

项目类型 | 舞蹈教室
JR DANCE 位于成都天府新区麓山大道二段,工作室的目标是为新区年轻白领提供一个工作之余,能专业学习舞蹈,激发灵感的练舞空间。Jr dance is located in the second section of Lushan Avenue, Tianfu New area, Chengdu. The goal of the studio is to provide nearby young white-collar workers with a dance practice space that can learn dance professionally and get inspiration after work.
© 形在摄影 HereSpace
Taking into account the actual site conditions and the strict budget control from Party A. After an in-depth analysis of the various possibilities of the special-shaped spatial structure of the original site, we adopt the strategies of breaking up the original moving line, reorganizing the gray space, and enlarging the original advantageous space to give the new site a mysterious and profound spatial impression.
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舞蹈教学,需要空间有多样的可能性,在原始空间并不富裕的情况下,我们规划出三间功能完善的教室。大教室能容纳 40 人同时上课,另外两间教室分别负责视频拍摄和直播在线教学。即使学员在外地出差或者其他原因不能到教室上课,也能保证课程的正常进行。
Dance teaching requires a variety of possibilities in space. When the original space is not rich, we plan three fully functional classrooms. The large classroom can accommodate 40 people to attend classes at the same time, and the other two classrooms are responsible for video shooting and live online teaching respectively. Even if the students are away on business or cannot attend classes in the classroom for other reasons, the normal progress of the course can be guaranteed.
©形在摄影 HereSpace/我们用艺术涂料、PVC 地胶、玻璃隔断构建整个空间,材质的分区、引导,形体的对立、渗透,是关于空间秩序的主要表达方式。
We use artistic coating, PVC flooring, and glass walls to build and divide the whole space. The zoning and guidance of materials, the opposition, and the penetration of forms are the main expression of space order.
Through the control of spatial scale and reorganizing the traffic flow, we try our best to alleviate the previous tense spatial relationship in public areas while meeting the needs of teaching space.
After the user enters the space, with the deepening of the traffic flow, the emotion is rendered step by step.
©形在摄影 HereSpace/纯粹的空间形式配合可根据教学场景自由切换的灯光效果,打破空间的单一节奏,让空间与不同的使用者互动、对话。
The pure space form is combined with the lighting effect that can be switched freely according to the teaching scene. The space creates a profound immersion experience for users by interacting with them.
As a rising industry in recent years, the dance studio is also facing more and more challenges.
We hope that through effective and appropriate design, we can leave users with an impressive immersion experience and help operators better achieve their business objectives.
©形在摄影 HereSpace
项目名称:JrDance Studio
完成时间:2021 年
主创设计:曾崧 莫菲
项目摄影:形在摄影 - 贺川
H&Z SPACE 逅筑空间设计工作室成立于 2016 年,由曾崧和莫菲两位设计师共同创建,团队致力于小型商业、私人住宅领域的设计与研究。
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编辑 | Lisa
校对 | 清风
*本项目由逅筑空间设计投稿,标题、版式由 AXD 编辑制作,如需获取项目相关资料,请联系逅筑空间设计。