

项目区位 Project Location 西长安壹号地处京西门头沟新城,具有独特的生态资源优势,是未来首都西部城市消费新地标;项目南邻长安街西延线-金安路,位于金安路与门头沟新城主干道新城大街交叉口,S1 线轨道交通站点旁,交通极为便捷。
SUNAC Beijing West Changan is located in the new city of Mentougou in the west of Beijing in a unique natural settings. It is a new landmark of urban complex in the western region of the Capital in the future. The project sits next to the intersection of Mentougou Xincheng Street and Jinan Road, the west extension of Changan Street. The adjacency of subway transit station of Line S1 also offers a convenient traffic and accessibility.
Project Background
The project is a mixed use development including apartment, office and retail stores, with a variety of users and their diverse needs. The periphery of the site is an established vibrant commercial street, and the inner courtyard is a quiet nook in contrast. The inner courtyard is a rectangular space enclosed by high-rise buildings.
The design intention is to meet a variety of users’ needs and create a dynamic and occupiable space.
设计理念 DesignConcept
目标客群为当今社会主力军 90、95 后及年轻的企业群体,因此景观空间定位品质、简约、复合。对居住于此的人们,我们希望为他们提供有梦可做的忘忧所;对办公于此的人们,我们希望为他们提供躲避繁忙的忘忧所;对生活于周边的人们,我们希望为他们提供关怀生活的聚集所;项目从目标客群的现实情景出发,旨在打造一个可以抚慰内心的“森活”所,感受森林般自然而清新的心境。
The target customers are mainly post-90s and young entrepreneurs. Thus, the landscape space aims to be qualitied, simple, comprehensive. We hope to cater them with a vibe that helps ease their anxieties and provides them with a gathering place to celebrate lives. The project is also branded as a "Forest Life" place by creating a green garden filled with oxygen, sun and vegetation, as people feel natural and refresh state of mind like ‘being in a forest’.
简约设计 | 纯净体验
Simplicity and Minimalism
Due to both internal and external interfaces of the site, as well as multiple facade patterns of the buildings, we prefer the landscape to be simple and pure. With the minimum paving strips as the site base, everything else is just following and let them be. The selected elements, material texture, color palette and planting species make it easier for people to cool down in this space.
Vegetated only with tall trees combining low groundcover, the overall space looks clean and in rhythm. While tall trees could help hide the high-rise facade and reduce the pressive feeling like a well, people will be more benefited from sufficient shade and green embracement, celebrating ’Forest Life‘.
复合场景|品质生活 Lifestyles in Multiple Scenes
In the enclosed space, we fully manipulate the verticality to create more opportunities for open and diverse programs to meet the needs from wide-range groups of people. Soccer games on the wavy lawn, outdoor dining/workstation by the floating table, sitting on the back on the woven seat, playing and running in the vibrant fountain, the life scenes not only are set in vivid picture frames, but also are embraced by this landscape as the core highlight of the project.
Minimalismdesign language Introducemixedand open place for activities Forgetthe high-pressure city life Create a "forestlife" experience Enjoythe peace and beauty of life!
景观设计:Instinct Fabrication 本色营造
Project Name:SUNAC Beijing West Changan
Project Location:Mentougou District, Beijing
Project Type:Mixed-Use
Client:SUNAC Beijing
Landscape Design:Instinct Fabrication
Landscape Contractor:Chengmao, Beijing
Completion Time:Aug2021
Instinct Fabrication 本色营造
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