

Life is like a dream, but what I put in is true.
项目地址 Project Loction|吴江私人会所
项目面积 Project Area|900㎡
设计时间 Design Time|2021 年 8 月
设计机构 Main Designer|月和设计
原创设计师 Original Designer|陶丽萍
Taking life seriously and enjoying time is the only way to live a life worth living. This clubhouse enriches life with rich functions and discards burdens in a minimalist form, so that people can’t help but slow down and feel the pleasantness of the years.
玄关 Entrance hall 方正的玄关秩序井然,在线灯的勾勒下空间感更强。艺术品兼具实用与欣赏价值,彰显着空间调性。
The square entrance is well ordered, and the sense of space is enhanced by the outline of the line light. The artwork has both practical and appreciation value, highlighting the tone of the space.
客餐厅 Guest Dining Room
The spacious space is divided into living room, dining room, and tea tasting area, and different areas are either separated by glass blocks or simple furniture as partitions to create a constant interaction effect.
客餐厅 Guest Dining Room
Ligne Roset 沙发床 Prado 自由随性,可自如组合,舒适而富于变化。墨绿色的 Le Club 扶手椅线条轻盈优雅;经久不衰的瑞士家居单品 The Easy Armchair 藤编材质清新温润,造型简洁,美得毫不费力。它们不经意间将空间的舒适自在彰显得淋漓尽致。
Ligne Roset sofa bed Prado is free and easy to combine, comfortable and rich in change. The dark green Le Club armchair has light and elegant lines. The Easy Armchair is a timeless Swiss home furnishing piece made of fresh and warm rattan, with a simple and effortlessly beautiful shape. They inadvertently bring out the comfort and ease of the space to the fullest.
客厅 Living Room
The elevated space raises the floor height and makes the space more atmospheric, while reshaping the light and shadow structure of the space through the glass window on top. The metal light fixtures fill the empty feeling of the space and also add delicate details.
宴会厅 Banquet room
The glass doors release geometric beauty with lines, and the hazy light transmission of the iridescent glass enhances the visual effect of the space. The blunt lines of the furniture give the space a gentle and comfortable living experience.
西厨&健身房 Kitchen & Gym
The space presents the convenience and efficiency of a gym and western kitchen in a modern way, with a minimalist layout that is advanced and functional.
楼梯 Stairs
Two glass windows bring natural light into the room, creating a bright environment; the hollow staircase divides the light, creating a beautiful sense of light and shadow staggering. The cat climbing frame makes full use of the sunlight here, creating a comfortable habitat for beloved pets.
起居室 Living room
The living room on the second floor is the owner’s private leisure area. The layout of one side of the space is clear and the functions are intermingled in a relaxed manner, depicting a picture of leisurely life.
书房展示柜容量充足,充实有序;由知名建筑师 Frank O. Gehrys 设计的纸板椅曲线曼妙,平添空间格调。
The study display cabinets are ample in capacity and orderly; the cardboard chairs designed by renowned architect Frank O. Gehrys are curvaceous and add style to the space.
主卧 Bedroom
满目的木质舒缓自然。空间素雅的基调下,北欧豌豆沙发的一抹黄色明艳动人,和 Ligne Roset ploum 沙发一起,用线、面、体,行云流水地组合出优雅、放松的空间氛围。
The wood is soothing and natural. Under the plain tone of the space, the Nordic pea sofa with a splash of yellow is bright and moving, together with the ploum sofa, using lines, surfaces and bodies, the flowing combination of elegant, relaxing space atmosphere.
客房 Bedroom
The bedroom is a perfect place for the spirit to relax. The bed couch is soft and comfortable, and the asymmetrical bedside lamp with a touch of spirituality decorates the space with care.
主卫 Bathroom
The gray and white space is depicted with the texture of the material, sparse and natural. The separated functional layout is more practical.
1F 平面布置图
2F 平面布置图
设计总监:陶丽萍(Ci Ci)(曾用名陶玥颖)
IP:苏州市工业园区金浦路 9 号设计小镇 J 栋 109