yungu Campus of Westlake University is an inclusive campus designed to cater to the needs of everyone. Smart road signs and service facilities are incorporated to help students and the faculty easily navigate their way to classrooms and laboratories. The campus features a road system with zero height difference, providing a safe and enjoyable environment for running, walking and driving. With the support of the China Disabled Persons Federation, the design team has exceeded standard accessibility requirements, making Westlake University the first higher education institution in Zhejiang Province to be recognized as a demonstration project of accessible design, and bringing it on the first list of the top ten accessible design projects in China. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China has also recognized the campus as a merit project in the construction of an accessible environment.
▼宁静的学术会堂,The tranquil auditorium
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-106
▼优美的科研工作环境,Pleasing environment for academic research
杭州西湖大学 | 高颜值的生态智慧校园设计-108
In May 2017, the first phase of the Yungu Campus of Westlake University was initiated, and construction commenced in April 2018, culminating in its completion at the end of 2021.To effectively serve the project, the UAD established a strong team of professionals, led by principal architects, chief architects, and chief designers from various professions. The team systematically analyzed multiple technical issues, coordinated with more than 200 team members throughout the entire process, and collaborated with construction parties, the client, and other partners to ensure project completion. Since it was put into use, the first phase of the campus has received significant attention from society, fully highlighting the innovative spirit and uniqueness of this small yet sophisticated, research-oriented private university that aims to pursue high standards since its inception.
▼总平面图,Master plan
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▼地下室平面,Basement plan
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▼一层平面,1F plan
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▼二层平面,2F plan
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▼三层平面,3F plan
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▼四层平面,4F plan
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▼屋顶设备层平面,Rooftop (equipment floor) plan
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Project information:
Project name: Westlake University (Yungu Campus) Phase I
Commissioner: Westlake University Construction Command Office
User: Westlake University
Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Site area: 422,449 square meters
Gross floor area: 456,501.2 square meters
Design firm: The Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University Co., Ltd. (UAD)
方案设计:HENN 海茵建筑
Schematic design: HENN
Start time: May 22, 2017
Completion time: December 28,2021
Photography: Zhao Qiang, Li Yi
Design leaders: Dong Danshen, Li Bing
Project leaders: Chen Yu, Fan Xuzhuang, Kuang Yang
Architectural design: Dong Danshen, Li Bing, Chen Yu, Fan Xuzhuang, Kuang Yang, Ye Changqing, Hu Huifeng, Zhang Yuansheng, Zhu Kai, Chen Bing, Xu Xinhua, Yu Haitao, Peng Rongbin, Wang Hao, Wu Yun, Wu Songlin, Xu Gaoting, Jiang Shengtao, Xu Sun, Liu Qing, Huang Weiwei, Zhang Ziquan, Huang Diqi, Ma Bo, Wang Yuxuan, Liu Jianing, Li Li, Zhang Danfeng, Yu Zhaobing
Structural design: Xiao Zhibin, Shen Jin, Qian Lei, Wang Jun, Cheng Ke, Li Li, Wang Chengzhi, Xie Liao, Pan Qingxiang, Wei Jieqiang, Kong Huawei, Zhang Jie, Zheng Xiaoqing, Ling Jiayan, Chen Xiaodong, Dong Kai, Jiang Xiao, Li Shaohua, Ding Lei, Kong Xiangdi
Water supply & drainage: Chen Ji, Yi Jiasong, Yong Xiaolong, Chen Fei, Zhao Jieqin, Xi Bin, Fu Jialin, Wang Jinghua, Wang Xiaohong, Fang Huoming, Lin Lujia
Electrical design:Zheng Guoxing, Feng Baile, Li Ping, Wei Qiang, Ding Li, Yang Kai, Fan Hongjian, Zhang Wei, Wang Bin, Deng Zhouning, Zhang Lingyan
HVAC design: YuLilun, Guo Yinan, Qiu Yu, Wang Yalin, Ma Yanbin, Sun Yihao, Ren Xiaodong
Interior design: Li Jingyuan, Fang Yin, Chen Yuxiong, Liu Beilei, Tian Ning, Zhang Ci, Lu Xiaoling, Wang Guancui, Chu Ran, Liu Xinyun, Jia Ru, Kong Xiang, Yu Zhixiang, Huang Lixuan, Lin Yunhui, Huang Jianghui, Sun Jun, Lu Hongying, Tian Fengchang, Li Ning
Curtain wall design: Bai Qi ‘an, Yang Dongyan, Xiang Chun, Hang Fei, Chen Dong, Yu Ping, Dou Lisha, Zhang Nan, Jiang Qianyang, Jiang Qi, Ge Minxia, Cao Dongqiu, Zhang Moran, Tao Shanjun
Smart design: Yang Guozhong, Li Xiangqun, Chen Jia, Lin Hua, Ye Minjie, Ni Gaojun, Hou Yujie, Yuan Xiaonan, Wang Lei
Landscape design: Xia Jiming, Lin Jianhai, Gao Hei, Zhu Jing, Wu Jina, Zhang Beibei, Li Wenjiang, Xu Hui, Li Rushi, Sheng Chaoyun, Shu Hong, Zhang Fei, Huang Jingyi, Tang Dandan, Shen Haitao, Zhang Li, Fang Junjie, Ying Qiao
Municipal engineering: LouDanyang, Yang Huazhan, Jia Shengqiang, Lan Wenwen, Shao Kaikai, Sun Liangfeng, Zhu Min, Zhou Hua, Sun Zhe, Wang Heyang
Foundation pit maintenance: Chen Yun, Chen Gang, Zhu Jiancai, Xin Lei, Gu Jiacheng, Chen Gang, Zhan Hong, Pang Jie, Xu Quanbiao, Zhou Qunjian
Civil air defense design: Wang Shubin, Jin Jieke, Dong Jie, Hu Yijia, Huang Danli, Zhou Saihua
Stage design: Chi Wangang, Chen Yong, Chi Jiabei
Construction economics: Sun Wentong, Zhang Ying, Meng Ruiqin, Shuai Zhaohui, Zhe Qianbo, Wu Jiali, Zhou Yongjie
Flood lighting design: Wang Xiaodong, Song Luoying, Huang Xiaodong
Other design collaborators:
Landscape scheme design: WES Landscape Architecture
Flood lighting scheme design: RDesign International Lighting
Academic Loop design: Dracon
Special gas pipeline route design: Huchen Engineering Co., LTD
Reagents room and special gas room design:Zhejiang Titan Design & Engineering Co., LTD.
Laboratory animal center design: Shanghai Kaichun Clean Room Technology Engineering Co., Ltd.
Micro-and Nanotechnology laboratory design: The IT Electronics Eleventh Design & Research Institute Scientific and Technological Engineering Corporation Limited (EDRI)
BIM design: Damo Data Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.
Accessibility consulting: Institute for Accessibility Development, Tsinghua University
Bridge design:Shanghai Urban Planning & Design Research Institute
River water purification design: Hangzhou Lvyi Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
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