

墨菲西斯建筑事务所(Morphosis Architects)交通综合体新作——维亚利亚比戈综合交通枢纽站(Vialia Vigo Intermodal Station),日前已完工并投入运行。该交通综合体位于西班牙西海岸,旨在改造旧火车站,打造一个城市枢纽,连通高铁、公交、骑行、步行等多种交通方式,并创建一个充满活力的国际化都市中心,促进火车站的转型及地区的振兴。其设计不仅助力车站及其公共空间的大规模更新计划,也将为城市的未来发展添砖加瓦。
The Vialia Vigo Intermodal Station in the seaside city of Vigo on the western coast of Spain is completed recently. Morphosis Architects led the design transformation of the city’s local rail station into an energetic cosmopolitan center and multi-modal transportation hub. Morphosis’ work plays into the larger renewal of the station and its other public spaces, with future urban developments to follow.
▼项目与周边环境概览,overall of the project and surrounding environment
▼项目整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the project
The Vialia Vigo Intermodal Station transforms a former local rail station into an invigorated cosmopolitan center, playing the most significant role in urban renewal of the city.
Fostering geographical and social connections with high-speed rail, a retail mall, and the city’s largest public plaza.
▼由老城区看建筑,viewing the project from the old town
▼顶视图,top view
一方面,比戈高铁站作为一座多式联运的交通枢纽,为人们提供丰富的交通选择——它连接着从西班牙马德里至葡萄牙波尔图的新高铁线路,为进出比戈市提供更便捷的通路;同时与相邻的公交站、1,500 余个停车位的停车场、自行车道、步行道等相连,融入城市交通系统。
另一方面,它创造出一系列新的公共空间和商业空间,助力城市的社会经济发展——项目包括一个 3 万平方米的公共广场,内部设有滑板公园与运动场;以及一座拥有超过 125 家商家的商业中心,涵盖餐饮、零售、电影院等多种业态。
Supporting a range of mobility options, the station complex houses a new high-speed railway connecting Vigo to Madrid and the broader region, links to the adjacent bus station, 1,549-space car park, cycling lanes, and pedestrian connections. Vialia Vigo also supports the social and economic growth of the city with a variety of new public, retail, and commercial spaces—including a new 30,000m2 public plaza complete with skate parks and sports courts, and a bustling retail mall with over 125 shops and restaurants, cinemas, and grocery stores.
▼多式联运的交通枢纽,the station complex supporting a range of mobility options
▼屋顶细部,closer view of the top part
▼主入口鸟瞰,aerial view of the entrance
▼建筑细部,architectural details
▼北侧立面穿孔钢板细部,perforated steel details on the north facade
▼由入口广场看街道,viewing the city from the entrance plaza
▼巨大的屋檐与通往屋顶空间的楼梯,large eaves and the stairs leading to the roof space
比戈高铁站坐落于滨海山地之中,位于一处高差 17 米的狭长场地上,其高处靠近居民住宅区,低处紧邻比戈市中心北部。
这座 6 层高的建筑依地形而建,宽大的屋顶被塑造为开阔的景观空间,形成一个可俯瞰大海的公共广场,广场上以不同的图案铺装,结合本地植物,打造出多个活动区和休息区,并作为通往下层的入口。
Nestled into the mountainous coastal terrain, the station negotiates a 17-meter drop in elevation between a hillside neighborhood and Vigo’s city center. The expansive roof-scape of the six-story station and shopping center creates a public plaza overlooking the sea, patterned with native plants, activity areas, and pavilions providing entrance to the lower levels. Below the plaza, the shopping center is organized around a large atrium space illuminated by skylights and a multi-story window framing the port.
▼商业中心顶视图,top view of the shopping center
▼商业中心室内,interior view of the shopping center
▼中庭天窗,skylight of the atrium
▼扶梯与天窗,escalator and skylight
The main entry and drop off point for the train station, bus station, and shopping center occurs on the lower level, under an urban-scaled marquee featuring the station’s name.
