知末案例   /   商业空间   /   花店   /   栖间设计研究所

LOVE FLOWER ART 花店丨中国南通丨栖间设计事务所

2021/09/18 15:58:29
项目地址 | 江苏 南通
Project address | Yangzhou Jiangsu
设计团队 | 栖间设计事务所
Design team | Habitat interior design Office
施工团队 | 栖间装饰工程有限公司
Construction team | Habitat Decoration Engineering Co.,Ltd
主创设计 | April
Creative design | April
指导设计 | 炽一
Guide desingn | Chace
项目性质 | 商业空间
Project nature | Commercial space
完工时间 | 2021
Completion time | 2021
项目面积 | 70㎡
Project area | 70㎡
Simple,but requires concentration
LOVE FLOWER ART 花店丨中国南通丨栖间设计事务所-21
设计思考━━━DESIGN THINKING━━━花艺是一种特别的艺术,总是需要在颜色、形态、空间之间寻找平衡的美感。几何几花艺空间追求自然和谐、自我自在的状态,店内巨大的枝条能第一时间牵走所有人的视野。
Geometric flower space pursues natural harmony. A state of self freedom. The huge branches in the store can take everyone’s vision for the first time.
LOVE FLOWER ART 花店丨中国南通丨栖间设计事务所-24
LOVE FLOWER ART 花店丨中国南通丨栖间设计事务所-26
设计师在室内进行了大量留白,植物在其中也只汇聚于集中的位置,奶茶色墙面、暖色灯光拓展着人们的感官体验,这是一种都市里独特的视觉放松形式,但其本质也源自自然。The designer left a lot of white space indoors, Plants only converge in concentrated positions, Milk tea colored walls and warm lights expand people’s sensory experience, This is a unique form of visual relaxation in the city, But its essence also comes from nature.
LOVE FLOWER ART 花店丨中国南通丨栖间设计事务所-28
LOVE FLOWER ART 花店丨中国南通丨栖间设计事务所-29
每一片留白之处,我们都不限制它固有的作用。每个角落都可以或绚烂或朴实或单纯,可以有花朵、有树草、有人物,可以在这里享受花艺课程乐趣,或约二三好友喝茶畅谈,也可以静坐欣赏展览。We do not limit the inherent function of each blank space. Every corner can be gorgeous or simple or simple. There can be flowers, trees, grass and people. You can enjoy the flower art course here. Or have a chat with two or three friends over tea. You can also sit still and enjoy the exhibition.
LOVE FLOWER ART 花店丨中国南通丨栖间设计事务所-31
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