The façade of the original station has been preserved, relocated alongside the new entrance to become a point of historical interest welcoming visitors to Vigo.
Embedded into the fabric of the city on three sides, the station’s full form is revealed on its north elevation, where the sweeping plane of perforated steel paneling creates a grand gesture along the main highway leading into Vigo.
▼屋顶公共空间概览,overall of public space on the roof
▼屋顶车站入口,entrance of the station on the roof
▼站台,station platform
▼屋顶滑板公园,skating park on the roof
未来,该项目还将在广场东侧建立一个公共枢纽,并修建一座人行天桥,连接更广范围的城市区域。它以火车站的复兴为城市打造了一个新的门户,不仅促进了比戈的经济增长和活力发展,也将引领周边地区走向未来。该项目由墨菲西斯、BDU Arquitectura、L35 及商业运营商 NHood 合作完成。
The project anticipates public connections at the plaza’s eastern edge and a pedestrian bridge now under construction connecting the lower areas of the city with the station.
The reinvigorating of the Vialia Vigo station creates a new gateway for the emerging city, catalyzing growth and vibrancy to lead Vigo and the surrounding region into the future.
Morphosis worked in partnership with BDU Arquitectura and L35 as well as their client, retail operator NHood, in the creation of the project.
▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial night views
▼入口广场夜景,night view of the entrance plaza
▼落客区夜景,night view of the dropping area
▼场地区位图,site plan
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
▼商业中心一层平面图,plan 01 – lower commercial
▼商业中心二层平面图,plan 02 – lower commercial
▼地下一层出发层平面图,plan B1 – boarding
▼地下三层车站层平面图,plan B3 – rail platforms
▼北立面图,north elevation
▼南立面图,south elevation
▼西北立面图,northwest elevation
▼东立面图,east elevation
▼剖面图 01,section 01
▼剖面图 02
section 02
业主:西班牙铁路总署 ADIF(一期),商业运营商 Nhood(二期)
场地面积:47,500 m²
建筑面积:122,550 m²
设计时间:2008 – 2012
建造时间:2012 – 2015(一期),2018 – 2022(二期)
创意指导:Thom Mayne
项目负责合伙人:Charles Lamy (Phase 1) ,Crystal Wang (Phase 2)
项目设计师:Hunter Knight,Daniel Pruske,Ben Toam
项目成员:Jessica Chang,Debbie Chen,Katherine Corsico,Kabalan Fares,Stuart Franks,Janice Kim,Jennie Matusova,Stephanie Rigolot,Go-Woon Seo,Aleksander Tamm-Seitz,Natalia Traverso Caruana
数字技术团队:Cory Brugger,Kerenza Harris,Stan Su,Atsushi Sugiuchi
项目助理:Fredy Gomez,Ibrahim Ibrahim,Darlene Ifeorah,Ilko Iliev,Matt Lake,Eric Lawler,Owen Merrick,Eric Meyer,Jean Oei,Danny Ortega,Yugin Sim,Alan Tai
可视化制作:Jasmine Park,Josh Sprinkling
合伙建筑设计:B+ DU Estudio de Arquitectura
合伙设计负责人:Begoña Diaz-Urgorri,Leon Benacerraf
合伙项目建筑师:Alicia Berenguer
合伙项目团队:Alicia Bautista,Manuel Cifuentes,Elisabeth González,Martín González-Garcés Mediero,Teresa Goyarrola,Borja Herrero,Eider Holgado,Agustín Sánchez,Esther Vidal
联合建筑设计:Coot Federico Sotomayor (Phase 1),L 35 (Phase 2)
项目管理:Riofisa Sau
结构工程师:Fhecor,Luis Casas
MEP 工程:Inypsa Sa
Associate Architect:Coot Federico Sotomayor (Phase 1),L 35 (Phase 2)
Project Management:Riofisa Sau
Structural Engineer:Fhecor,Luis Casas
MEP:Inypsa Sa